Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 12, 1984, Page 5, Image 5

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    Portland Observer, September 12. 1964. Page 5
Joe "Heart" Keller. Entertainment Editor
M illie J a c kso n plays S e a ttle
National recording artist Millie Jackson will be appearing (or three nights
at Seattle s Empire Plaza lounge Jackson will be presenting two shows per
night, Thursday Sept 20, 7 and 11 p.m ., Friday Sept 21. 8 and 11 p .m .,
and Saturday Sept 22. 8 and 11 p.m The Empire Plata Lounge is located
at 820 M artin Luther King Blvd South, Seattle, W ash. Tickets are »13 in
advance and *1 5 at the door Tell a friend and carpool up to the show For
more info, call 1 206-322 4396
A fric a n dance classes
M aster Drum m er Bruce Sm ith will hold African dance classes for 12
weeks at the Pacific Academy for Performing Arts located on the fourth floor
of the Pythian Building 1918 S W Yamhill) Cl sa s es will be held every Tuesday
and Thursday beginning at 5:30 p.m . until 7:00 p.m . There is a *5 fee per
class For more information call 285 1092
S u g g e s tio n s ?
Bud Clark. Portland's mayor-to-be. relaxes at a barbeque held In his
honor at the home of Qall and Lew Winchester (left). Queets Kappy
and Skip Bracken look on (right). Clark will speak on "Homelessness
in Portland" at Baloney Joe's at 10 a.m. on Sept. 13th. The show will
air live on KBOO
(Photo: Richard J. Brown)
Now that the summer is over and we await a long winter. It is time to start
planning indoor events B E A N , is interested in knowing the kind of thing
you would like to see or hear that you feel will help keep the community and
the city united and growing together As stated before, Portland Is fast
becom ing an entertainm ent headquarters, but the support has to com e
from you, the public That is why w e call for your Input. If you have any
suggestion, please write to Joe (Bean) Keller, Entertainment Editor, P o rt­
land Observer, 2201 N. Killingsworth 97217.
C o m p le te E n te rta in m e n t Services
• Managing
• Booking
•Proftct Layout»
• Program Coordination
• Dancers
• P A Equipment
• Lighting
•Disco Unit b D J
j< N o e iH M S t n a s i avinu < • pobhano oo ig o n • z n w n
Sept. 14th thru 20th
The Raphael House of Portland will be holding its third annual "For the
love of family auction, Saturday. September 15, 198«, beginning at 6 00 p m
at the dow ntow n Masonic Temple, 1119 S W Park. Tickets are * 5 each and
can be purchased at the door by sending a check to Raphael House Auction,
P .0 B om 10797 Portland. OR 97210 For more information call 222 6607
T h e N o rth e a s t Y W C A , at 126 N E Alberta, will hold an open house on
Saturday, September 15 from 10 a m to 2 p m. Interested people are invited
to come and meet the new director, D elores Sezer and the class instructors,
to see the facilities and w atch dem onstrations in Karate, Self defense,
Aerobics and Yoga Call for more information and a free schedule of classes.
Fri. A Sat.................................................................... Crazy 8 ’s
.................................................................................... Manteca
Mon................................................................ Jo and Jomalics
Fues........................... ................................................razy 8 s
............................................................................. Cloud Africa
....................................................................................... C O S .
288 5173. Fall term begins September 10.
Contact Joe (Bean) Keller • Home 232 9871 • Office 283 2486
Support our
O m e g a Psi P h i F r a te r n ity . In c , w ill s p o n s o r th e Fourth Annual
Albina Neighborhood Waikathon. Saturday, September 15, 198«. 12 noon
at Irving Park The route goes 6 miles through Albina Proceeds will go to
community service groups All able bodied men, women, and children can
participate by picking up a sponsor sheet form and asking contributors to
donate pei mile w alked l.y the participant. Forms may be picked up by
calling phone number 2 8 / 9188 For information or sponsor sheet delivery,
call Al Mouton at 2 8 / 91881eve I. oi 230 58391 (lays)
The Black U n ite d F ro n t
T eenage Care P ro je ct - 2329751
A Public Service of the Portland ( R nervtr