A Portland Observer. September 12, 1984, Page 3 PORTLAND FARMERS MARKET METROPOLITAN Fresh, local produce, lower • »¡c than retail prices, at Portland y / y Farmer's Market. Saturdays, CETA replacement program opens by lanua Duke G R A S S R O O T N E W S . N. » — On F riday, Sept. 7, the P rivate In ­ dustry t ouncil (P IC ) announced at a press conference th a t its doors were open to manage the develop­ m ent, im p le m e n ta tio n and c o o r­ dination ol a local employment and training system PIC w ill im plem ent the new Job T ra in in g P a rtn e rsh ip A ct (J T P A ) that replaced the IO -year-old C o m ­ prehensive E m p lo ym e n t and Training Act (C E TA ). Vern Ryles J r., c h a ir o f PIC's board o f directors, said Ihe private sector w ill ca rry out jo b tra in in g through a partnership w ith the city o f Portland. " W it h a re duction o f 20 percent in resources, we w ill make the jo b tra in in g e ffo rt m ore e ffe c tiv e and e fficie n t,” said Ryles. Ryles added that the focus w ill be on job placement. “ We w ill place as many people in fu ll-tim e em ­ ployment as we c a n ," he said. PIC w ill close down the Northeast C E T A and replace it w ith the Youth E m p lo ym e n t In s titu te . C om ­ m issioner M argaret S trachan said the form ation o f the institute reflec­ ted a true com m itm ent to the needs o f m in o rity yo u th in the c o m ­ munity. Computer-aided instructions w ill help youth upgrade their basic skills, obtain GF.Ds, and train in job search, as well as teach work w orld expecta­ tions and jo b placement. N. Williams b N.E. Knott 284 7868 Food stamps OK The site fo r the in s titu te has not been fin a liz e d , n o r has an e m ­ ployer advisory group been formed The budget is $267,000, w hich in ­ cludes fu n d in g fo r fo u r s ta ff m em­ bers, rent, on -th e -job tra in in g and com puter softw are to help place a m inim um o f 60 youth Ryles said the in s titu te w ill not meet the needs o f all youth, but PIC is c o m m itte d to tra in and place a percentage o f hard-to-place youth M a y o r Frank Ivancie said the re la tio n s h ip between P IC and the Portland Development Commission is an " ir o n c la d way o f ensuring econom ic progress and jo b o p p o r­ tu n ity .” The P o rtla n d D evelopm ent C o m m issio n w ill m arket J T P A program s to em ployers. Once the co m m issio n contacts em ployers, P IC 's s ta ff w ill com plete arrange­ m ents le ading to custo m ize d training contracts or direct hires. Iva n cie called the p a rtn e rs h ip a "h a n d s across the sea re la tio n sh ip between p riva te in d u s try and the public sector.” LEW WILLIAMS CADILLAC 633 N E. 12th Portland. Oregon 97208 233-6451 >— C a d illa c A Recognized Leader in the Automotive Industry FIRST IN Thirty young Portlanders took time from their Saturday morning activities to attend a press conference at Pioneer Courthouse Square by Herb Cewthorne candidate for City Council. Cewthome presented to the youngsters his proposal for making Portland a "children first city." "This program Is not antl-anythlng....not anti-schools —It's pro schools....not anti business-It's pro business.. .not anti-govern mant services - It's pro-government services. A "children first" pro gram does not neglect the elderly. It protects the elderly end makes life safer for them ." Seattle has Initiated a kldsflrst program. The focus of city leadership will be to make Seattle a better piece for the young. (Photo: Richard J. Brown! I Don ’ e e iu e le s . w h e n you d e s e rv e Ih e best S lop by and v is it o ut s h o w ro o m or ce ll Claophas Sm ith 233 6461 11 «*•' p u l you m 1h«f d riv e rs seel lo d e y 98th ANNIVERSARY // , Buy. Sett or Trade I ' Anything of value 5600 N.E. Union 287 6330 M ost item s .st reduced pnce a 25% ,.50% OFF M ade-to-m easu re 4 0 % OFF and read y-m ad e draperies 3 0 % OFF Chouse hom hundreds ol ready made sizes and colors Both in assorted colon, te .ture s tabrics 3 0 % OFF All curtains Prints Solids Patterns Cape Cods Pris Cillas Panels Find what you re looking for ail on sale’ 5 0 % OFF R eady-m ade blinds Choose Irorn Skybriqht Open Hume and Highlight fashion blinds 3 3 % to 5 0 % OFF Shades • n it . S .-p l .’ •! Sem i-annual pad and pillow sale . . . SAVE 2 0 % to 5 0 % Fitted mattress pad is quilted tor added comfort and exlra protection Machine wash tumble dry Twin size 7 99 Regular $12 99 $5 99 Polyester ‘ codon tick 2 99 $9 99 Polyester till cotton polyester tick 5 99 $16 99 Feather t itton tick 10 99 5 99 Tubman school plans picnic Hock Shop SALE W in d o w /"* o v e rin g s C I $9 99 T«m title d m attress pad H arriett Tubman Middle School's fo u rth -a n n u a l “ all school p ic n ic " fo r parents and students runs next Tuesday (Sept. I l ) f r o m 4 p . m to dusk at P eninsula P a rk , 64(X) N. Albina Ave. fa m ilie s from about 60 Portland neighborhoods are expected at the p ic n ic . T u b m a n ’ s students come from all over ihe c ity to attend the P o rtla n d S chool D is t r ic t’ s o n ly magnet middle school. Value P restig e 911 Service 38% increase questioned C o m m issio n e r M a rg a re t D, Strachan, in a letter to State Public C om m issioner Gene M a u d lin , has expressed concern re g a rd in g the filin g o f a ta r if f by P a cific N o rth ­ west Bell that w ill affect 911 service. The City o f P ortland's Bureau o f E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n ic a t io n s currently receives and routes more than 650,000 911 calls fo r fire , p o lice and em ergency m edical dispatch. Strachan said her concerns cover the financial impact o f the proposed ta n tf on public agencies, Ihe linking o f 911 to measured business service, the lim ita tio n o f lia b ility assumed by PNB, and the absence o f public hearings on an issue o f statew ide importance. Ih e proposed new ta r iff is linked to measured service p ric in g , on which M audlin has recently declared a i ne-year im p le m e n ta tio n delay. A t present, o p tio n a l measured ser­ vice is available. In fo rm a tio n fro m PNB indicates th a t under the new ta r iff, the cost o f 9 1 1 basic service could increase by as much as 38 The a ctu a l a m o u n t o f increase w o u ld depend u pon w hether 911 agencies elect to u tiliz e measured service. " I do not believe that 911 service should be s tru c tu re d a ro u n d the assum ption that measured service w ill be a p p ro ve d in its present f o r m , " S trachan sa id . T here has been w idespread o p p o s itio n th ro u g h o u t the State to its im ­ plem entation, and in fact, the PUC C om m issioner has recommended a one year delay.” S trachan urged C o m m is s io n e r M a u d lin to delay any fu r th e r ac­ tion on the filin g u n til after public hearings have been conducted. Pertormanc Quality Comfort S A V E 3 7 % on O p e n H o m e b a th to w e ls Wrap yourself in softness These brightly colored t made of 100” cotton for plush softness super rt • your bath beautiful $13 99 Bath rug 22x35 inches • •• y < < 1 r H og $7 99 499 10 99 Sale ends Sept 22 Xi /- J X» * * u t e , v. a s h-JLr e 1 Limerick $450 OFF Gracefully-styled queen-size sleeper wilh 100°o cotton floral cover and matching wing Chair $599 99 Sola 349 98 Sale ends Sept 22 .................... , lr Sleeper and wing chair s®P prices total $1049 98 599’ * Condo $ 3 8 0 OFF Beautiful contemporary style 2 pr seating group consists ot luxurious sola and love seat $649 99 Queen sleeper 399 98 (Sale ends Snpi ??i Z4 unless O lheiw .se stated Furniture n.,t a vaila ble in M m co w Bend R oteburg Albany Cheha Available at your nearest Sears retail store H eg I ; Sola and loveseal $979 »pp p n c e s trita i 98 599’ 6 ■uw Z. i i Z, t I A „ ¿ r t / ”' SO W S