Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 12, 1984, Page 21, Image 21

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Twenty Job Service Employer Committees (JSECs)
advise and c r it iq u e the performance of the lo cal
employment o ffic e serving th e ir area.
cooperation with your lo ca l JSEC, each issue of the
Oregon Labor Trends features an a r t ic le of special
in te re s t to employers.
This issue and next month's issue w ill deal
with important facts and rumors concerning the
future of the Employment D iv isio n - s p e c if ic a lly ,
the Employment Service.
At th is w ritin g , there are
rumors that the current Federal a<*ninistration is
working toward devolvement of the United States
Employment Service (USES). As employers, you need
to decide i f there is a ro le for a national program
of some kind.
If so, what is that ro le ? We are at
a crossroad on the future of the Employment
Service. We need your input now more than ever.
We are taxing steps to insure fu ll discu ssion .
The f i r s t Region X JSEC meeting, hosted by Oregon,
w ill be held October 17-19, 1984 at the Jantzen
Beach Red Lion Inn, Portland. J S E C s from Alaska,
Idaho, Washington and Oregon w ill attend. JSEC's
w ill id e n tify and recomnend a lte rn a tiv e s fo r fund­
ing the Employment Service.
Anyone Interested in
attending p o rtio n s, or a l l , of th is Regional Meet­
ing can contact your local Employment O ffic e
Manager for further d e ta ils .
THE FACTS ARE: The Employment Service funding
fo r F is ca l Year T985 proposed by the current
Adm inistration and accepted by the Senate contains
zero d o lla r Increase in spending.
This w ill re s u lt
in a loss of s t a f f once I n fla tio n is considered.
The House proposed a 3 percent increase.
w ill not cover the predicted 5 percent in fla tio n a ry
THE RUMORS ARE: The Adm inistration w ill con­
tinue wTfh TtV program to phase out the United
States Employment Service.
This means the states
w ill pick up the operation i f they want to. John
Cogan, an o f f i c i a l with the O ffic e of Management
and Budget, hopes to present a zero budget fo r the
Employment Service in F is ca l Year 1986.
Fu rther, once the Employment Service is
elim in a ted , the UI system w ill be the next to
“devolve" to the sta te s.
None of th is mentions
employers tax d o lla r s .
One guess is that the
employers' taxes that finance the system (FUTA)
w ill be kept in Washington to help balance the
federal d e f ic it .
THE REASON: The Federal d e f ic it is c ite d as
the reason to get out of the Employment Security
Two years ago, we were concerned with the level
of USES base s t a f f nationwide.
Budget Cuts reduced
the USES s t a f f from 30,000 to the current nation­
wide level of 22,800.
While we agreed with the i n i t i a l cu ts , a d d itio n ­
al cuts are “ into the bone". During the month of
Ju ly 1984, we had 266 ES s t a f f .
These 266 people
took 14,569 job orders and placed 12,368 job
a p p lica n ts.
The next Employer's Corner w ill continue t a lk ­
ing about "The Future of the Employment S ervice".
REMEMBER: employers pay fo r th is se rv ice .
involved by p a rtic ip a tin g in the lo cal and state
level JSEC meetings.
Contact your lo ca l employment
o ffic e manager for further d e t a ils . □
The ¿983 Oregon Wage Information P u b lica tio n is
now a v a ila b le .' The occupatT'onaT^wage daEF are'com-
p ile d from various wage studies done in Oregon.
Over 330 coirmon occupations are lis t e d including
,982 employment, the sources of data fo r that occu­
pation, and various wage parameters (low, high,
q u a r t ile s , and an average).
The number of para­
meters shown varies by occupation according to the
representativeness of the data sources.
Tour copy of th is report may be ordered from:
Employment D iv isio n - RiS
875 Union NE
Salem OR 97311
P»U® 12 Job«, Section Two Portland Observer, Septembmf 12, 1984
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