W X ’i v Jobs TEM PORARY P A R T -T IM E A sso ciata C o n serva­ tion R epreeentatlvee Portland Office S e le c te d in d ivid u als w ill: 1. have a direct sailing or public c o n ­ tact experience; and, 2. have a car and pro­ vid e p ro of o f insur­ a n c e . P r e -q u a lifie d leads provided. Wage: Base plus commission. M ile a g e R e im b u rs e ­ ment. Applications now accepted in th e P o rt­ land office: Northwest Natural G as 220 N.W . Second Ave. P o rtla n d O R 97209 An Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and Minorities encouraged to apply. R E S ID E N T IA L YO UTH CARE W ORKER T em p o rary positio n, could lead to full-tim e p e r m a n e n t . V a r ie d days and sh ift For group hom e W o rk w ith ado lescen t fe m a le s , e m o tio n a lly d istru bed and d elin ­ quent. 1 4 .0 0 /h o u rly . Education and ex ­ p e rie n c e p re fe rre d Sand resume to: W W a ts o n 2301 N .W . G llsan P o rtla n d O R 97210 M IS C . FOR SALE S a te llite T elev is io n D o -it yo u rself $996 Deluxe $3,600 system, save $ 1 ,1 0 0 n o w . $ 2 ,6 0 0 for 10 days only. W e'll beat' any dealer's prioel 267 1060 Portland W arehouse • ■ .*• •• . . Classifieds Jobs IN V E N T O R Y C O N T R O L CLERK To maintain up to data inventory records for warehouse operations, receive, match, validate and post to in v en to ry records all purchase orders and receiving repo rts, receive, log, validate and post to inventory records all com­ pleted matenel requisitions, produce stock statue reports, perform routine darical duties inducing, phones, typing, filing and miac. other duties ss assigned. Qualified candidates must have a high school diploma or G.E.D. and a minimum of one year office experience, be able to type 46 w pm , inventory and general clerical skills h elpfu l. In terested persons should co n tact personnel in w riting no later than Thursday, September 13. R ogers C a b les ye tem 3076 N .E . S en d y Blvd. P o rtla n d O R 97232 Equal Opportunity Employer H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y O F P O R T L A N D E xe cu tive S e c re ta ry Works under general supervision of the Execu­ tive Director of the Housing Authority of Port­ land performs a variety of skilled secretarial and clerical duties. Interfaces with Board of Com­ missioners in person and by phone, arranges Board meetings, takes end transcribes minutes of Board meetings. Types letters and reports from notes and rough draft Maintains confiden tial files Exercises diplomacy in interpersonal relationships w ith sta ff, particularly in sen­ sitive matters Experience b Skills: • At least four years progreaarvefy responsible secretarial duties. • T yp e 80 wpm accurately. • Takes shorthand at 100 wpm. • Ability to work independently. • Ability to maintain harmonious relations with tenants, staff, and the general public. • Ability to communicate effectively orety and in writing. Reports to: E xe cu tive D ire c to r Pay Range: $7.18 - 9.28 per hour Make application at: H o u sin g A u th o r ity o f P o rtla n d 1906 N .E . 46th A v e n u e b etw een 8 :3 0 a m . and 4 :0 0 p .m ., M onday thru Friday HAP application must ba completed. Applications accepted until 4:00 p .m .. W ed nesday, September 19, 1984. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M /F jo » Classifieds P O S IT IO N A N N O U N C E M E N T In s tru c to r Annual Salary Range: $20,000-25,000 The Portland Private Industry Council has an opening for a Instructor at its Northeast Youth Instutute, which will be serving out-of-school youth between the ages of 16-21. Thia position will be responsible for designing and instructing GED and Com puter Assisted Instruction programs, and coordination with Portland Public Schools and other educational agencies Requirements include a degree in education, com puter assisted instruction, or other rele­ vant social service and teaching experience in GED program s. Q ualified applicants should submit a resume to: E. B auder P o rtla n d P riv a te In d u s try C o u n c il, Inc. 1120 S .W F ifth R o o m 400 P o rtla n d . O R 97204 Closing date Sep tem ber 26, 1964 Women and Minorities are encoura/fed to apply. An E.E. O./Affirmalive Action Employer. S E C U R IT Y /D IS P A T C H E R Rogers Cabieayetema has an immediate opening for a Securtty/Dispatcher to coordinate prompt and efficient actions in response to requests for service and ensure that the building is pro­ perly secured, receive co m p lsints/in qu iries concerning service, control access to build­ ing after hours, monitor all security monitors and fire alarm panel, coordinate timeiy comple­ tion of work pertainnig to service department High school diploma or GET with experience in CA TV service or related customer service field is preferred and tw o years of military, security or police w ork w ith a solid understsnding of security procedures. M ust be able to perform effic ie n tly under pressure situations, w ork non-standard hours including weekends and must be bondable Interested persons should contact personnel in writing no later than Friday, September 14th at the following address: ROGERS C A B LESYSTEM S 3076 NE S en d y Blvd. P o rtla n d O R 97232 EOE Jobs Classifieds 283-0090 , fa c tio n i w o ro m a n a uoaervar, oepiemoer iz, iU r J u ji. »k 3 '-a ’ ra g e . t *