Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 12, 1984, Page 13, Image 13

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Account Representative
Annual Salary Rang«: *18.512 20.842
The Portland Private Industry Council has an
opening for an Account Ropreaentatlve at its
Northeast Youth Institute, which will ba serving
out-of-school youth between the egee of 16-21.
s Q 0) .
This position will involve contacting employers
to develop job leads that will result in job place­
ments for youth completing training.
Requirements include at least 2 years experience
in marketing Must possess excellant commun­
ication skills. Background in public relations
desirable. Qualified applicants should submit
a resume to:
E. B aud er
Portland Private Induatry Council. Inc.
1120 S.W. Fifth Room 400
Portland OR 87204
Closing date September 26. 1964.
Women and Minorities ant encouraged Io apply
An EEO/Affirmative Action Employer.
*30.000 Starting Salary
Assist Financial Services Director in supervising
budgeting, accounting, reporting functions for
City's redevelopment agency with a *6 0M bud
gat. Desirable qualifications include CPA or
C M A , knowledge of accounting and auditing
principles; government budgeting; supervision;
skill in prepanng financial statements in accor­
dance with GAAP & GAAFR.
Send resume to address listed below Applies
tion deadline is September 28th
Central City Plan Manager
Senior level planning /development professional
to serve as m anager for C entral City Plan.
Manager will guide implementation of 2 H year
planning program covering Portland central
city area. Duties include overseeing staff and
consultants to complete comprehensive plan
ning and policy effort Manager reports to 15-
member Citizen Steering Committee
Applicants must have substantial experience
managing similar urban planning/development
programs, strong organizational and commun­
ications skills, budget experience, and proven
ability to work well with citizens, elected o ffi­
cials. public agencies. community and business
groups. D e a d lin e to a p p ly fo r m a n a g e r:
O c to b e r 1.1884
Admlnlatratlve Aaalstant
Seeking applicants to serve as administrative
assistant for Central City Plan AA will handle
d a y -to -d a y ad m in istratio n and support for
15-member Citizen Steering Committee which
oversees the planning
Applicants must have adm inistrative experi­
ence in similar capacity, and fam iliarity w ith
planning and development issues Prior exper­
ience as staff to appointed advisory group also
desirable D e ad lin e to ap p ly fo r a d m in is tra ­
tive aaalstant: October 16.1884.
Salary and benefits negotiable Qualified women
and minorities are encouraged to apply. Ap
plications available from
Don Barney Er Associates
Suita 802
«20 SW Fifth
Portland OR 87204
(603) 222-014«
• 14.780-418.116 Starting Salary
Econom ic Davelopm ant D epartm en t needs
secretary with top notch organisational, tele­
phone, clerical skills to provide support for a
variety o f projects inclu d in g an aggressive
business re cru itm e n t program and m ajor
development project.
Fill an application at the address listed below
between 9:0 0a .m . - 4 :0 0 p .m ., M /F .
Portland Development Commission
1120 S .W . Fifth Avenue. Suita 1102
Portland OR 97204
An equal opportunity/Affirmative Action
Jobe, Section Tw o Portland Observer, September 12, 1984 Page 3