Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 12, 1984, Image 1

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    " • ' ewapapar rtooa
so« L ib rary
NEW S FLASH: County C o m m it
sionar Gladys M cC oy added her
name to tha race for City Council
today, m aking tha total number
of candidates, to data. 10.
Pill poppin'
Page 7
smoke screens
Child sexual
Page 4
Volume XIV, Number 47
September 12, 1984
254 Per Copy
/ •• f v a a Bra« « . /«
Two Sections
American State Bank loses funds
h r Z anna Duke
On September 4. American Stale
(A S B ),
O re g o n 's
o nly
m in o rity b a n k , file d a m o tio n in
U .S .
D is tric t
C o u rt
fo r
Prelim inary Injunction and a T e m ­
porary R estraining O rd er against
m em bers o f the Reagan A d ­
Named as defendants are Donald
R egan, S ecretary o f the
T re a s u ry , D o n a ld
P. H o d e l,
Secretary o f the D e p a rtm e n t o f
Energy and Peter T . Johnson, a d ­
m in is tra to r fo r the B o n n eville
Power Administration (B P A )
ASB is challenging a decision by
the Treasury D e parim cni to divert
B P A funds p revio u sly deposited
through ASB into two o f the largest
ban king in s titu tio n s in the w orld :
the Bank o f A m erica in San F ra n ­
cisco, C a lifo rn ia , and ihe M e llo n
Bank in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The treasury said the change was
necessary to strengthen cash
m anagem ent practices w ith in the
federal governm eni in response 10
The Reagan adm inistration's Grace
Commission and Reform '88 objec­
tives. "This conversion is an example
o f our nationw ide plan 10 catch up
with the private sector by employing
ihe most e ffe c tiv e and m odern
School daza - Tha Hum boh School safety patrol sprang into action
at tha start of school
(Photo: Richard J. Brown)
collection system a v a ila b le ," said
Bruce E. Thom pson J r ., assistant
secretary for legislative affairs in ihe
Treasury Department.
O n Septem ber I , the treasury
began to n o tify
some BPA
customers to send their payments to
the banks in S o u lh ern C a lifo rn ia
and on ihe East coast.
Account w o rth 01.3 Billion
Since 1977, A S B has handled
B P A 's account. A S B deposits the
funds with ihe Federal Reserve Bank
within one day of receipt. BPA esti­
mates its deposits for fiscal year 1981
84 al more than S I.3 billion.
Venerable F Booker, president of
ASB, said in an affid avit, "A S B bas
used the B P A funds flo w in g
through its bank to establish loans
and tines o f cred it to sm all
businesses that directly and indirectly
resulted in over 8 0 0 jobs in the
Northwesi area. Those jobs resulted
in su b stan tial tax revenues to the
govern m en i. Each jo b creates 2.2
a d d itio n a l jobs and resu ltin g lax
»evenues Therefore, revenues to the
governm ent exceeds any savings
projected by ihe conversion.”
A t tha Expanse of M inority
Buslnaaa Entarpriaaa
through ihe M ino rity Bank Deposit
P ro g ram
Treasury Deparimcni to support the
development o f MBEs.
The program was developed and
fostered to im p le m e n t Executive
O rd er 11458 and 1625. Signed by
President Nixon and re-emphasized
by President Carter, Ihe order coor­
d in ated a n a tio n a l p ro gram to
strengthen and expand m in o rity
" T h e S ecretary o f C om m erce
shall c o o rd in a te ...t h e plans,
program s and o p e ratio n s o f Ihe
federal government which alfect or
m ay c o n trib u te to the estab lish ­
ment, preservation and strengthen­
ing of M B E s ," ihe order read
M in o rity banks were encouraged
to m arket th e ir services to the
governm ent and fed eral agencies
were urged lo establish depository
relatio n sh ip s w ith e lig ib le p a r­
ticip a n ts . A S B and the B P A had
such a relationship.
U nder Ihe Reagan a d m in is tra ­
tio n , the T rea su ry D e p a rtm e n t
has re in te rp re te d the g o v ern ­
m ent's M in o r ity Bank D eposit
" T h e M B D P , which was created
by p res id e n tial d irec tiv e and not
legislation, clearly places a higher
p rio r ity on the e ffe c tiv e m anage­
ment o f cash flo w than on bank
s e le c tio n ," said assistant c o m ­
missioner, Russell D. Morris.
In a m em orandum opposing ihe
Restraining O rder, Thomas C . I ee.
Assistant U .S . A tto rn e y , said
" P la in tiff (A S B ) has no 'legitimate
claim o f entitlem ent’ 10 have public-
monies deposited in il
banks were
e n title d
availability of excess funds from the
flow through as an asset base
The I reasury also ignored Ihe ob-
jeciio is ol Senators M ark H a tfie ld
and P >b Packwood, and Rep. Ron
W ydi n who requested the Treasury
to delay im p le m e n ta tio n T hey
noted a discrepancy in ihe projected
savings figures and queslio n ed
w hether the conversion w ould
originate in real savings.
D a v id R o y, a tto rn e y for A S B ,
said Judge James Burns inform ally
seni w ord lh a i be expects to deny
the m o tio n fo r a T c m p o ia iy
R e stra in in g O rd e r Roy w ill con
lin u e to pursue the m o tio n fo r a
Preliminary Injunction
ASB obtained the B P A account
Union fact finders examine Nicaragua
" W e plan lo break ihe Reagan
b la ck o u t and d is to rtio n o f ihe
tilu a h o n o f N ic a ra g u a 's w orkers
and trade u n io n s " asserted N ila
Brueggeman, Secretary Treasurer
o f Ihe Am algam ated C lo th in g and
Textile Workers (A ( T W U ), Pacific
N W J o in i B o ard , al a press c o n ­
ference held today al Ihe A C T W U
union office. Brueggeman is one of
fifteen West coasi labor leaders con­
ductin g a fa c t-fin d in g lo u r o f
Nicaragua next week
"R eag an 's attacks on Nicaragua
are cle arly aim ed at o verth ro w in g
that governmeni and may draw ihe
U .S . in to a fu ll-s c a le C e n tra l
A m erican w a r ," said Roger A u e r­
bach, past President o f the Oregon
Fed eration o f Teachers, the other
delegate fro m O reg o n
"T he
reasons given for (his C IA -w a r are
very questionable "
" C o m in g fro m a president who
specializes in u n io n -b u s tin g and
coddling big business in (be U S ,
we suspect Reagan o f doing the
C e n tra l
A m e r ic a ,"
Brueggeman charged The O regon
delegates claim ed that ihe U .S .-
backed "contras" seem to be trying
to reim pose a " u n io n - f r e e "
N icaragu a, a low -w age haven for
runaway shops from the U.S.
" W o rk in g people bear ihe bruni
o f this war drive They need in fo r-
inaiion they can trust, from leaders
w ho represent w orkers interests,
said Auerbach.
Joining Ihe labor leaders at the
press co n ference was C ity C o m ­
missioner M ik e Lindberg, recenlly
returned from Nicaragua Lindberg
c o n g ra iu a la te d the delegates fo r
su p po rtin g the P o rtla n d -C o r in to
sister-city cam paign. The tw o have
been authorized by several Portland
area union locals lo establish sister-
union ties belw enn U .S . and
Nicaraguan workers.
The d eleg atio n plans to in ­
vestigate these key questions:
• How
has the
N ic a ra g u a n
revolution affected the working and
City Commissioner M ika Undbarg (cantor) encouraged Nlta Broag
gam an (left) and Roger Auerbach (right) In their efforts to aatablish
slater - union ties batw aan U.S. and Nicaraguan workers
(Photo: Richard J. Brown)
living conditions of Ihe Nicaraguan
people? H ow are ihese conditions
im p acted by b oth the th rea t and
reality o f U.S. intervention?
• W hat is the state o f democracy
in Nicaragua today? W hat kind of
democratic participation lakes place
am ong
N ica ra g u an people th ro ug h the
mass o rg a n iza tio n s , the electo ral
process, etc?
• W hat is the role o f trade unions
in N ica ra g u a and w hat rights do
they have? H o w are trade unions
d e fen d in g
t Please turn to Page 2. Column 6J
Brandon and Joah Black of Scappo»« poaa wfth Traf. w lnnar of tha
Oragon Hum ana Soctaty'a “AM American M u tt" show at Lloyd Cantar
(Photo: Richard J. Brown)
Portland's Black TV Channel 23 wins AC E programming award
by l.a m la Duke
G R A S S R O O T N E W S , N .W ,—
" M y faith in the community's desire
for inform ation is well-placed!" ex­
claim ed producer A rt A lexander
when Black C o m m un ity Television
won a national award fix excellence
B C T V , C h an n el 23, received an
A C E cable T V aw a rd in the
category o f p ro gram m in g fo r a
special audience, com peting w ith
N e w a rk . New Jersey, fo r Black
comm unity programming, and with
San Francisco fo r gay co m m un ity
p ro gram m in g
Hosted by the
N a tio n a l
C a b le
A ssociation, the A C E aw ards are
the cable industry's Oscars
" P o rtla n d 's Black com m unity is
concerned w ith a w hole lot more
iban seeing Blacks singing and danc-
in g ," said A le x a n d e r. " I d o n 't
knock singing and dancing, but if I
have a choice between a band and a
speaker. I ' l l go w ith the speaker
iT ir r - 'x
* ».
There aren't many instances where
Black people have been slopped for
singing and dancing. W e are
frequently slopped from expressing
our points o f view and reaching
each other "
B C TV broadcasts the concerns of
(he local Black comm unity A daily
satellite feed from Black Entertain­
ment Television keeps Portlanders
tuned in to nationw ide trends and
events. When regular programming
hours end, B C T V offers viewers an
electronic b u lletin board o f en­
joyab le and constructive reading
w hile they listen to K B O , a Los
Angeles jazz station
Alexander also produces a lecture
series title d " T a lk in g B o o ks,”
where visiting and local Black
speakers are recorded for broadcast.
c o m p e titio n ,
Alexander .aid be produced a tape
o f m aterial that gave a " f a i r
representation of I be range of issues
A rt A laaandar. w inner of the national ACE aw ard for his program
ming of BCTV Channel 23.
(Photo Richard J . Brown)
■ M
• N _a
. a
and ideas covered by B C T V ." The
tific a lio n s that showed children
playing ,
co m m un ity
w alking dow n ihe street and at
w o rk , and a segmeni fro m Ihe
"T alkin g Book” lecture series.
" C a b le o ffers us one o f the few
opportunities we're going to have lo
reach a whole lot o f Black people,
w iih a w hole lot o f in fo rm a tio n ,
w ithout the heavy constrictions of
turning a p r o f it ," said Alexander
" M y concern with Black culture and
our future was fostered and suppor­
ted by many members in (he Black
com m unity."
Joyce H a rris , directo r o f the
Black E ducalional Center and con­
sultant to the P o rtlan d Public
Schools, said, " B < T V is the lifeline
o f our co m m u n ity . It shows an
honest reflection of who we are and
visions of who we wanl lo become ”
Hosier! by the N a tio n a l C a b le
Television A s s o c ia tio n , ihe A C E
A w ards are Ihe cable in d u s try 's
O scars, The Rogers system was
nom inated fo r seven aw ards, and
received three The olher tw o win
ning program s were Video V e n te
fo r Best in In n o v a tiv e P ro g ram
m ing, producer Ed G eis; and
Chrulm as at the Juniper tavern for
Best Single D ram a/D ance Program,
also prixJuced by Ed Gets.
" O n ly one o ther system in ihe
c o u n try placed higher than ours,
both in number of nominations and
aw ard s re c e iv e d ," says Rogers'
p ro gram manager Sarah B arn ett,
w ho accepied the aw ards fo r
Rogers' program m ing deparlm ent
" I think Ihe main reason we've been
able lo achieve this q u a lity o f
programming is tha’ our producers
care so much ab o u t th eir subject
areas— seniors. Black co m m un ity,
g o v e rn m e n i, and so o n ."