Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 27, 1984, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6 Portland Observer, June 27, 1984
Grace Collins
Memorial Center
Day Care
• Kindergarten
• Pre-School
'Latch Key Program'
Children 6 wks.
4 - y ear old kids at Grace Collina
M em orial Center learn how to
make cookies.
to 11 yrs.
• Bmkfae
6 :30 »m 6.00 pm
• Snadu
(Photo: Richard J. Brown)
S cu lptu re by A l Goldsby
U M M I T I I . a call (o action
in “ Support o f Black Single
M o th er»," convened by the P o rt­
land A lu m n ae C h ap ter o f Delta
Sigm a T h e ta s o ro rity , met w ith
enthusiastic response when the
doors o f the one-day conference
were opened S atu rd ay at the
Cascade C am pus o f P o rtlan d
Com m unity College
D e lta ’ s P o rtla n d
C h ap ter
President, Evelyn H airsto n, and
her committees, welcomed about
60 guests in clu d in g represen­
tatives o f a number o f local agen­
cies and organizations along with
single mothers there for the Sam­
pling o f inform ation and support
meant fo r them . H a irs to n and
Jeanne H artzo g, coordinator for
Summit I I , had stressed that the
conference was a beginning by
D ellas to b ring together other
structured and interested groups
to devise plans fo r concerted ac­
tion in the future.
Keynote speaker was Margaret
C a rte r, counselor at
Sylvania Campus. Describing her
ow n life experience as that o f
being a Black single m other
heading her household since
C a rte r
situ atio n as being, " N o t just a
race issue, but also an issue o f
gender and economics." Pointing
to statistics that show that
"F em ale headed families are the
biggest single com ponent o f
poverty in Po rtlan d,” Carter said
that " p ro g ra m s to help such
fam ilies to em p lo ym en t, in ­
creased incom e,
sufficiency are the single best and
most effective tactic for attacking
poverty in P o rtlan d." Carter also
drew attentio n to D istric t 18.
saying th at, " I t has the highest
voting record o f any d istrict in
the state.**
C a rte r exhorted those in the
audience who have tim e and
av ailab le means to become a d ­
vocates to , " U s e the system on
b eh alf o f someone else.” She
spoke o f buildin g " C o a litio n s
across color lines with people that
are similar to us with professional
qualifications.” Using many per­
sonal experiences o f bringing up
children as a single mother. C a r­
ter kept before her audience the
re a l-life w arm th th at can flow
from mother to children who are
allow ed to share the respon­
sibilities the mother bears in the
realities that face them as they
grow up. C a rter did not fa il to
remind her listeners to talk with
their legislators, to lobby, to help
d eterm ine what
" p ro d u c tiv e issues” fo r the
W orkshops at Sum m it II were
p le n tifu l, including financial
planning, housing, physical and
mental health services and others.
G . M a rie Dubbels o f W ad dell
and Reed, discussed m u tu al
funds, life insurance, income in ­
vestments and a range of plans to
assist a householder to make the
best uses for her money and life
Tha Sixth A nnual Your Zoo . . .and All That Jazz 1984 Concart Sarlaa.
Washington Park Zoo. every Wednesday evening from 6 : » to 8 30 Concert»
free with regular too admission
t9M Zoograss fam ily concart series at tha Waahlngton Park Zoo. Every
Thursday night from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Concerts and clogging demonstrations
free with regular zoo admission
T ha O regon Lung A ssociatio n w ill sponaor a Clean Indoor A ir A c t
celebration. Monday. July 2. 11:30-1:00 p.m. at Portland s Pioneer Court
house Square. In honor of the Oregon law designed to protect public health,
it will include a cake, snow cones, popcorn, balloons and lots of free Thanks
for Not Smoking" tent cards.
Burnalda C onsortium B anaflt C ountry w estern dance. June 30th at
9 p.m.. at the Pass Club. 17 S.E. Eighth. »10. Call 223 4322 for more infor
Housing A dvisory Com nglttaa m asting on July 3rd. (1) Siting criteria
for subsidized housing (2 )Proposed rental referral service. 3 p.m.. Room
154, City Hall
Lecture by S oftw are expert. Paul Lutua. Author of the Apple Writer pro
gram and Inventor of GraForth. a new graphics language, will speak in
OMSI's McEachern Auditorium, on 7:30 p m.. July 12th.
F at W o m a n 's B a c k p a c k A u g u s t 26 31. This beginners' backpack
eapacialy for fat women will loop around strawberry mountain above John
Day valley in Eastern Oregon. Easy days of 2-4 miles will leave time for
photography, flower identification, map & compass & other backpacking
instruction, as well as relaxing in tha sun beside high alpine lakes Sliding
scale fee of »275 330 includes all group equipment, food and mstruc-
tor/guides Ask about financial assistance Wild Women Adventures. P.O.
Box 583. Corvallis. Oregon 97339
"B le s s in g of th a A n im a ls " fo r h ou aep eta. Held at Tha Grotto, the
National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother, Sunday, July 1st at 3:00 p m
Owners and their housepets are invited to attend the free event held outside
in the park like worship area Dog owners asked to keep pets on leaah. In­
formation, 254 7371
Terrenes O 'D o n nell, en ew erd w in nin g w rite r, will discuss the art of
turning fact into fiction at the July 3rd meeting of Willamette Writers, at the
Imoenal Hotel. 400 S W Broadway, which is open to the public. A »Z50
fee for non members Dinner (»9 201 by reservations. 244 7664 or 244-5872
Program starts at 7:16 P.M
T h e P o lic e In te rn e l In v e s tig a tio n s A u d itin g C o m m itte e C itize n s
Com m ittee wB meet July 5th. in Room 154, City Hal. 1220 S.W. 6th Airaous.
After an executive session from 5 6 30 p .m ., the open session will begin at
6:30 p.m where cases »84-3. »»4 5 and »84 8 will be discussed
three-foot long metal fish w ill be
in the w a te rfa ll and in various
pools engineered by Roth to give
G o ld sb y’s art a n atu ral setting.
The whole sculpture will measure
ap ro x im a te ly 12 feet by 36 feet
when installed.
A busy sculptor, Goldsby and
his art w ill be featured at the
Sandpiper G a lle ry in Cannon
Beach each afternoon from June
29th through July 4th.
The Housing Authority of Port­
land was represented by Director
W .E . " B ill" Hunter. Hunter ex­
plained the services o f his agency
and discussed the availab ility of
current facilities, saying that the
ad m in is tra tio n
reduced the amount o f subsidy to
the housing program and the
number o f units that receive some
fo rm o f housing assistance. He
predicted that prices w ill be
wJl •
5 year old kids at Grace Collins
128 N.E. Russell St.
study hard on school w ork
before going outside to play.
Grace Collins
Memorial Center
MRS. C’s
M«ny_wlfl. piìoU «1 SS * 10 t>
(l-rl Linda Johnson. Black U n ited Front: C an d ld ata for S tata
Repreaentatlve Margaret Carter and Evalyn Harria. Praaldant of tha
Portland Delta Sigma Theta Chapter dlacusa aupport for Black single
(Photo: Richard J. Brown)
W "
Bitty CzBirw, Proprietor
higher fo r units o f low er stan­
H a rtzo g said she looks upon
Summit I I as having fu lfille d its
purpose by giving the P o rtlan d
C h ap ter o f Deltas a "c o re
group” o f presenters. “ They are
enthusiastic,” she said, "a b o u t
going on w ith the project
in itia te d
nation al
o rg a n iza tio n . W e can expect
them to help us build a larger
group o f advocates to assist the
Black single mother. The project
evaluations w ill be made on a
n atio n al le v e l," H a rtzo g said,
"before further planning is made
by local chapters of Deltas."
H E L L O Y D C o rp o ra tio n ,
L t d ., has announced the
start o f a m a jo r sculpture
fo un tain installatio n in the cen­
tra l m all (in fro n t o f M eier and
Frank C o .). The sculpture, to be
completed soon by A l Goldsby, is
a forged and arc welded bronze
creation Goldsby has designed of
approximately 36 salmon shapes.
An eagle perches high above the
metal salmon.
W illia m R oth, a landscape a r­
ch itect. has designed a white-
water situation for the metal fish
where water will splash and break
on natural rocks, small boulders
and sculpted form s. The two-to-
H E IR " F irs t Annual T e a ”
was a p resen tatio n at the
Cascade C am pus o f P o rtlan d
C om m unity College when m em ­
bers o f the P o rtla n d Branch o f
the N a tio n a l Association o f
U n iversity W om en entertained
last Sunday afternoon.
V ery new in the roster o f
P o rtla n d 's o rg a n iz a tio n s , this
N A U W P o rtla n d branch was
organized in October of 1983, by
Annette W ashington, who serves
now as the c h a p te r’ s first
president. W ith 19 mem bers,
currently, the group hopes to a t­
tract other q u a lifie d wom en to
join them.
T h e n a tio n a l o rg a n iz a tio n ,
once kn o w n as the N a tio n a l
Association o f College W om en,
was organized in 1910 by M a ry
C h u rch
T e rre ll
and W ash in g to n , D .C . , hom e. T h e
name-change came in 1974. The
P o rtla n d branch p ro gram w ill
begin in the fa ll to launch a
literacy program. Other interests
will be obtaining scholarships for
high school graduates, according
to W ash in g to n . O ffic e rs o f the
new N A U W include: Odessa
H e n d rix , vice president; June
Brown, 2nd vice president; Janice
M o rg a n , recording secretary;
D a rlen e
E as ly,
secretary; P au lin e B ra d fo rd ,
fin a n c ia l secretary; Rochelle
M cElroy, Treasurer.
Hair Products
" W e have eve ry th in g you n e e d ."
T .C .B .
C are Free Curl
N e w Era
S-C url
W o rld o f Curl
U -D o -lt
Special Feeling
A n d m an y m o re item s to choose fro m .
M R S . C ’s W IG S
707 N.B. Premont 281-6 5 2 3
Cleeed ten. * Men. OPIN Twee, thru Sat. 11:30 AM to S:00 PM
S u m m e r 198+
Ÿ, e M>ING IßEf
Union Ave. office completed
Renovation is now complete on a
long-vacant building at 3802 N .E .
Union Avenue, remodeled for use as
o ffic e space. The building adds to
recently completed other projects in
the Union Avenue corridor.
D u rin g the in itia l remodeling in
September of last year, a time cap­
sule put in place by the building's
o rig in a l
o w n e r/o c c u p a n t
C o n ten ts o f the
mahogany cigar box included a let­
ter w ritte n by o rig in a l owner D r.
E lla K. D e arb o rn , dated M ay 12,
1906, the year the building was erec­
ted. D r Dearborn had the building
constructed to be her home and of­
fice, fo r treatm en t o f women and
The building's first tenant, Bald­
win Sanitary Services, Inc. (ow ner,
Seona B aldw in), moved in on June
G en eral c o n tra c to r fo r the
b uilding is co-ow ner Paul S tickel.
C o n s tru c tio n is 958k co m p lete at
this tim e, w ith only some in te rio r
fin is h in g re m a in in g to be co m ­
B u ild in g re n o v a tio n was made
possible th ro u g h an investor
Rehabilitation Loan from the P o rt­
land Developm ent Com m ission in
the am ou n t o f $ 5 0 .0 0 0 . $ 1 0 4 .0 0 0
was made av a ila b e th ro u g h p a r­
tic ip a tin g len der U .S . N a tio n a l
' ■ io:»t*»Z'.x
j —
1 > ij
C n o iM A R y
T teee