Page 2 Portland Observer, June 20, 1964 Mathis picketed after refusal to apologize W /B o b L o fM aR Sixty demonstrators picketed and chanted "J o h n n y «old hi» soul for South African ■ o ld ," in front o f the C iv ic A u d ito riu m Sunday night a t Johnny Mathis appeared inside. T h e y were protesting the Black sin g e r’ s appearances in South A fric a , where apartheid segregates Blacks by taw. Avel M ayfield, spokeswoman for Portlanders Organized for Southern A fric a Freedom and co-director o f the A m e ric a n Frien ds Service C o m m itte e ’ s S o u th ern A fr ic a P ro g ra m , said th a t some o f the 3,000 concert goers who paid up to SIS for a ticket to the sell-out con­ cert appeared reluctant to go in after reading material handed to them by demonstrators " F o r us it was an opportunity to do some education and info rm the p u b lic ab o u t the U N c u ltu ra l b o y c o tt," she said. She described the d em o n s tra tio n by the diverse group o f Blacks, whites, young and o ld as " a very p ositive sign th at there is awareness across the board and it is so m ethin g we can build o n ." P o rtla n d e rs O rg a n ize d fo r Southern A fric a Freedom is part o f a nation w id e movement organized Protestar« picket In front of the Civic Auditorium Sunday to educate concert goers about apartheid (Photo: Kris Aftucherl in response to the U n ited N ations 1983 an n ou n cem en t o f a c u ltu ra l boycott o f p e rfo rm in g artists and athletes w ho appear in South Africa. Included on the U N ’s boycott list o f 235 athletes and perform ers are M ath is, Frank S inatra, The Beach Boys, Glenn Campbell, Earths K ilt, The Osmans and Tina Turner. South A fric a , trying to im prove its image, lures the entertainers with huge sums. F ra n k S in a tra re p o r­ tedly received SI .8 m illio n fo r his appearance at the South A fric a n gambling resort o f Sun City. Those w ho ap o lo g ize fo r th eir past appearances and refuse to re tu rn are taken o f f the lis t. Stephanie M ills , acco rd ing to M a y fie ld , ap o lo g ized and agreed not to return and then organized a b en efit co n cert; the proceeds o f which were donated to the Southern Africa liberation movement. M a y fie ld said th at P O S A F was unsuccessful in n e g o tia tin g w ith Mathis for an apology and a refusal to return. A t a press conference last week, P O S A F spokesm an Lenny Edwards said that " M a th is ’ concert supports a p a rth e id in d ir e c t ly ." M athis* m anager. S kip H ein ecke, replied that M athis "h as never sup­ ported and w ill never support apartheid." According to Heinecke, M athis was the first entertainer to s tip u late in his co n tra c t th at he w ould o nly ap p ear in fro n t o f racially m ixed audiences in South A fr ic a . E d w ard s p o in te d out the difference between appearing before a "s a lt and pepper au d ien ce" and ac tiv ely refusin g to su p po rt the apartheid regime P O S A F is planning to picket the July 2nd appearance o f Tina Turner at the M em orial Coliseum, although " W e are hoping to be successful in n eg o tiatin g fo r an ap o lo g y and agreem ent th a t she not re tu rn to South A fric a ," said M ayfield. P O S A F has received over 50 o rg a n iza tio n a l and in d iv id u a l en­ dorsements, she said, including city commissioners Strachan, Lindberg and J o rd a n , and co u n ty co m ­ missioner M cC oy, and several state leg islators. In a d d itio n , said M a y fie ld , K B O O radio has refused to play the work o f recording artists on the b o yco tt lis t, and is ch allen gin g o th e r P o rtla n d ra d io stations to do the same. Black United Fund promotes community self-investment by Luntta D u k r (l-rl Ben Prieetfy. BUF; BUI Wax. KBOO; Lennle Edwards. POSAF; and Elizabeth Gross. AFSC announce plena to picket Johnny Mathie' Portland performance. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) CURLS §25 GRASSROOTNEW S. N. W — T h e o rg an ized e ffo rt fo r self in ­ vestment is the main thrust and by laws o f the n atio n al Black U n ited Fund which places itself at the cut­ tin g edge o f change in the Black communities. The fund utilizes payroll deduc­ tions as its major source to create an economic infrastructure for money, sources and ideas to circulate within the community. D ana A ls to n , President o f the National Black United Fund, was in Portland, recently, conferring with M a ry A n d erson , President o f the Black United Fund o f Oregon. The fund started in 1968, in Los Angeles, and it did not take long for PERMS $15” HAIR CUTS $6°° Sham poo & Cond. 43.00 Open M o n .-S a t. 9-6, (By appt. onlyl JANAE'S HAIRSTYLES FOR Men and Women 4711 N. Interstate 249-8440 Iniroducing Pacific Power’s Eleclric Store. DANA ALSTON a n a tio n a l n etw ork fo r s e lf­ investment to establish itself in cities and com m unities across the coun­ try A lsto n said, “ The fund takes 3 years to get their foot in the door. It is a long-term developmental fund­ raising strategy. H o w well a fund does depends on a number o f fac­ tors. The strengths and narrowness o f the local U n ited W ay, the skills o f the organizers and the political atm osphere w ith in the local Black comm unities." She called the clim ate in Oregon prom sing. "W e feel we have attrac­ ted some very p o s itiv e , h ig h ly skilled people. That is a key element for grow th. Through creative ways o f fu n d ra is in g , I th in k the fu nd could raise a significant am ount o f m o n ey, even w ith a sm all population base." " W e are w o rk in g w ith fo u r organizations and hopefully will be in one by this f a ll," she added. Alston said each local fund sets its own priorities but they all center on a number o f concerns. " F r o m econom ic develop m ent, social justice and legal services, arts and culture, health and human ser­ vices.” T h e n a tio n a l fu nd is w o rkin g to w ard three objectives. They are creating a re v o lv in g loan fu n d to start new businesses in the Black c o m m u n ity , a land developm ent project to m aintain and secure u r­ ban and rural areas for the benefit of the local populace and building a relationship with the church to en­ courage it to become more involved in the economic and social change aspects o f the community. " A s long as we are dependent on the govern m en t, fo u n d a tio n s and c o rp o ra tio n s outside our c o m ­ munity for assistance, we w ill never have c o n tro l over o u r d e s tin y ,” Alston added T h e Black U n ite d F un d is also cred ite d w ith being am ong the organizations that broke the United W ay's monopoly on payroll deduc­ tions. " A lth o u g h they p ro m o te th em ­ selves saying, ‘O ne g ift w orks fo r a l l , ’ our research revealed th at a sm all percentage w ent to Black organizations that are controlled by Black people.” she concluded. DO YOU REALLY W ANT TO SAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL? W a oftar savings of up to 40% and mom on fme qoakty wonder and Hoaleaa products. plus large discounts on other baked goods Besides our every day low prices, w e feature m store specials daily Just look for the bar gam " signs on the displays m our store Discover tor yourself w fiat thou sands of sm art shoppers in the area have found You'll be amazed at the savings you make at our Wonder Thrift Shop! 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