Page 8 Secticxi I Portland Observer, June 6, 1984 Make-ahead picnic delights The coming o f what event marks the u n o ffic ia l opening o f the sum­ mer? Why outdoor picnics, o f course! Picnics play an im p o rta n t part in m any fam ilies * most pleasant memories, whether they take place in the b a c k y a rd , at the sandlot baseball game or a lush city park. Years ago, picnics required such elaborate preparation that the per­ son in charge o f the food was often to o tired to en joy the meal itself. N ot so today! The modern fam ily uses convenience foods and prepares some dishes in advance, leaving the actual day o f the picnic for festivities. Take the main course, for instan­ ce. W h y la b o r over a hot stove fry in g chicken when you can buy frozen fried chicken that rivals the taste o f that you m ake at home? P re p a ra tio n c o u ld n 't be sim ­ pler— the pre-cooked pieces are just warmed in the oven for about half an hour. Do this the night before the picnic while you prepare the accom­ panying dishes, then refrigerate the chicken overnight. S avo ry H a m and Swiss Spread goes w ell w ith frie d ch ick en , and can be served fro m a crock w ith crackers on the side. An easy, no­ cook mixture o f condensed cream of o n io n soup and a package o f so f­ tened cream cheese forms the basis o f the spread, which also contains a can o f deviled ham, shredded Swiss cheese, green o n io n , m ustard and pepper. L ik e the ch ick en , this spread can be made the night before your outing. A n o th e r good " m a k e -a h e a d " a d d itio n to the picnic menu is M a rin a te d V egetables, a creative alte rn a tiv e to the carrot curls and celery sticks generally served at pic­ nics. In this recipe, ca rro ts , cauliflow erets and green beans are cooked in condensed chicken broth with seasonings. Then lemon juice, sugar and pitted ripe olives are ad ­ ded and the dish is ch illed fo r at least six hours. T o com plete the picnic, serve a selection o f fresh fr u it. It w ill provide the ideal fin a le to a meal that can be made ahead w ith a m in im u m o f hassle — leaving you fresh and relaxed for the first picnic of the season! 2201 N. K illingsw orth pieces (3 cups) !A cup lemon juice % cup sugar I can (about 6 ounces) pilled ripe olives, drained ( I cups) In 10-inch sk illet over m edium heat, combine broth, bay leaf, basil and pepper; heal to boiling Add carrots, cauliflow erets and green beans; reduce heat to low C o ve r; sim m er 5 minutes or until vegetables are just tender. Add remaining ingredients; pour into shallow dish. Cover; refrigerate at least 6 hours. Stir occasionally. Remove bay leaf Serve with slotted spoon. M akes 7 '/i cups or 10 ser­ vings. Phone: 283-2487 FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Office b Business Letterheads • Business Cards Bulletins • Price Lists • Charts Newsletters • Forms • Flyers Envelopes »ADS PLACED Picnics can ba haasla-fraa with frozen fried chicken and make ahead dishes such as Ham and Swiss Spread and Marinated Vegetables. Lean Ground Beef S a fe w a y Q u a lity B eef N ot To E x c e e d 2 3 % Fat C o n te n t Save 39< P er P o u n d Boneless Turkeys M A R IN A T E D V E G E T A B L E S I can (1 0 Vi ounces) condensed chicken broth 1 medium bay leaf 2 teaspixins dried basil leaves, crushed 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2 cups diagonally sliced carrots 2 cups cauliflowerets */> pound green beans, cut in 2-inch Salvation Army band to grace festival T h e S a lv a tio n A r m y ’ s Rose F estival Hand w ill be in concert Saturday, June 9, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. They will be playing at the Portland Tabernacle Corps, 1785 N .E Sandy Boulevard. This band, which w ill be m arch­ ing in P o rtla n d ’ s Rose P arad e early that same day, is made up o f the P o rtla n d T a b e rn a c le Hand, bandm aster Steve S m ith and the Sacramento, California Band, band­ master Gordon Damant. Joining the band w ill be the Singing Com pany fro m the Salvation A rm y's Pocatello, Idaho C o rp s. This group o f young vocalists will also be participating in the parade Also, a group of women playing tam bo u rines in unique Salvation Arm y fashion will add to the musical evening. Concert tickets may be purchased by calling 234-0825 or may be pur­ chased at the door. Cost o f tickets is $ 3 .0 0 fo r ad u lts and $2 0 0 fo r ch ild re n under 12 and senior citizens. I Pork Spareribs Small. Lean Sides ,?159 A rm o u r G o ld e n S ta r 3 To 7 -P o u n d S ize Save 29 Per P o u n d D e lic io u s ly Ph m p W h o le Beef Round Tip W h o le B eef In A Bag A p p ro x . 10 -P o u n d s Save 92 Lb. Dark & Lovely elax-A H A M A N D S B /.S.S SPK EA I ) I can (10 '/» ounces) condensed cream o f onion soup I package (J ounces) cream cheese, softened I can (about 2 ounces) deviled ham 1 cup shredded Swiss cheese 2 tablespoons finely chipped green onions I tablespoon prepared mustard I /8 teaspoon pepper In medium bowl of electric mixer, g ra d u a lly blend soup in to cream cheese. Beat just u n til sm ooth (overheating makes spread thin). A d d h am , Swiss cheese, green onions, mustard and pepper. C o v e r; re frig e ra te at least 4 hours. Serve as a spread with assor­ ted crackers. Makes about 2 'A cups. A.M. PRINTING CO. K No Limit Save 72c A vailable At S afew ay 6 / 6 Thru 6 /1 2 At 6 4 0 0 N In te rs ta te . 8 0 0 2 N Burlm qton 5 9 2 0 N.E. Union & 1100 N.E. B roadw ay on ly. Sales Lim ited To R etail Q uantities a 'U1|NI’ // v . x INI I’DIINI! Mustard Greens SAFEWAY Compadres Tortilla Chips Chunk Light Tuna Asst'd Varieties, 16 Oz. Bag Pacific Friend 6.5 Ounce Can Tree Top Applesauce Original, 25 Oz. Or Natural. 24 Oz. Jar 2,.s1 Bulk Musili ooms Bed Bine Tomatoes Sweet Bing Cheines fiipe Watermelon Santiai? GREEN Santiam Green Beans Cut Or Sliced, 16 Ounce Can c 49 3,.s1 Kraft Velveeta Campbell's Soup CREAM OF CHICKEN Or Cream Of Celery. 10.75 Ounce Can Single Cheese Slices, 16 Ounce Cream of Chicken so : p 3,.s1 I