• ________________________ Portland Observer. June 6, 1984 Section I Paye 7 Delegation urges Dutch to refuse Cruise A deleganon of U.S. theologians and religious leaders will call on the Dutch government this week to refuse deployment of the controver­ sial Cruise missiles because they are a threat to global security and a serious obstacle to resuming arms talks An urgent, last-hour appeal w ill be made to the Dutch Am bassador in Washington. The in ter-faith delegation w ill meet with Ambassador Richard II Fein at the Dutch Embassy (4200 Linnean Ave , N W ) at 3 p.m Wednesday, followed by a 4 30 p.m . news conference by the religious leaders at the Rayburn House O ffic e Building (House Armed Services Committee Hearing Room N o. 21 18). The news con­ ference convenor w ill be Rep Baptists issue plea for peace Leaders of the Baptist Conven­ tion of Nicaragua have issued a pastoral letter to “ our C hristian sisters and brothers throughout the w o rld " to stop " th e death and destruction plotted against us" by the U .S adm inistration and its C IA "The administration of the rich­ est and most powerful nation ...is blocking, attacking and destroying the life aspirations of our people," the letter says. “ In recent weeks, in­ discriminate bombings of peaceful villages have increased, with a loll of deaths and casualties which in ­ cludes tiny children." The United States has been backing guerillas opposed to the lef- ist Sandinista regime. Patricia Schroeder, D.Colo. " A lth o u g h our delegation represents a wide range of religious beliefs and exp erien ce," said Stephen C ary, Philadelphia, “ we speak with one voice on this crucial question: We call on the Dutch people and the Dutch government to say 'yes' to the future with peace and security by refusing to accept the Cruise." Cary is chairperson of the American Friends Service Commit tee. Other members of the delegation include Dr Harvy Cox. Cambridge, Mass., H arvard D iv in ity School; Rev. C.J Malloy, Jr., Washington, D C ., Executive Secretary. Progressive National Baptist Con vention; Rev. Benjam in Alicea, Professor of Church H isto ry, Reformed Church in America, and a Dean at the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Jersey, and Sister M ay Lou K onw acki, E rie, P a .. Chairperson o f Pax C h ris ti, the C atholic Peace Organization The Dutch Parliament is expected to vole sometime in June on whether to accept and deploy 48 Cruise missiles as part of a larger N A T O plan to deploy Cruise and Pershing I I missiles in Western Europe The Dutch government is under constant U .S . and N A T O pressure to accept the Cruise despite opposition by 63 percent of the Dutch population. " T h e Cruise, because of its S lim m e rs S alon potential lirst-sinke capabilities, is a threat to peace in E u ro p e ,” Cary declared. "H o llan d 's refusal to ac­ cept the Cruise would not be a sign of anti Americanism, but rather a sign of common sense and hope A 'no' to the Cruise in the Netherlands could help break the arms spiral and pave the way for resumption of East West negotiations in Geneva.” The 63 percent Dutch opposition figure is according to a poll conduc­ ted by the Dutch government in February this year Many members o f the Dutch Parliam ent are op­ posed to the Cruise, but some Dutch government o fficials and some Parliament members are worried that rejection of the Cruise will be seen by many as anti American FredMeyer. W e ig h t loss and exercise center g u a ran tee d to lose 6 8 pou n ds per w eek and (eel good N on allergenic diet su p p lem en t Electric exercise m ach ine A lso. Body W ra p and Face Lift 1634 N E 7th Phone 287 3288 Pl«««« call tor a p p l Open 7 Oays A Week 9AM to 10PM Prices Good Wed., June 6 thru Tues., June 12. 1984 G reat meals and g re a t savings start a t your Fred M e y e r store Restaurant-Quality Delicacies MEYER'S DELI Nicaraguan doctor to speak here Saturday, June 9th, at 2 p .m ., Fremont United Methodist Church is inviting all to a Nicaragua Update by Gustavo P arajo n , M .D . D r. P arajon is a physician from Nicaragua and a lay pastor at First Baptist Church in Managua. He is a founder and president of C E P A D , Evangelical Committee for Aid and Developm ent, which is a Church W orld Service agency providing assistance in housing, education, health, pastoral training and assistance to local congregations. D r. P arajon is director o f Provadenic ...a clinic program providing medical services to the poor. The Fremont United Methodist Church is located at 2620 N .E . Fremont. D r. P arajon w ill also speak at Parkrose United Methodist Church, 11111 N.E. Knott, on Sunday, June 10th, at 3 p.m . He w ill focus on C E P A D (Evangelical Com m ittee for Aid and Development) and the needs of the people of Nicaragua D r. P a ra jo n ’ s Oregon visit is sponsored by the O regon-Idaho Conference of the United Methodist Church and United Methodists Concerned About Central America. Election analysis (Continued from page I, column Jy and wants it to be excluded from current zoning regulations as well. Refreshing Head Lettuce D elicious Chicken. F ra n k s Tasty D C I lb. Pkq. each H> q. I .1 9 rt u n r Package o f 8 Hot Dog Buns............... Light and Crisp California Iceberg Variety 15 Varieties Cat Food Grade AA Large Eggs Regular or Caffeine Free 59 *188 plu s d ep o sit 8 pack 16 or. b o ttles Frozen Orange Juice Friskies Buffet Coke, Tab Diet Coke, Sprite 'each Fini l u » Additional at 99' each MY TE FINE Doren IOO% Pure I » TE FINE 3 1 76‘ ..c h First tw o A d d itio n a l al 99 12 or. can Regular 1.29 6'.5 or. cans Reg. 4 5 ' Northeast Portland The political leanings o f can­ didates seemed to be a larger factor to contributors in races for state o f­ fices in Northeast Portland. Bill Stevenson received the lion's share o f business and professional PAC funds in the Senate District 8 race. Victorious incumbent, Bill M cCoy won the support o f labor unions and some business interests and third-place finisher W ally Priestley received all of his $1.400 from individuals. Margaret C arter, the victorious Democratic candidate in N o rth ­ east's House District 18, received about half of her $18,139 in con­ tributions up to May 7th, from in­ dividuals; PAC and direct corporate contributions made up the remain­ der Black Oregonians for Business PAC and the Alliance for Economic Development were Carter's largest direct contributors. Henry Scott’ s Coast Janitorial contributed office space to the Carter campaign, the value of which probably exceeded any other donations. Carter’s major opponent, incum­ bent Ed Leek, raised just less than $10,000 in the reporting period and most of it came from labor groups. $2,330 was donated to Leek from business and professional interests and he received loans of $1,000 and $1,100 each from two individuals. Jontoto SourtJ Delta Paper Towels MY TE FINE Regular or No Sail A dded Regular or Butler Flavor Tomato Sauce Crisco Shortening jo $ First tw o A d d itio n a l at 2 lor ' I First one A ddition al at 2 . 6 9 < m < h -V H of. can Regular 30* Fred Meyer J ONE STOP SHOPPING i ,.. - > i al J for J Ih. can Regular 3 .2 9 One roll p a ck a g e Regular 8 9 ' M’sf All Portland Area Food Sections except Morrison or 122nd & Stark CENTERS! Each of these advertised items must be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each Fred Meyer store. except as specifically noted in this ad , os <•,, ion ( pai m h j , i MM • * ’» •S’ * ; • O il