Page 6 Section I Portland Observer, June 6, 1984 — .... ■ ■* OBSERVATIONS ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and S kid m o re Sunday School 9 3Uam Sunday Worship 11 UUam Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) FROM THE SIDELINES BY Kathryn Hall Bugle ichael benjamin , direc­ M t s * Of the N / N , < "in m u n ity M e n ia l H ealth C enter, an ­ nounce* the opening of the two-day 1984 Ethnic M inority Conference II on T h u rs d a y , June 14th at the Thu n derb ird M o to r Inn at Jantren Beach. The conference is beamed to attract service provider*, manager*, d ir e c to r* and policy m a ke r* o f a variety of public agencies The N /N E Center is a comprehen­ sive mental health agency providing p re v e n tiv e , m aintenance and rehabilitative mental health care to person* living in this area of M u lt ­ nom ah C o u n ty . The goal o f the conference, according to F ran klin Jenkins, conference coordinator, is to p ro v id e o p p o rtu n itie s fo r p a r ­ tic ip a n t* to gain know ledge and awareness as they increase th eir sk ills in w o rkin g e ffe c tiv e ly w ith people o f color The planning committee includes some s ta ll and board members of the host agency. Also serving on this Michael Rice and hie co m m ittee are representatives of a score o f other city, county and stale N o rth w est Resource agencies that o ile r services to the C h ild re n , Youth and diverse cultural groups of this com ­ Seattle.). munity, regardless of their ability to The conference w ill pay Keynote address for the general conference session is to be by Byron K u n is aw a, one o f the nations leading co n su ltants on m in o rity issues. Kunisawa was the keynoter for the 1982 Ethnic M in o rity C o n ­ ference. Opening keynote speaker w ill be James C o m e r, M . D . , professor o f Child Psychiatry at the Y ale C h ild S tu dy C en te r o f Y ale University. Or. Com er will discuss: ‘ H ow mental health providers can w ork e ffe c tiv e ly w ith eth n ic m in o ritie s .” In workshops begin­ ning la te r in the m o rn in g , O r. C o m e r w ill lead sessions on " W o r k in g w ith M in o rity C h ild ren in School.” Other workshops will deal with a v a rie ty o f subjects such as alc o h o lism , A lzh cim e rs disease, m in o r ity mule«., language as a cross- c u ltu ra l b arrier in counseling, the improvement of services to troubled youth, special issue of refugees and the p itfa lls o f grant w ritin g W o rk s h o p leaders invited fro m around the nation come from: New O rle a n s , S e a ttle , Los Angeles, W ashington, D .C ., and Rockville, Maryland. Local sponsors o f the large con­ ference include: the Oregon Mental H e a lth D iv is io n , M an p o w er D evelo p m en t O ffic e , E th n ic M in o r ity C o a litio n o f O reg o n , O reg o n S tale U n iv e rs ity and the Elonza J Edw ards (P astori G o ld sb y, P o rtla n d m etal sculp­ tu ra l. You are Invited to a Revival E A N N E H A R T Z O G ,o w n e r J July 8-13, 1984 * 7 : » p.m and d irec to r o f the Sylvan L earnin g C enter announces the June 18th beginning o f summer class schedules at the C o lu m b ia Plaza lo c atio n on N .E . F re m o n t. Hartzog suggests helping your child " to keep up or catch up" with their basic skills d u rin g the summ er. Hasses al Sylvan during the summer w ill be held on M o n d ay through Thursday only. Classes are lim ited to six each in order to maintain the most advantageous teacher-student ratio. "Consecration to Christ” PtsOgS Contact Bill Hunter 8 0 0 a m 4 3 0 p m M F 249 5611 After 6 00 call 775 3056 Leo Brown 289 1961 THE M O U N T OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH N E. First ft Schuyler • 284 1964 John H Jackson Minister M Ed M O 9 X A M Church School I ' (X) A V Congregational Worship S 00 P M Vesper Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday IC H A E L R IC E , a Northeast M rosea. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) always had the problems of day-to- day existence— the co n tin u in g problem s and concerns o f fo o d , sh elter, a place to w ork and close at 4:00 materials to work with What we are p.m on Friday, June 15th Inquiries doing in the Visual Arts Program is may he directed to the conference to look at these needs and ways to coordinator at 239-8871. fill the g a p .” Andrews has been a guest c u ra to r at the New Y o rk enny A ndrews , director C u ltu ra l C enter and the Studio Museum in Harlem and an instruc­ o f the Visual Arts Program of tor at the California State College at the N a tio n a l E n do w m en t fo r the H a yw ard H e has w ritten articles A rts , and M ich ae l F a u b io n , the fo r the New York Tim es, the A m ­ program’s assistant director, were in sterdam New s, and Encore Portland recently to conduct a series M ag azin e as well as au th orin g his o f site-visits w ith P o rtla n d based ow n b o o k , Between the Lines, a N E A fu nd ed arts o rg a n iza tio n s . book of essays containing 70 of his illustrations. In P o rtla n d , fo r only one d ay, Andrew s and F au bio n, who co o r­ dinates the planning and evaluation e ffo rts o f the p ro gram , discussed the policies and practices o f the program in a w ell-attended a fte r­ noon p ublic fo ru m in the Berg- Swann Auditorium of the Portland A rt M useum . A s ite-to u r was arrang ed fo r the distinguished Michael Faubion visitors by the M e tro p o lita n Arts Com m ission to allow them to see W ell known as an artist, Andrew 's the artwork gathered and positioned w ork has been fea tu red in m a jo r in a number o f scattered locations exhibitions since I960, including the o f this city. Just p rio r to their M useum o f M o d e rn A rt in New evening d e p a rtu re , A ndrew s and York C ity , the Boston Museum o f Faubion were supper guests at the Fine A rts, the JJirshhorn Museum N . K illin g s w o rth studios of Al and the In d ia n a p o lis M useum o f C en ter fo r Fam ilies (o f B Portland member of the Port­ 11 00 Communion Each Fast Sunday land Rose Society, is one of the 36 The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of people c o n trib u tin g services as a Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National. Oregon, rose garden judge for the society. Portland Ecumenical Ministries, American Bible Society, M b M Rice also grows prize roses in his Board. own garden on N .E . San R afael street Bethel A M E Church Welcomes All Visitors. Collectors Rice has boxes and boxes o f Lookers b Buyers to our first annual Auction award ribbons won ir> rose judging Bethel's Zodiac Gemini Featuring: exhibits not only in Portland, but in rose shows around the state, in Seat­ Unique collectables and antiques —Our prices are right 11 tle, Y a k im a , M issoula. M o n ta n a , Our Item« include old silver trey« to updeted Jem» several places in C a lifo rn ia and as in collector jera Meer end Greet our Celebrity Auctioneer C herlee Jorden far aw ay as M em ph is, Tennessee. Bethel A M E Church 5828 NE Jarrett His P o rtla n d garden has m any varieties o f roses— tea roses, Bfci S T J y g C / B 'ow xnfl nme ple\ of u/Z are »«*/< omed lit »tir\hi/> ~ yy 2 6-Jun* 10-1984 ( I VtLcomt G Y O U ARE W E LC O M E TO W O R S H IP AT eneva jones , popular tv cook and n u tritio n is t, received additional honors recently when she was chosen by the M arch o f Dim es as one o f O re g o n ’ s ten most distinguished women for 1984 A ll selectees were guests at the an­ nual W hite Rose Luncheon hosted by the March of Dimes committees at the Wcstin Benson Hotel 84 N.E. Killingsworth • 281 0499 “A warm spirit of fellowship always” I lie \r k of Safety nir< h o f God in ( hrist '*■■'- Awrdav Inhop UV N-wvjr OD tJw PlWl AtUp- follou' prore U’l' all men. t Ì .'nc without u J 1 A ft His long experience as an artist has made him sensitive to very par­ ticu la r concerns in his role at the Endowment " T h e visual artist has I man shaii forò Jr "J 1 FRESH FRYERS CUT UP 7 30 p.m 7 00 p m Sunday; Sunday School 9 15a m Morning Worship 11 15s m 6 30 p.m U P w .w Evangelistic Worship 8 00pm Tuesday Friday Noon Day Prayer Friday ’ The Pastor Speaks ’ 7 X pm Saturday Morning Prayer 9 00 a m Prison Ministries, Inc. Keiulung (In- Ibkil Man Body . . . Mind . . . & OREGON GROWN FRESH . Tuesday Bible Band Thursday Cho»r Rehearsal S p irit . . . Supper guest« at Al G o ld sb ya studio included H r) Isaac Sham shud Din. painter and sculptor; Al Goldsby. painter and sculptor; guest of honor Benny Andrews. NEA Director; Philemon Reid, artist and Darryl Clegg, Portland Metropolitan Arts Commission (Photo Kathryn Bogle) •Prison Ministries provides Chapel services, counseling and visitation •Prison Ministries is: A non profit, religious, tax deductible, organization (IRS SI-0173823) • Financial support: Churches, individuals, businesses and foundations •Prison Ministries. Inc. member of: APCCA American Protestant Correc tional Chaplain Association. Associate member of: ACA American Cor rectional Association Prison Ministries. Inc. READY Y FOR BARBECUING, BAKING, tYINC OR FRYING 4042 N M ichigan Ava. Portland. OR 97227 284 7563 ■ 1 1 1 pound w r w r Listen to the Prove God Now Miracle Crusade Ministry each Sunday morning at 8 A.M . on H ilto n S m ith kneels fo r the k n ig h tin g c e re m o n y of th e Roys Rosarians at the Thunderbird Inn at J an tzen Beach. Rose festive Queen Kira of the 1983 Court touches her scepter dubbing the nevs mem ber Sir Knight Hilton Sm ith,” His rose is to be the Peace Rose « Evangelist W. Pritchett »