? Portland Observer, June 6, 1984 Section I Page 5 Bubbling "H ula” Cruise ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK Sponsored by - Bubbling Brown Sugar Sunday, June 10th • 5:30 to 8:30 P.M. Boarding at 5:00 P M . Promptly J o t "B e a n ” Keller. Entertainment Editor S.W. Front near Jefferson & Harbor f*on Auditions set for Eastside Clinic PassinArt: presents Spell #7 Ntozake Shange's Spell F7 will be presented by PassinArt: A theatre company at the Interstate Fire House Culture Center, at 8 p.m. on June 22nd and 23rd, with two shows on June 24th at 3 p.m and 8 p.m Shange (author of For Colored G irls...) interconnects theatre, dance and music in poetry presented in dramatic form. For more information, call 284 4108 SPELL # 7 /»» Mozdke Shange (Author of /«* < iskvry / ( I »»•»••rtf»»/ by PassinArt * ihrat»-» « • <»sjuz»» Interstate Firehouse ( otturai ( enter 24 liMkiv lune 22 Saturday 24 and Sundav 24 at rt « M ifwn Stjfw1.iv lo n e 24 4 m a tin e e door T h e Firehouse T h e a te r o ffe rs summer workshops and classes for all ages Workshops for Adulis will in c lu d e, hui are not lim ite d to: P la y w ritin g , M o d e rn D ance, Comedy and Improvisaiion. Classes fo r C h ild re n (ages 5 and up) w ill also include: Drama Day Cam p, In ­ troduction to A ctin g , Circus A rts, and Theater Arts. EMMA'S KITCHEN 2 Eggs, choice of bacon or sausage, fried potatoes or grits toast andii.iire $2 50 Donuts. Cook s Choice Dinner 3 50 Rib Dinner 4 50 Fish Dinner 350 30C L U N C H 'D IN N E R Gumbo (Good Tool) Homemade Soup 3 75 65« Bowl Chtli (per cup) 65C Hamburger 1 26 Cheeseburger 1 50 Louisiana Hot Tamales Friday, June 8th, 1984 8 PM Kid» W e lc o m e f r e e C h ild c a re B eer G a rd e n fo r 21 (9 O ver G o o d ie » G a lo re for A ll A g e» Pine Street Theater 215 S E 9th Avenue R e g istratio n week is June I Ith th ro ug h 15th. S um m er dates w ill vary. Scholarships are av ailab le . Contact the Theater for further in ­ fo rm a tio n . The deadline fo r sub­ mission is June 14, 1984, al 5:00 p.m. The Firehouse Theater is located at 1416 S.W Montgomery. political disenfranchisement o f the national birthright o f the indigenous African population.” T ho u gh F ra n k S in a tra raked in a cool $1.8 m illio n fo r his Sun C ity performances and happily received an aw ard from Bophuthatsw ana's “ p res id e n t” , others have refused lucrative offers. Roberta Flack turned dow n a re p o rte d $ 2 .5 m illio n D ia n a Ross, T h e C o m m o d o res , T h ird W o r ld , T o n y B ennett and G ladys K n ig h t have also rejected South A fric a n gold. Last Seplem- ber, H a rry B c la fo n te and A rth u r Ashe launched Artists and Athletes Against Apartheid Io coordinate the national cultural boycott campaign P o rtla n d e rs O rg a n ize d fo r Southern A fric a n Freedom , as the local initiator o f (he boycott e ffo rt, is appealing io concert-goers to shun Johnny Mathis unless he pledges not to return to apartheid Soulh Africa. Those w ishing lo w o r k w it h th e c u ltu ra l boycott are asked to call A vel M a y fie ld o f P O S A I at 230- 9427. TICKETS: Skrtasg * Ma ••• •A • ’ 0 •« th « f a » kmtholtMu«« a»»-l '•••♦•»» <>♦ tH< H«■•>) IDN A Mb Aw rm»« <•* tw /»«»» 12 ♦» 2 for 1 00 Rib Sandwich 3 00 Fish Sandwich 200 Hot Dog for Sisters of the Road Cafe Mathis concert to be boycotted (C ontinuedfrom page I. column 3/ BREAKFAST Benefit Concert I kyyti / Arm by / /»» C lena e Bairs SOUL FOOD There are roles for 14 actors and actresses o f all ages from I6 to 70. (Because (he theaire is located in a tavern , you must be 2 I and look younger if you are au d itio nin g for the younger roles.) The action lakes place in the lobby waiting room and the »a m in a tio n rooms of a big-city venereal disease clinic. Scripts are av a ila b le fo r check out al J R ’ s W csl. F or in fo rm a tio n call 287- 3229. Summer cultural workshops / *» 4 A a iw a» I k x A r ut Salumi Me»«*«*» er»I w m ( m t r r M n r r V i - j i » H t S S 1« k et i»4«»ts Auditions for the new play East- side C linic by P o rtlan d /V an c o u ve r p la y w rig h t, Kevin B e rry , w ill be held Sunday, June 10th at 2 p.m . at the O pen D o o r T h e a tre ai J R ’ s West, 300 N .W . 10th, Portland. Eastside Clinic is being produced and d irected by Jerry W est in association w ith T h e O pen D o o r T h e a ire and J R ’ s W est and w ill open July 2 0 th , p la y in g F rid a y , Saturday and Sunday nighls fo r 8 weeks. $20°°i Enfoy muse food end prizes Ticket outlet: Mrs. C's Wigs • 7th f t Freemont or call Gloria Harold. 286 0366 Tickets may be purchased during boarding time Hock Shop -. » . . . . , 00 Chtli Dog 1 50 Hot Links 1 00 1329 N.E. Fremont • 281-2560 Tues. - Sat 6 a m . 12 a m .. Sunday 1 p.m . -12 a m . Closed Monday W alter Bridges Big Band Paying Tribute to "Count Basie" June 10th A a- Buy. Sell or Trade Anything of value WELCOME— 5600 N.E Union 287 5330 WHERE TO FIND BLACK ORGANIZATIONS 1984 Edition • The B la d Resource Cuide lists the names, addresses and phone numbers of over 2.500 Black organizations, institutions, businesses, public figures and politicians Statistics on census data, buying habits, sports records and more are also included To order your copy, send $20 by check or money order to Black Resource Guide. Inc . 501 Oneida Place. N W , Washington. D C 20011 ROSE FESTIVAL Donation •oo Proceeds going to Count Basie Monument and Scholarship Fund MOONLIGHT SALE SATURDAY TIL 9 P.M. TIES*»" *7« ••" •1 0 " *12" ALL' 1“ OFF SALE *4" *8" ’7“ ••"•11"! There s work time Dues- paying time Other people s time And then there s your time Time to make every minute count with the rich, smooth taste of Miller High Lite So grab a cold one And Welcome To Miller Time STOC K UP AT THESE PR IC ES BELTS $150°" SOCKS 1 0 % OFF Wallets 2 0 % OFF HUNDREDS OF GIFTS ALL ON SALE 10% OFF A m e r ic a n H e a rt A s s o c ia tio n in Oregon LLOYD CENTER r ’ 982 I 0r«»wirxj Co Milwaukee Ws ■V THC RINK I