Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 06, 1984, Page 26, Image 26

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Entries must be received by 4 p.m .,
M onday June U th jR the Observer!.
city OF
Portland Development Commission
N ortheast Portland’s econom ic
viability is enhanced by the exper­
tise and dedication of W arner Kaia
W o n g , N orth east T arg et Area
Project Coordinator for the Portland
Development Commission.
W a rn e r coordinates activities
related to the planning and im ­
p lem en tatio n of major projects
w h ich include govern m en t a g e n ­
cies, citizen groups, p rivate c o n ­
sultants and developers, to ensure
effective and efficient completion of
project activities
As an instructor at Portland State
University's business departm ent,
W a rn e r teach es stu d en ts m a n ­
a g e m e n t. m a rk e tin g , advertis
ing and business e n tre p re n e u r-
W arner holds both a M asters in
Business Adm inistration degree in
marketing from the graduate school
of business and a B achelor of
Science fro m th e U n iv e rs ity of
Prior to his work for the Portland
Development Commission, Warner
worked as a staff assistant for River
East Progress, Inc., a non-profit cer­
tified development corporation.
W a rn e r o w n e d an in d ep en d en t
educational business, Step Ahead,
In c ., from 1973 to 1982, w hich in ­
cluded publishing, consulting and
retail sales. His business grew in ex­
cess of 400 percent during a 10-year
He has also served as a lieutenant
in the United States Arm y and as a
m em b er of th e A lu m n i Board of
D irecto rs o f th e U n iv e rs ity of
O reg o n
G ra d u a te
S ch o o l of
W a rn e r W o n g
Page 16 Section II Portland Observer, June 6, 1984