Bring your money home.. Bring your money home and help build our community. Many residents of our community are building their futures through investments in community institutions. Others still adhere to the old philosophy that the grass is greener elsewhere. During the coming months—as our state and nation continue to suffer the effects of recession—our only hope is to unite our resources and energies. One way to do this is to bring your money home and allow it to be used to generate development and employment. The benefits of your investments in other banks too often go out of Oregon and even out of the country. Our goal is one million in new deposits this year. This money, if deposited in our bank—your bank— would help build a strong base for economic development in our community. BUILD YOUR OWN FOUNDATION THROUGH AM ERICAN STATE BANK J am es Loving D ire c to r, King N e ig h b o rh o o d F acility Respectfully, V.F. Booker, President P.S.—We do not do business with South Africa. M . M A T T H E W BARNETT STA TE F A R M IN S U R A N C E M a in B ranch 2737 N.E. Union Avenue E astm o relan d B ranch 4451 S.E. 28th 2nd ft Y am h ill St. Branch 204 S.W. Yamhill Page 14 Section II Portland Observer June 6, 1984 H e n ry D. S c o tt. P resid en t C o ast J a n ito ria l S ervice T H E O T IS C A S O N . O W N E R N E IG H B O R H O O D M A R K E T