RESUM ES Inquiries about the following resumes should be sent to: Portland Observer Box 3137 Portland OR 97208 or call: 283 2488 Oabra J. M ills describes herself as a dependable, hard worker who works well with people. Her working skills include: typing (55 wpm ), word processor, dic­ taphone, switchboard, computer programming, and general office duties. She previously was employed at a high school and an insurance com­ pany. H er position duties were bookkeeping, typing, switchboard, receptionist and secretary. Ms. M ills has studied at the University of Puget Sound and Lin­ field College. Oarcell Lanae M ason, has worked as recreational planner for Volunteers o f America (which in­ cluded childcare), research and writing for the completion of a book (the Foxfire Project), clerical work, and with stock for a large department store. She has been active in school clubs and groups such as the Student Advisory Committee, French C lub, N ational H onor Society, Talented and Gifted Program and Mentorship Program , A dver­ tisement Manager o f her high school newspaper, and captain of the girl’s varsity tennis team. Ms. Mason is the recording secretary of the Youth D ept., fo r­ mer vice-president o f the Young Adult Mission, and former financial secretary of the Young Adult Choir of her church. She has received special awards and honors o f the Roseway Lions Scholarship, Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship, and the Roselyn Irving Scholarship. Phi Com Ly w ill receive her diploma from high school June 4th. W ith her m ajor emphasis as business education, she has also taken two years of typing, one year o f accounting, four years o f mathematics, and business m a­ chines. Ms. Ly’s skills include typing (50 wpm) and the ten-key electronic calculator. She has maintained a part-tim e job at a restaurant in the last year and is training for the food staff. Youth project underway According to Multnomah County Commissioner Gladys M cC oy, " S ta rtin g July 9th, the C ivilian Conservation Corps o f the l9 3 0 ’s w ill be reborn in the M ultnom ah County Youth Services Dem on­ stration Project.” That’s the first day of enrollment for the program, which will employ an estimated 50 eighteen-year olds in such areas as conservation and pollution control while they learn work skills. M cCoy emphasizes that en­ rollm ent is lim ited only by fu n d ­ ing and that more young people can be enrolled if further con­ tributions are received. Today, $65,000 has been received from public and private sources including the Jackson Foundation, U .S . Forest Service, Multnomah Çounty, Nerco, Hayden Corporation, Nero and Associates and Norcrest China. The project has applied for tax exempt status and includes par­ ticipation by the cities of Portland, W ood V illage, Maywood Park, Troutdale, Gresham and Fairview. Achievement lauded L E A R N M O R E .nd E A R N M O R E BE A D IESEL M E C H A N IC Hattie Stringer has been selected from I900 employees at Providence M edical Center as the June em ­ ployee o f the m onth. She is an assistant head nurse on a post­ coronary care unit where she has worked 13 o f her 24 years at the medical center. Mrs. Stringer has always preferred the specialty patient care units in her nursing career, and has also worked in in­ tensive care, coronary care, open heart recovery, and surgery units. She is a member o f Immaculate Heart C h u rc h . Employees selected for this special recognition at Providence are nominated by fellow employees. Their choice is based on creativity, com m itm ent, jo b perform ance, initiative, attitude, personality and outstanding achievement. AUTOS • TRUCKS • HEAVY EQUIPMENT Learn at the accredited school that has Y O U R FU TU R E under C O N T R O L Eligible Inst. Guaranteed Student Loans V A . PELL Grants. Etc. Nationwide Job Placement Assistance W om en Encouraged To Apply 238-7620 OUT OF AREA CALL 1 800 462 2869 nm NORTHEASTERN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE H A T T IE S T R IN G E R 5665 NE G LISAN , STE 4 PO RTLAND Mon Fri, 8:30 4:30« Sat 9 1 UNEMPLOYED WANT A GOOD PAYING JOB? TRAIN FOR A NEW CAREER MEN WOMEN H IA V Y I Q4 IFB8INT O F ! RATON S I M l IM I ( M O R IV I R Don't be replaced by a computer or a robot' * Eligible Inst "Guaranteed Student Loan and Pell Grant Programs" * National Job Placement Assistance * Short Course Correspondence/Resident Training * Training 3 to 4 Weeks in Southern California or Arizona * Start Training Today for $25.00 Down 238-7620 O u t o f area call 800462 2889 S U P E R IO R T R A IN IN G S E R V IC E S Support our advertisers COUPON D E P O T V ID E O 5665 N.E. Glisan, Suite4« Portland • 238-7620 S a y You S a w It in The WE'RE FIG H TIN G FO R YO UR LIFE PORTLAND OBSER VER American Heart Association 7017 N. Lombard 2 8 3 /9 4 3 VHS BETA 317 N.E. Killingsworth St. 286 6259 VHS R en t 1 M o v ie FREE W ith the rental of one movie at the regular price in O re g o n IT TAKES A LARGE VARIETY OF TALENT TO FILL THIS GLASS ------------------------------ Must have valid I 0 Only one certificate valid in any 1 day Valid M on through Thura only I ■«■»•<«»< (Ml« this coupon has n o ( ash valut )1 '•» O N I ( O tJP O N PI K V IN II < i The Miller Commitment: • Quality Products 1 'flirtete • Quality Programs • Quality People Employing and promoting equally today and tomorrow Portland Observer, June 6, 1984 Section II Page 13 A