The Observer guideto Oregon college programs Oregon State University Oregon Slate University is Ore­ gon's oldest public institution of higher education, founded in IS6X Academic units include the College of Science and the College of Liberal Arts — both of which offer a wide range of programs — plus the professional schools of Agricul­ ture, Business, Education, Engi­ neering, Forestry, Health and Physical Education, Home Eco­ nomics, Oceanography, Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine Located in Corvallis, OSU is one of the lew U.S. universities that is both a Land Grant and a Sea Grant institution, devoted to ihe wise de­ velopment and use of vital agricul­ tural. forestry, water and marine resources. The university serves approx*- mai Ty 17,500 students sciences and to patient care. The University is composed of the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Nursing, the University Hospital and Clinics, Ihe Dental Clinics, and the Crippled Children's Clinic. Pro­ grams offered include medicine, medical technology. dentistry, dental hygiene, nursing, Advanced Life Support Technology (para­ medic), Dietary, radiation therapy. Each program requires course v-ork in an accredited college before entrance. Students who are inter­ ested in medical careers should get a strong general educrtion inciud ng sc ences in high school and obtain counseling in planning then college work The OHSU is located in Portland and has approximately 2.000 stu­ dents. Oregon Inatitute of Technology Portland State University I ixated in the state's largest metropolitan area, Portland State University offers diversity of educa tional and cultural activities. Bachelor's and master's degrees are available in a wide variety of fields including Ihe sciences and social sciences, engineering, business administration, social work, theater ar's. and Doctoral programs are ofleied hi Education, Systems Science, Urban Studies, Environmental Sciences and Re­ sources. PSU has certificate pro­ grams in Black Studies, Central European Studies, I atin American Studies, and Middle Last Studies | Evening classes offer flexibility, enrbling students to work PSU serves 17,(XX) students. University of Oregon The U of O has extensive offer­ ings in Arts and Sciences and in eight professional schools Architec­ ture and Allied Ails; Business Ad- minislration; Community Service and Public Allairs; Education; Health, Physical Education and Recreation; Journalism; Law and Music. U of O has heavy emphasis on arts and vixial science. The U of O has the slate's largest research library. Among the special programs offered at the U of O arc Transpor­ tation, Urban Studies, Asian Studies, and Computer Science. I ocaled in the city of Eugene, the U of () serves approximately 17,300 students. G< agon Health Scianca* University I lie OHSU is defined lo educa non and research in the health OIT is a four-year technical col­ lege offering Bachelor (4 year) and Associate (2 year) degrees. The sshixil oilers sophisticated training in Engineering, Allied Health Tech­ nology (denial hygiene, medical technology, radiology, nursing). Industrial Technology (diesel, man­ ufacturing, machining process). Business Technology (accounting, management, secretarial science — industrial, legal, medical). OIT’s 95’ » placement record re­ sults from cooperation between the faculty and industry. The school is located in Klamath Ealls and serves 2,7(X) students. Eaatarn Oregon Stats Collage I ixated in La Grande, EOSC is the smallest institution in the state system. A multi-purpose college, it provides instruction in Iff baccalau reale programs including liberal arts, teacher education and numer­ ous professional and preprofession al areas. The student body of 1,770 allows a wide option for individual izing the college program Lew i* and Clark Collage With a 130-acre campus in South­ west Portland, Lewis and Clark pro­ vides a liberal arts and science edu­ cation for 1,900 students. The inter­ disciplinary curriculum, campus liv­ ing. extra-curricular activities and student services are designed to en­ able the student to acquire the tech­ nical knowledge that a complex world requires and a perspective which gives direction and purpose to life Overseas, off-campus, intern­ ship and independent study pro­ grams offer unique academic and personal experiences. Bachelor degrees are offered ns a number of liberal arts fields; inas- lers degrees in education and public administration. Lewis and Clark also has a School of Law. sors. All departments offer indepen­ dent study and each student writes a senior thesis. Located in Southeast Portland, Reed serves 1,100 students. Southam Oregon State Collage SOSC is a multi-purpose college divided into schools of Business, Education/Psychology, Health and Physical Education, Humanities, Science/Mathematics, and Social Sciences, offering 55 undergraduate degrees. Graduate degrees are o f­ fered in Business Administration, Education, Humanities, Social Sci enee and Interdisciplinary Studies. SOSC is located in Ashland and has approximately 4,700 students. W estern Oregon Stata College I radilionally regarded for its out­ standing programs in teacher prepa ration and special education. WOSC provides opportunities for study in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, creative arts, correc­ tions, law enforcement and health- related professions Linfield College 1 infield is an independent liberal arts college offering bachelor de­ grees in 19 academic departments Students also may participate in overseas study programs in Costa Rica, Japan, Erance and Austria. Emphasis is placed on education for life as well as practical training for employment. Linfield is affiliated with Ihe American Baptist Church, which founded it in 1X49. I infield is lixated il l McMinnville and serves 1,2(X) students. Pacific Univsraity Pacific is locaied in forest Grove founded in 1X49 by Congregational missionaries, it offers a liberal arts education in a small school with a 12:1 student-faculty ratio. The school provides an internship pro­ gram. In addition to liberal arts fields, the college offers degrees in educa non and social work Professional fields offered include optometry and other health services Programs in engineering, electronic science and medical technology can be com pleted at other universities. Read Collage Recognized as one of the nation's leading liberal arts colleges, Reed draws 75 percent of its student body from outside ihe Northwest Most classes are taught in small seminars which encourage avid discussion and debale and allow close relation­ ships between students and profes­ University of Portland The University of Portland is an independent co-ed university in the Roman Catholic tradition Serving 1,200 students, its small classes in­ sure personal attention to students’ needs. The university includes a College of Arts and Sciences as well as four professional schools — Bus­ iness Administration, Education, Engineering and Nursing — and a graduate school Special programs include law enforcement, aerospace studies, and communications W illam ette University The oldest college in the West, Willamette offers undergraduate in­ struction in liberal arts, as well as graduate work in the College of 1 aw and Atkinson Graduate School of Management. 1 ixated on a 57-acre u m pus in Salem, the college places great emphasis on an atmosphere that fosters creativity, disciplined intellectual inquiry and opportunity tor student participation in school affairs. The school provides intern ships in nearby institutions as well as off-campus study in the U.S. and abroad. Among the fields offered are en­ gineering, forestry, and insterna tional studies — American, Erench, German, Hispanic, Soviet I he school serves 1,9