New careers in cosmetology A hairdresser job is not just »im­ ply dressing hair. The cosmetologist ha» many role» They are part o f a multi billion dollar industry. Beside» being highly trained in a s a n e ly o f beauty services, these w ould include h a ir c o lo rin g , hair co n dition ing , perm anent w aving, haircutting , hair styling, m anicur­ ing, facial massage, and make up; you also know how to deal effective­ ly with the public. Since you are a beauty professional, you are not so much selling services as you are ad­ vising your clients on what is best for them to im prove their appear ance. You are. so to speak a "beauty doctor.” I f you become a salon owner or m anager, you must also become well versed in business practices. H ow to buy most ec o n o m ica lly, how to m ain tain accurate records and how to gel and keep loyal em ­ ployees — these w ill be part of your required abilities Hairdressers with outstanding talent are often asked to become p la tfo rm artists H ere agian, you must widen your skills and take the necessary train ing to become .. public speaker or at least a very go-id dem onstrator Talented persons are also called upon by magazines to do hair style and what are kn o w n as technicals, detailed procedures or professional tech­ niques such as c u ttin g , co lo rin g , conditioning, and permanent wav mg This means you must know how to w oik in front ol a camera or for a camera. You should also be able to a rtic u la te the h o w ’ s and w h y ’ s o f what you are doing The entertain­ ment industry, theatre, film s, and television, the w orld o f couturiers and fashion, the big hair color and cosm etics m a n u fac tu rers, the beauty publications for the profes- ion and fo r the pub lic — all these huge com m ercial activities require the artistry of the professional hair­ dresser and cosmetologist. It is ob­ vious that the o p p o rtu n itie s are highly rewarding But how far you go and how much money you make depends on you Some hairdressers never make more than a modest in­ come, and not in fre q u e n tly they Reach up your hand, dark boy, and take a star. Out of the little breath of oblivion That is night, Ib k eju st One star. Langston Hughes CAREERS AND OPPORTUNITY Crystal Martin of Tondalayar Dasignar Salon. 5401 N.E. Cully Blvd.. puts tha final touchas on a customar's curls. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) prefer it that way. Some attitudes might be: " I don’t want the respon­ sibility o f running a salon.” “ I like livin g in a sm all co m m un ity and serving the women I know ,” “ I en­ joy my work but I like a c o m fo rt­ able. easygoing sc h e d u le." O r another hairdresser might say: " I have a small salon— just two other operators and m yself. I t ’ s big enough: I make an a ttra c tiv e in ­ come. there’s no strain, no pressure. I ’m happy just as I am .” These are some of the viewpoints and certainly they are valid ones— that usually m ilitate against one’ s ever attaining a large salary or high profits. O ne o f the attractio ns of a hair dressing carreer— and this is import­ ant— is that you can be as small as you like or as big as your talent and im ag in a tio n w ill allow A n o ther plus for beauiy culture as a career is that no discrim ination exists as to age, sex, color, or creed. Any man or woman, regardless of age, can go to a beauty school, put in the re­ quired num ber o f hours and eventually after passing the State Board Examination, get a license to practice This presupposes o f course that the person has the academ ic background required by the state; in most stales it is quite modest. Men and women are equally welcome in this field . Statistics no doubt w ill show that many m ore w om en are practicing hairdressers; at the same lime another set o f statistics w ill in­ dicate that o f the world's most out­ standing stylists, the m a jo rity are men. The color of the skin is o f m i­ nute significance in the w o rld o f hairdressing. Many black hair dres­ sers, o f course, open salons in pre­ d o m in an tly black co m m un ities. M an y beauty shops, how ever, are com pletely in teg rated , both as to personnel and the clients they serve. Taste, talent and personality — perhaps m ore than in most vo ca­ tions— are the determ ining factors in a hairdresser cosmetologist's de­ sirability to employers and clients. AN irv EQ CUU UAL ML O u r P r P u O n R i T u U n N i ITY i t c EM i v i PLOYER t l u t c n oven The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is the second largest department in state government, with about 4,000 permanent employees. The Department consists of six divisions: L Central Services Aeronautics Highway Motor Vehicles Parks & Recreation Public Transit ODOT offers a variety of jobs, with the majority being in the. civil engineering and maintenance fields. Positions frequently filled include Highway Engineer, Engineering Technician, Weighmaster, Heavy Equip­ ment Mechanic, Highway Maintenance Worker, Secretary/Clerical, Park Ranger and M otor Vehicle Representative. tWWWM \ \ For more information, contact the Personnel Operations Section, Oregon Department of Transportation, Rm. 302 Transportation Building, Salem, Or 97310 \ " ^^111"" "linn fuHIUlliilH The Oregon Department of Transportation Page 8 Section II Portland Observer, June 6, 1984 « ». -.M l . •ir m S **