t r « France» Schoert-Newjpapcr Roc University of Ore-an Library Special CAREERS SUE How to write a resume Finding the right job for you Guide to Oregon colleges Successful career profiles Big buck elections Summer - picnics MBE's sue Hatch Below Page 8 Page 3 /I ■ PORTLAND OBSERMER 3! USPS / •» AifWnAtnt • • •gf? mission. Construction and timber interests accounted for about 23 percent of donations to the above candidates, and other major con­ tributing groups were: hotels, attor­ neys, labor unions, banks and in­ surance firms and architects and consultants. Just as contributors often give lo both opponents, many also donate to candidates with generally d if­ ferent political perspectives. Frank Ivancie's largest single contribution, $ 14,(MX), came from the W alnut Park Company which also gave Mike Lindberg $2,000. Walnut Park Co. is a real estate firm. Executives of Tom Moyer Luxury Theaters gave Ivancie's campaign $5,500 and is now seeking city- issued low-interest industrial development bonds to finance a $7.5 m illion underground four- theater movie complex, a 10-story parking garage, and later, a 10-story office tower atop the garage Moyer claims the parking garage and theaters would be a public service f Please turn lo page 7, column I ) t’ . -fît POLITICAL ACTION C O M M ITTEES PoUticel Action Committee« )PAC'»I doled out enormou* turn« ol money throughout the »,«,« lor ,6« M«y 15th primary, bu, m » n y retained large o w n , for ihe November 5th general election A m ong«, the m o d ective P A C ’» In O regon ere the People lo r Im provem en t in Fducehon Oregon Education Aaaocwtion • poWtcel erm ihe Commute« io Build • Be, le t O regon, ih e hom ebuilder'« PA C, the Oregon M edical PAC. C itite m A ctio n by Public Employe««, the Oregon Public Employe«'« Union political erm. Right to Lite Oregon PAC. venoue banking end utikty mduetry PAC’«. the Aeeoneted General Con tractor’« Committee lor Action, end the A F l CIO'« Com mittee on PoUncel Education ICOPEI end other union PAC'». PGE employee« «pent at lead *16 000 on Ihe primary «lection through the« poetical action committee the Bi Perlman Com mittee lor Eller rive Government Like m o tt ol the P A C «. PGE contributed to candidate* m more than hell ol the race« lor d a te office »« «veil M m many lire«! rec»« Their larged tingle contribution w e t »1 000 to Mik« I md berg lor Portland City Council with m od m the * ,00 io »ZOO f«nge The Bi Pertltan Com mittee gave hundred« to both Oemocret end Republican party m ile r« Her« in Nnrtheed Portland. Chad Oetinem and Margaret Carter both ,«, aiverl money horn the PAC Pecilir North weet Bell ■ employee« «Ko contributed io Imth v der ol the eiUe through the« own PAC. the Pubhr. Interaet Committee Although thm PAC gave more money to Republican party then Democratic party coffer«, «even ol the ten candidate* lor per bean office they contributed to ere Democrat« U S Ben, rxp PAC end other PAC » «l«O «how th« ««me pattern ol giving money to both Democrat and Republican coffer« whae moat o l the candidate« they becked ere Oemocret« 1«, thm caae 12 o l 14| E ic e p t lor tw o candidate*. »It o l U S Bancorp PAC » contribution« were In the Portland eree M o a t o l th e P A C '» r« p i« « « n , th e ta m e group« w h ich «pend th e m o tt to lobby iegi«i«tors during th» legitietiva tendon The combined im p e d o l m e p r contribution« with the conetant «»change ol pleeeentrl»« effectively greet «peciel mtereet« e greet deal o l mffuence over moat legmietort tey critic« One source with «»penance in both campaign« end et the legislature te y *. W hen «omebody give« your campergn taverel hundred doiler« and regularly buy« your dnnka. e«c you re gomg to Heten to whet they have to «ay They have more weight then let ter*, or even peraonel mdts by constituent» H e ea «mnple M t h e , "