9 • a»» » ■ mur X m Portland Observer, May 30. 1984 Page 7 1st Christian Church sings 23rd Psalm The 23rd Psalm: Contrasts, is being presented Sunday, June 1st. at 4:00 p.m. by the Sanctuary Choir at First Christian Church, S.W . Park Ave. and C olum bia, P ortland, There is no charge and child care will be provided. The 23rd Psalm may be the world's best-known and most-loved poem. Throughout the centuries, it has inspired more composers to set it to music than any other religious text. The First C hristian Church choir presents this great psalm in a startling variety of music and text. It will feature Yugoslavian folksong, classic expression, m ildly modern disonance, even rock chant and some surprises. Laurie P ratt, organist and choirm aster, has jokingly described the concert as the "23rd” in 23 contrasting styles. 15th Full Gospel Pentecostal M eets Slimmers Salon W eight lost end exercise center guaranteed to lose 6 8 pounds per week and feel good. Non-allergenic diet supplement Electric exercise machine. Also. Body W rap and Lift. 1634 N.E. 7th Phone: 287 3288 P la a a a cat! f o r s p p t The Everlasting Baptist Church of Jesus Chrlat sponsored "Telent in our com m unity churches" to provide cenned goods to senior c itiz e n * In Port- lend. W in n ers w e re : M rs . F lo w ers, ao lo lst: Rev. Steak rn N A A C P student winners announced •i 1 1 1 Safeway Quality Beef Full Cut Family Pack Of 3 Steaks SAFEW AY Blade Pork Steak Red Ripe. Whole U w V at-Y o g u rt ChlRRT BFHRT 2-Lb. Med Vanilla Cheddar Ice Cream/ Orange Sherbet Cheese Lucerne Halt Gallon $?T0 QQC School Lunch M en u K Safeway’s (the) B E ST Place to Shop The Full Gospel Pentecostal Association is having its I3 th National June Convention on June 17th - 24th, at Emmanuel Temple Church, 1032 N. Sumner, Portland. Meetings will begin 10 a.m. daily and 7:30 p .m . nightly. The Full Gospel Pentecostal Association is inviting everyone to see and hear successful business men and women discuss their newness of life, along with music and singing. For more information, call 287-2223. The 1984 Portland Branch N .A .A .C .P . A CT-SO competition was held last week. Students com­ peted in 16 sub-categories of humanities, sciences, performing arts and visual arts. The winners of each category will compete at the national N A A C P convention in Kansas City, Kansas. Kim McCarty, a senior at Benson High School, won the science category with a biology project, " T h e Effects o f the Gamma Radiation Source on Fruit Flies," and the humanities category with an original poem titled, " J a z z " . The performing arts category was won by Kenneth Dembo who did an oratory excerpt from James Bald­ win's book, "The Fir» Mexi Time. ** titled " M y Dungeon Shook." Kir- stan Ray, a senior at Wilson High School, won in visual arts with photography. H olli Trautm an will also go to the national convention for her African dance which received the next highest judges' score in per­ forming arts. Congratulations to all the students that competed and won medals in sub-categories. M u m fo rd 's U n ite d Qospel Singers: and. St. A n ­ d re w s C a th o lic C h u rch . O ver 200 Ite m a o f fo o d w ere raised by the event. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) No Limit W W Lucerne Premium Quality Watermelon Summer Favorite Sweet & Tasty Lucerne Low-Fat Yogurt Fresh Cut. Lb. 23° | l l l f I w fl I Lb. H 0/ P’a n Sundae Pre .t rred Of b 0/ Gourmet Imperial Valley $079 WÏ t ,a 6eo No Limit Cantaloupes Jun«4 Italian Meatball Sandwich Mixed Vegetable Salad w/Dressing Chiliad Pear Half Milk June 6 Lasagna Tossed Salad w/Dresaing Warm Garlic Bread Orange Half Milk Sweet, Thick Golden Meat. Family Favorite Ip Cut. Lb. 33c Lb June* Com Dog w/Mustard Celery Chunks w/Ranch Dip Peach Slices Granola Cookie Milk Kraft Parkay Margarine June 7 Barbecue Baked Chicken Potato Salad or Baked Potato Carrot Sticks Apple Muffin Banana Half Milk 1 Pound Package Cream Soda Oranqe Strawberry Grapt Gerber’s Strained Baby Food Asst'd. 4 5 Oz S to c k -U p I & Save! / | No Limit “ JunaS Hamburger on Sesame Bun Lettuce, Pickle, Tomato French Fries Applesauce Milk 0 4 M I For I Ad Prices Good Wed., May 30 Thru Tues.. June 5 At These Portland Stores: 5920 N.E. Union: 8002 N. Burlington: 6400 N. Interstate and 1100 N.E. Broadway Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wanted Am bitious men and women to represent a fast-growing skin care and cosmetics company with products designed especially for men and women of color. Good in­ come potential. Part-tim e or fu ll­ tim e. For more in fo rm a tio n , call 281-8088. fr*»' ». v SAFEWAY Safeway is an Official Sponsor of the 1984 U.S. Olympic Team. AMERICA’S FAVORITE FOOD STORE ” • V 6' • f ’ ? 1 • . T * .. I