Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 09, 1984, Page 3, Image 3

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    Portland Observer, May 9. 1964 Page 3
Carter v.s. Williams— District 1 heats up
G R A S S R O O T N EW S, N .W .—
Was it made explicitly clear that the
winner o f the District 18 Leadership
Forum would receive the endorse­
ment o f the community? D id all
the losers agree to drop out? Was
the Leadership Forum fair? Did it
favor one candidate over the others?
Was the forum controlled by out­
side forces?
These are questions raised by
Harold W illiams and those in the
W illiam s' camp as they rebound
against the charge that W illiams
broke his promise to the com­
" I t was made clear from the very
first meeting held in the New Hope
Baptist Church that this process
would be developed so the com­
munity could get behind one can­
didate. Everyone involved in the
process knew what the process was
for and both candidates had their
representatives at each and every
meeting," stated Ronnie Herndon
o f the District
18 Leadership
Forum .
" A t no time did H arold W illiams
say (he process was unfair or that he
would not abide by the process.”
But W illiams supporter, salesman
and businessman Paul Knauls, said,
" I f the leadership in the community
was really concerned about District
18, then they should have looked at
the candidate who almost won,
before bringing in some one who
was new. Had they stayed with the
candidate who almost won, then
there would be no problem .”
The need for the Leadership
Forum developed out
o f the
resulted in 1982. Eight candidates
split the vote and a former checker
from Fred Meyer walked away with
the seat.
"T h e leadership was called to the
carpet for allowing that to happen.
"The issue is not Ed Leek. District
18 was created for a Black candidate
to represent the District. Ed Leek
never fought for this district," Hern­
don explained.
" T h e organizations o f the forum
made it clear that we were not sup­
porting any candidate. W e would
support whomever was chosen from
that process."
Knauls felt differently. " I t looked
like it was an open forum , but
everything does not always look as it
is, especially, in politics. As time
goes by. things will come out which
have not been said. The supporters
o f the opposition (Margaret Carter)
ran (he forum. There were other
people who were encouraged to get
in the race to make it look as if it
was fair. I can’t believe less than 200
people can decide what a whole
community would do and I can't
believe the leaders would consider
it. ”
Prior to the forum in November,
1983, Carter supporters and others
felt the forum was in favor o f
W illiams. Herndon said, “ W e took
criticism that H arold was (he chosen
son. The one person that people do
not talk about is Luther Strong. He
had a following and wanted to run.
But he respected and abided by the
process which was the wish o f the
com m unity."
Strong said he got involved in the
process a week before the forum. " I
came in toward the end and I don't
recall either o f them saying they
were going to drop out. It was made
clear to me that the winner would be
the choice. I was agreeable to drop­
ping out if I did not w in ."
Strong said he remembered the
morning o f the
Cawthorne and Herndon laid down
the forum's rules and it was stated
in (he beginning that the loser would
drop out and support the winner.
" I talked with a lot of people who
were concerned that Blacks would
split the votes up and Leek would
get back in. I did not want to see
that happen.”
As far as the forum being con­
trolled by outside forces, Herndon
said the forum was controlled by
local ministers and organizations.
" I don’t understand why he said
that when he was involved from
beginning to end. W hy didn't he say
that when he was attending those
meetings? W hy did he participate at
Sen. Frank Roberts said he was
amazed W illiams said he and his
wife had manipulated the forum. " I
didn't know anything about it. A ll I
know is what I read in the
newspaper. I had nothing to do with
Ed Leek's campaign. The only con­
nection I had with Leek was our in­
terest in the Kennedy campaign four
years ago. M y major activity is
in Salem in the legislature. A t one
time, my district included a part of
(he Black community. I tried to
establish a relationship and under­
stand the different interests."
Herndon expressed concern for
W illiam s' supporters. "Sometimes
you disagree with your friends. I
hope we can work together on this
in the fu tu re."
Knauls said, "T h e news media
should not have been invited. It
should have been a closed meeting.
Everyone assumed Carter was the
candidate on 200 votes against a
man who registered over 1,000 votes
in the general election.”
He also said W illiams will not
take votes away from Carter. "She
will take votes from Harold "
Williams said he believed since he
came so close to winning in *82, with
seven candidates, " I 'm a sure bet
with three." Herndon disagrees.
" H e is misreading the times. Leek is
now the incumbent. It is much more
difficult to beat an incumbent For
better or worse. Leek's name has
become a household word in
District 18. W e do not have the
luxury o f having two or three people
run when we only have 45 percent of
the vote.”
Platform chair reprimanded
byLanita D u k t
G R A S S R O O T N E W S , N .W .—
Charges o f unethical use o f title
have resulted in a official reprimand
of Bill Thomas, chairman o f the
State Platform Committee o f the
Oregon Democratic party, by Dick
Celsi, chair of the Democratic party
of Oregon.
Thomas circulated a letter o f en­
dorsement for Rep. Ed Leek which
he signed as chair o f the state Plat­
form Committee.
In an A p ril 26th letter, Celsi said,
"W h a t a person does as an in­
dividual must be distinct from what
they do as an official o f the
Democratic party. N o one would
question your right to endorse and
support any candidate; but it must
remain clear that the action is that
of Bill Thomas, Democrat; and not
Bill Thomas, chair o f the State Plat­
form C om m ittee."
Thomas circulated his letter of
endorsement to Democratic precinct
committee people. The results were
no endorsement was given for State
representative in the 18th District.
Carter received 17 votes, Ed Leek
8 and Harold Williams 0 in the
district voting. The county-wide
vote was; Carter 62, Leek 68 and
Williams 3.
Kenneth R. Adair said, "T h e
Committee to Elect Margaret Carter
unquestionably feels that Thomas
used his name and position within
the party to improperly endorse a
candidate before the endorsement
process has even begun. W hile
flagrantly using his name and
privilege within the Democratic par­
ty to support Leek. Thomas also
failed to disclose (hat he was em­
ployed during the last legislative
session as a legislative assistant to
L eek."
Adair also felt Thomas's letter of
endorsement signed as chairman of
the State Platform Comm ittee of
the Oregon Democratic party, in­
fluenced voters away from the other
candidates in the race.
"T h e improper use o f a state par­
ty position is tantamount to elec­
tioneering, and we deplore the use
o f a party position in this manner '*
Celsi agreed. "T h e health and
strength o f the Democratic party lies
in its openness,
fairness and
dedication to the principle of equal
opportunity o f participation. As
chair, I have struggled to maintain
these values and to refrain from
using my position to the advantage
o f any primary candidate. I trust
that this is a standard to which we
can expect all party officials to
At the A pril 30th general meeting
o f District 18 Democrats, a recom­
mendation to appoint a committee
on party’s ethics was made. It was
accepted at their M ay 3rd meeting.
Vote for
-p w
Multnomah County Circuit Judge, Department 5
Experienced Trial Attorney
C urrently, Senior Deputy D istrict Attorney, M ultnom ah County
Endorsed by
• M ultnom ah (a xin ty Labur Council, A FL-C IO
• M ultnom ah C ounty Employee's Association. AESCME. Local HK
• Teachers' Voice in Politics, Portland Association of Teachers
• Oregon Black Political Convention
• Portland Police Association
• Portland Fedetarmn o f Teachers, A FL-C IO
Right for the job.
Pci fc . -,
i ■
, i.rilio l.wwli
fawwaftfctfo»« Twssurv« tettiti «.■«••.I < n»K..n « M t’tmi
E xp erience.
Nine years experience as a |udicial officer on the circuit
court and juvenile court bench
D edication .
To Oregon s legal system and the citizens ol
Multnomah County
A diligent worker
R esp ect.
In 1982 the H o n o ra b le H a rlo w F. L e n o n , Portland s
First Citizen 1981 recommended Kristena LaMar tor appoint
ment as Circuit Court Judge without reservation“ She is
not only a line lawyer with complete technical proficiency,
she also has excellent judgment sound common sense
and a strong feeling of community responsibility“
V o te K ris te n a LaM ar, M ay 15
C irc u it C ourt Judge
For State Representative, Diet. 18
V ote for One
53 M argaret L. Carter
Margaret Carter
Tuesday May 15th I
"Candidate for all the people"
Paid for by Com m ittee to Elect M argaret Carter, Fred Carter CPA. Treasurer