Page 2 Portland Observer, April 25, 1984 Senate candidates speak on the issues (Continued fro m page I . column 6) out dyers around luues like I've done in ihc past." Stavanaon "I would meet regularly with people in the district. Tow n hall meetings are a good idea. Some of (he best bills I helped pass came to me from private citizens. The role o f a senator is to help citizens realize their aspirations." W h a t la yo u r aland on S ta te D lv e a tm e n t in S o u th A fric a and h o w w o u ld you w o rk to g a t it th ro u g h th a legislature? M c C o y : " I sponsored the first bill and helped with the last. The bill has never passed because people on slate reiirement do not want it. They fear they are going to lose money. It's a mailer o f education M ore and more, people are becoming aware of what the problem is and they should come to Salem and talk in a rational way about how they can do it. No controversial legislation passes the first time around.” M cE lro y : I'm not familiar with that subject.” P rlaatlay “ I ’ve always support­ ed divestment. There are currently too many people in (he legislature with campaign contributions that prohibit them from voting on this. It has to come from the people. Five hundred people will have to come to Salem and look mean and angry, scream and shout.” S tevenaon: " I'v e followed that issue and know the arguments both pro and con. M y instincts tell me we should divest.” What la your poaltlon on U.S. involvement in Central America. South Africa, and what is your position on nuclaar disarmament and affirmative action? M c C o y : "Foreign policy is left to the Congress. None of us in the State Legislature, other than to pass resolutions, has any effect. I'm not going to do anything about Central America in anyway. Divestment in South Africa will directly affect funds in Oregon. I'm not going to do anything about disarmament or re-armament in the State Legislature. And I've also supported affirm ative action.” M cE lro y : "T h e U.S. has no business with any military in­ volvement in Central America. We have to take care o f our people here. I'm not informed enough on South Africa and support a nuclear freeze and affirm ative action.” Williams seeks District 18 seat "T h e Roberts— Barbara and Frank Roberts. They feel they should determine what is fair for this community. I say to Herb Cawthorne, John Garlington and Ron Herndon that we look at why other people are trying to or­ chestrate what happens in our community. They ran Ed Leek's campaign and are quietly suppor­ ting other interests (hat are negative to this community under the banner of liberalism.” E d ito r ' j note: East week the Portland Observer covered three o f the fo u r candidates fo r stale representative fro m District lh H a ro ld Williams declined to be interviewed a t that lime, but granted us the interview this week. If alactad, what ara among tha atapa you will Inatltuta to pro- mota aconomlc davalopmant for raaidanta In Dlatrlct 18? " I would work to restructure the lax system. You can give relief across the board. I will work with ihe banking community to make sure there are low-interest loans available to small businesses.” Who ara you going to aupport and vota for Praaldant of tha Unltad Stataa? HAROLD WILLIAMS "There is none other than Jesse Jackson." broken with tha ranka of Black leaders In tha community. Please explain. Tha low-lncoma and elderly ara faced with Inadequate health care raaourcaa. How will you addraaa thia laaua and provide medical coverage for thoaa without? " I would look at what is already available to see if it can be expand­ ed. We should have a voucher system in the state for any person who desires and needs health care." What type of communication link will you eetabllah to keep In tuna with tha volcaa of Dlatrlct 18? " I will go into the community on a quarterly basis to let people know what is going on. I'll constantly be involved,” Why ahould raaidanta in Dla- trict 18 vota for you? " I ’ m sincere and committed to the overall goals in the district. I ’ve learned the system as an apprentice. This community helped me get through school and I own this community to give something back as quality. I'm prepared. I've paid my dues.” Tha aubaactlon of tha acon­ omlc quaatlon daala with Joba. What would you do to craata amploymant opportunltlaa for raaidanta In Dlatrlct 18? " W e have to embrace the banking community and the Chamber of Commerce to see what (hey are doing to attract business into our community. Also, we can see where we could get low-interest loans and which business is best suited for our zoning I would give that info r­ mation to M B E 's and small proprietors." Why partlclpata in tha Dlatrlct 18 laadarahlp forum If you wara not going to ablda by Ita dacialon? (Margaret Carter. 87: Harold Wllliama, 78: and Luther Strong. 261 " I t was my understanding that it would be an opportunity for people to hear other persons who might run for office. I had some misgivings, If the community wanted to back one candidate I had run before and came short by 60 votes. I'm the only one who had something to lose. All too often, people want you to feel the way they want you to feel and echo what they want to hear I say 199 people don't dictate to this district. M y feeling is you have a right to endorse any person that you choose W hat has been said, that Harold Williams agreed to drop out, is an outright lie. I respect the process. I did not say I agree with il." Your atand haa. In affect. “ I don’t consider it breaking from the ranks. W e were never in a situation where it was stated that the forum would be the voice o f the community. It was a group of people who have stations of status in the community. The issue is not with personalities, but to give the community a choice. The primary is to decide who is the best qualified. No small group decided that. Those in the forum are not my spokesper­ sons. They have concerns and opinions and I have concerns and opinions. I respect (heir's and I hope they respect m ine." Tha cantarplaca of your cam­ paign platform la your axpar- lanca In tha ayatam. Vat. aourcaa cloaa to your job In Salam, aa a labor nagotlator. aaid your job waa In troubla. Prior to you filing a dlacrlmlnatlon ault, thay wara going to charga you with In- compatanca. What la raally going on? " I filed a suit against (he Slate of Oregon because I was denied promotion to a salary range of $29,00. I am receiving a salary range of $26,000. Every labor negotiator in the state is 29 except me and I have the most seniority. I asked why and found out by accident that everybody else was promoted to a 29. The supervisor said it was a gut feeling. We determine the success of a person if they successfully com­ plete their contract. I completed all mine. The state determines how high a Black male and female can go. They felt I'd gone as high as I should go. Black people are not to make beyond that. When I con­ fronted the supervisor, he said they would grind me into the ground for challenging them. Therefore, I filed a su it." Running for State Repreaen- tativa dropa your aalary by 818,000. " I have to give up my job to run for office. W ith my fam ily, I have prepared for the sacrifice. We need someone in the system who under­ stands the bureaucracy. We need a voice to open the door wider Over the last 2$ years, this community has given a lot to me. I'm in a position to give back what has been given to me. I'm one of the few people in government who has been at the executive level who under­ stands how it functions. That is one o f the reasons why a lot o f people outside this community are opposed to my candidacy. They try from the outside to build up a picture to put you in confrontation with your o w n ." Who ara these forces from tha outside? Thoaa who attended the forum who were not committed to any one candidate felt your ana war to the queetlon, 'What have you done for the com­ munity over your job reapon- albilltlea?' wea alltlat and aide atopped the queation. Your an­ swer wee. T o be a good huabend end a good father. Explain. " I t wasn't intended to be elitist. I feel all too often the image of (he Black man in the family is very negative. I was trying to make the point that I was trying to be a positive force as it relates to the family. I have many community ac­ tivities. T o state that you are a good father and husband is a positive. You have to start at hom e." In 1870, you voted to exclude women from the City Club. "T h a t has come to haunt me. At that time, it was not a situation of voting against women. The question came up which said, should the City Club have the right to be a man's club. By me being Black and saying that, I was (hrusted out as being an­ ti-women. That was a mistake. That was 14 years ago and I don't think that is something that should be held over my head ” /? i Prieetley: " I vomit everytime I ’i ò r À -'V V / think of our involvement in Central America. I'm against U.S. policies in South Africa. Ballot Measure 7 (nuclear freeze) was organized out o f my office. I voted for all the bills regarding affirm ative action and in­ troduced bills in this regard." a cete oration or ovr. m N Q N A rr Stavanaon: " I 'm opposed to mining operations in Central America. We should be very careful in interfering with the internal a f­ fairs o f sovereign nations. M y general feelings regarding South Africa is that ...we should do all we can to encourage policy changes in that country. I don't know how anyone can be other than in favor of nuclear disarmament M y record on affirm ative action when I was labor commissioner speaks for clear sup­ port of it." u our . sr/rrr our surwyal ^ n m a / v ' H..k I2M»> s. L m ( > Business cam p tor 100 stu Ore g o n B u s in e s s W eek dents and KMI teachers At A |o in t v en tu r e o l A ssoc i.ited O r e g o n In d u stries F o u n ­ W estern O reg o n State d a tio n . ( fr e g o li D ep a rtm e n t o l College in M onm outh. F d u,o n , ( freg o li C o u n cil o n How can vou help get Economic Education and the buses m oving? W estern O r e g o n S ta te C o lle g e T hrough your ta x -d e d u cti­ in c o o p e r a tio n w ith C h a m b ers ble co n trib u tio n s. They'll — ———— J "I C on ,I,ic ret C' a . B h P ’•f • ' . ♦ * « — * . » r a