Pag« 12 Portland Observer, April 25, 1964 Hock Shop RIADCUSi*. Sport Talk Buy. Sett or Trade 1 Anything of value »er KST USUITI, by Kon Sykes, Sports Editor 6600 N .E . U n io n 287 5330 The NBA draft: alookl A L LE N T E M P L E C M E C H U R C H O n M ay 10, I9M4, the Portland T rail Blazeri will flip a coin with the Houston Rockets and the winner will receive the No. I pick in this year’s N B A draft The Blazers have participated in five coin tosses in (he past. They have a 3-2 record. In 1974, Portland chose tails in a dual with (he Sixers. The shiny silver dollar, tossed by Commissioner Lawrence O 'Brien settled neatly on tails and Portland chose U C L A 's 6 ' 11" Bill W alton. There's a contest going on in Port­ land, supposedly, to let the fans make the choice on either heads or tails. Sure this is all done under the auspices of publicity, but does one leave such an important task to the public. The opinion here is that you don’t argue with success, you don't stray from a winner And that win­ ner "ta ils " brought Bill W alton, a legitimate N B A center, and later the championship. This year’s needs are the same as the W alton year. The Blazers are in definite need of a big man. Okay, the big men are there. W in or lose, the Blazers will have a big man available. Just who the big men will be is still a question. The two biggest: Akeem " T h e Dream ” O lajuw on and Patrick Ewing are both juniors. Both have stated publicly that they will stay in school for their last year However, there have been rumblings from both Houston and Washington, D C . , that both could be available. " I ’m going to sit down with Patrick, said coach John Thompson, "and try to see what would be best for h im .” Thompson is ready to advise his star center whether he should become an instant millionaire or matriculate one more year at good old Georgetown. W hile Ewing’s situation is still " i f f y " , one can almost bet that Houston's Akeem will come out. So, now Portland and Houston can both flip and no one will be the loser. And, maybe, the league could avoid the conference hook-up, as is used for such dealings, and just let M r. Ewing and Olajuwon decide which city they would prefer living in for the next decade. Although the Blazers have in­ dicated (hat, should both seven footers be available in this years draft ...O laju w on would be their choice. We see the top Live and in this order: O lajuw on, Ewing, Sam Bowie, Mel Turpin and Sam Perkins. All are centers except the 6 ’9 ” Perkins. I f the draft were held today, the picks would go as follows: ( I . ) Houston or Portland; (3 .) Chicago; (4 .) Dallas; and, (S.) Philadelphia. Chicago is said to be interested in either Sam Bowie or North Carolina's Michael Jordan; that is if Jordan makes himself available on M ay 5th. Dallas, like Portland, is only a big man away from being a C orner of 8th and S kid m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sunday Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Elonza J. E d w ard s (Pastor) B< s.ta.4 > m Rrtn tfopr fWissionarp Baptist (h u tch ar« ( nrw«»«, t hi « (w pin eto ro rot »» of . 17» M O M M lk M Avaeaa Perilled Ora c or 97217 R r* A A RA B r n u r d r>pwv% I P»Mo< • M I C o m e w ith m e to N e w H ope for en irresistible w o rs h ip e xp erien ce' T H E M O U N T O L IV E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H N .E. First i t S ch u yler • 284 1964 John H J sc k son. Minister M Ed M D 9 M A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregetionel Worship 5 00 P M Vesper Service 10 00 A M Beptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Each First Sunday The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churches of Oregon. Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National. Oregon, Portland Ecum enical M inistries, A m erican Bible So ciety, M b M Board. Tuesday Bible Band Thursday Choir Rehearml YOU ARE WELCOME TO W O R SHIP AT 84 N .E . K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always" would love to use (heir pick to grab power forward Sam Perkins. If Perkins is gone, then look for the Sixers to pick Jordan, if he’s there Whereas Philly is in definite need o f a power forward, it would be hard for them to pass on the 6 ’6 " Jordan. The Sixers have their first round selections this year, and un­ doubtedly will receive help. W ith the addition of a true "b ig m a n ", Portland's roster will cer­ tainly change. It will bring about some interesting questions. What will happen up front? W ill Mychal Thompson become expendable? If Mychal goes to power forward, what then about Kenny Carr and Calvin Natt? How will Drexler get time if Natl and Carr are stacked at the small forward slot? Olajuwon at 7*0" and 250 pounds will add bulk to the line up. W ith the 6 ’ ’ 0 " Thompson and either Carr or Natt, its small forward, Portland could rebound with anyone. But, will Natt and Carr both be satisfied playing limited minutes? Drexler has openly stated that next year he expects more playing very good team. And Mel Turpin could very well be the M averick’s choice. Philadelphia, drafting fifth, time. Ramsay's policy on substitution has always been the same. Jack Ramsay only substitutes to give his regulars a rest. He believes his regulars should rest " X " amount of minutes and that's it. The substitute can be hot as a firecracker, but when his four or five minutes are AUTO ( BROADW AY T O V O T A fl^ d s On T h is P a g e 'o m V ✓ <.V» t k f B lW x 4K ll|A - N O RTHW EST A L IG N M E N T Et BRAKE Shock* Í» hont end work 1 North Frem ont 282 9147 TOTTWtTTJr A U T O M O T IV E b *«*«• 0»%e •» eee^eiee W00 N M ississippi Ava Portland O regon 97227 JE N K IN S a u t o B E A U TY t> BARBER SU PPLIES ««• » WK n iwU. I WuW • I Hex Iff 5834 N E U nion A ve (503)281 6393 com oo ” >041 Lloyd Cantor Portland O regon 17732 7B4 40BB 9 00 a m pharmacy •. •«» , • " ’ , r a », P A M C C LINIC PHARM ACY *• t ~ t - 1 • C ourte« BMPt*«a IF» N M orri» Si Portland Oregon 97227 211 »931 1001 N .E. B R O A D W A Y 281 9236 BI Kid \k PWXH ENTRY door m o c h e n » « C h u c li X n o a a «HN b o O»i 4 w T *» 0 M F W e a H ^ I U M I » 231 8322 "™^7aoiur^7jeTne^"" Sew m g M achine Sa'es and servie« Eureka Electric Co 1004 N E Union b Jaatteo 6720 N.E. UNION 283 4123 •b :.V , - D E V L IN 'S CAFE tonn*' S a m PATON JEWELERS b Senn« l)tjm <>ri,f\ VV afi h r * |«*w«*lt« 4623 N. Vancouver 287 2042 * ■ r»fW S h in T t 4L als 234-7466 D iam o n d M -lling V V jtih A |i'w«*lti H t'p jir l»«lr. \ I li ,’M I NNH1 i R E S TA U R A N T S 'i' K r K e ttu ( orrtboon I ruds Hoiltan < umn« It a m o r e th a n ju a t rig h t C L O T H IN G STEW ART CLEANERS FRiO AV S B EAUTY SUPPLY w^i n aaa a arw R a w - W a ca»*» «rv« l e a * * ««M NC Unten 211 424« ■ U h l ttih 244 0 W .'H l M *. M a k e thia d irecto ry w o rk for you call 283 2486 W« du qva-t» 4WX« • A i r a » • Orapa« M on Fri B 4 Sat B 4 3377 N E B 'O ld w iy P ortland O regon 47232 IBC3I24B 1440 I Rent to own T V Stereo VCR v’deu games b mov»es JIMMY S A S S A l O S tavern 838 N Killingsworth 283 2221 W ittro c k b O Brien PHIL R EYN O LDS M E D IC A L C L IN IC Waiter C Reynolds M 0 K .o e n a H Raiday M 0 Phy»iC>en» tr Surgeon, 15 N M o rris St 287 4532 z ' " I an h A o P ro f r e m ” T h , m o it m dry C Lanin gi F „ lu r in g . . m a day cleaning and laundry aarvtca Corner of 9th b N E O akum 286-9772 C h ild ren « w e e k s e»aaa'aa« • i o r filB im A tto rn e y s A l Law R ea.o nabl, R ale. Your S ta te F arm Agent on Aum Hom a Ute and tlaakh 2014 NE Sandy Blvd , Suite 208 Portland, OR 97232 239 4532 M s tth e w K B a rn e tt 4823 N lom bard I5O31 286 2646 Outpatient alcohol treatm ent lo r in d iv id u a l, and fa m ilia . Mtaciai program lor woman 1424 N ortheast Broadway I am io 10 pm W Talk To Four Ot TW« Seat Insurance A gent, At Ones PRO JECT STOP “ J 6 -.<• -i OPEN 7 DATI A W IIK stop snack shop B u d w ,i, ,r G>a.. «W Professional Services ONE HOUR M ARTIM ZING I o n i H a id a lb a rg 01444 3SC 5001 N E U nion (C orner of A lb erta ) 288 5303 G RAC E C O L LIN S M E M O R IA L CENTER Da» ewe* Kinde»»artan • Pre acNooi 1419 N.E. Framont 281 8133 OW NER P b J S T IPPIN IN N TAVERN \am o w n . , b J im ^L«U<^*rtrjuJ §'!»< k *'. iy M ini M art Restaurant hrs b s m 9 p m Saturday 5 8 Sunday 6 8 Lounge hrs 10-2 X e m 1332 N S k id m o re • A p p lian c es & T. Portland. OR GROCERS Cr.atT«« taws« II* tree«« »••*»♦» * D evlin 's R estauran t b Lounge H V T ir a n W h ite ' 1332 S k id m o re P h o n e: 288-0880 J im S a s s a lo g O w n er ; UTNWZndA,. w a m * _____ ’ Open 5:00am to 7:00pm Food to go 2701 N E 7th • 281 4372 m aaar * Awtnor>«ad JEW ELRY t iiw n u BEAUTY •'a * w < «a 3228 N Lom bard St. 286 6331 |l I I s I KM IK It. W I M X M 519 N.E. B ro a d w a y ' 284 6060 ___ 'r. v . ( / . , rrxt>v>dua< co m « c(KtecfH>n< or aeta««« Ja ck so n 's O w l Radio TV b Record Co. N o rth w ee« a la «» R ec o rd b Ta p a Sa«e« »>«>"« s A lao bvW o n W«a|«u «'*• » i.t io n M .n .g o . C a rM y n coMactO« or m veelo r h ea eb e « cart»« an d eupptraa W « b u y p Sunday Como •» and o« boetneoefne«' FREE E S T IM A T E S Secure entry doors Break in repairs Insurance work Repiacemeni windows Aboa M IS C E L L A N E O U S C A S C A D E C O IN S c a you m e * n ee d ei n o ch e rg e to you 289 9803 M a k e this d irec to ry w o rk for you call 283 2486 W46N Williame 1 11 A C O NTRACTO R REFERRAL SER V IC E a t O«tt s -. • Portland O regon liM M U r r t« U nion (1493 S E B2nd SM 7932 4220 S E H a w th o r n , 238 1070 Tu«ltx? rental 1, a a A People th e N o iœ o w œ r « » AI H. 1 » « I I S** I I V a A Servire 2M> N I CA«e*»* a a rw ta • we>e^«ee>i le w * » M.ul Ch,mfwwt H,«vw Bulkier, C a. Ikrpt L IV SS7I \ «vh Stmt !>rv,lrn Muh «X42X 1 Saturday Morning Prayer R EM O O E L E R S O E E X IS T IN G N E IG H B O R H O O D S icloir.w 1014 N K illin gsw o rth r ^ ^ ^ W ^ 2 3 u t ^ v e n iw CHARLEY S Nenge Out »0W e * I hr Part» E .ta b h .h e d in I 9 '7 »"d »till p«ovid«>q quality dry cleaning af reasonable rates SERVICI UNITY OF LOVE BEAUTY SALON ; 00 p m "The Pastor Speaks' 7.30 p m p r o f ile s HOME ELK CLEANERS ts L A U N D R Y C L O T H IN G » » » * 14th • 24« Q3B3 nutrì jfxHjt ( IhampMini I y «btr S t tn »n H<«nr« u n d 15am . 30 p m Friday ¿ o rò i r e t t o r y 15a m. Noon Day Prayer Tu e«lay Friday A r e O f L o c a l B u s in e s s e s t h a t A r c H e l p i n g B u i l d A B e t t e r C o m m u n i t y Portland. OR 97232 (603)284 1106 707 NE FR EM O N T 3 1 6625 ‘ A lO A Y l B EAUTY SUPPLIES WhofaaMtt end Nets'1 We k.erry products that ar« seen in Jet and Fbony Magazine Open 9 a m 8pm -------------------“ n A ro rV ^ F o llo w peace uñí a li m ei). t. holme U’ ilb o u l U’btcb nian shall s e e to B ro a d w a y E xxon M a n a te e , M e ta m o ra , N ew H a v e n . P ie d m o n t, S equoia. Sun vie w , Tam arack. T ita n . W o lv e rin e an d W o o d la k e . Sunday School 9 Morning 11 Worship 6 UP w w Evangelistic Snhop UV N*w»on 00 A w w A r -w 8 g Worship AyvxAB ‘«en m g «a<•'•neB e -a n a t-» C o m e d i a C e * C e r a C o n to » P resen tin g C h a m p io n ’s affordable housing d ream . HOME BUILOERS CO u n ily 7 00p m The A rk of Safety f hurch o f God in C h rist 307 N .E. B ro a d w ay MBS C S W IQ S íHaniPinn m 7 3 0p m f «¡4« up, then out he comes. Then somewhere down the stretch. Jack will wonder why his bench doesn't supply the much needed help. Perhaps, if the bench was primed during the first half o f the season, they then would be ready at the end. Oh well, it's really just food for thought. -—-auau.— Vice President. M am ie (Toddy) Price, and a contingent from Seat­ tle, Washington, as well as a host of others from Portland's local bridge clubs. Mrs. M artha Jordan was the director-in-ch*rge o f play, and did an excellent job o f keeping play flowing smoothly, making the affair enjoyable for all. M Ml. W l.l J * the Memorial Coliseum, Monday, April 23rd China won the bast of 6 match: 16-3. 12 16. 8-16. 15 8. and 16-11. (Photo: Dan Long) USA's Laurie Flechmeier. »6. watches her team mates rush to return the save she just dove for In the USA vs. China Woman's Vollyball Exhibition at M it» Scar*es A Accessor es $»*'.cg M anul.K tufcsl hom e* by C ham pion aren’t only 4fk»tilahk. but a * i * housing investment especially compared to renting At Champ«»n. * t manufacture well in iu h ted . high quality homes with name brand materials, but with«nit the high prue lag Fhat means a low tk»wn lu vm ent ami low monthly payments tor yixi A large *«n«ng W o n N g 7 » — a s * * « e noo n A a d n a a d s r P - e w M e e tin g D p » W ednesde, Bridge tourney success On Sunday, A pril 15th, the Club Finesse Bridge Club of Portland sponsored an American Bridge Association class " C ” Regional Tournament at the Senior Adult Service Center at 4128 N .E . Union Avenue. Mrs. Lois Irving, club president, confirmed that more than 52 duplicate bridge enthusiasts turned out, including the A .B .A . Sectional ll't b u r r ie » • ratStal ( 11 yeer» . ... »ODpryi 281 6930 128 N E Russell St Portland OR >7232 J Talk To Four Ot Th« B«at ii«ur«"L« A gent, At One« vo S ta te F arm a 8., , A uto Hom« Ute and Baarin | on M a tth e w K B a rn ett 4823 N lom bard 1603) 7R6 2646 JASPER L. AMBERS Injury. Acodsnt. Drunk Onvlng Trattic Iti TW R. Alberts I