Portland Observer, February 8, 1984 Page 9 MdJ=l Stanislavski sem inars & classes laeec Doatla, New York born, hae worn meny hate in the theatre world Including director, teacher, actor and producer. He atarted tw o acting companion, one In New York and one in Loa Angeles, the west coast group still In operation. He has direc­ ted ■ variety of productions In ­ cluding opera and children's theatre. "The sooner students understand the technique, the quicker they come to under­ stand the essentials for the stage." The Entertainer & Com pany Stanislavski Seminars is offering a two-day acting workshop based on the Findings o f Konstantin Stanislavski on Saturday and Sunday, February IB and 19 at A F T R A . 913 N E Davis, in the auditorium in Portland. The fee fo r the 14 hour(7 hours each day starting at 10:00 a m .) is $30. A F T R A members--$20. The workshop's first day includes work on the actor(observation and awareness, sense memory, emotional memory, communion, concentration and relaxation, and physical apparatus), work on a characterfthe method of physical actions, inner monologue, images, the magic if, truth and belief, given circum stances), and a short history o f the difference between the Stanislavski System and the American ‘ M ethod’ . The second day includes analysis o f a playfsupcr objectives, through-line o f actions, episodes, subtext, adaptation, biography, two perspectives)and scenes and monologues brought in by the participants. Strindberg's " T h e Stronger" will serve as the play for analyzation. The seminar led by Isaac Dosti* and Diana Sunrise gives actors in all the performing arts an opportunity for a "hands o n " approach to Stanislavski w ith many exercises on how to put the Stanislavski System to w ork, not only on stage, film , radio and commercials, but in everyday life as well. Stanislavski Seminars is on a national tour, bringing seminars and classes to colleges and theatre groups throughout the country Most recently, Isaac and Diana appeared at Portland State University for a one-day seminar. Diana Sunriae hails from the West Coast where she graduated from Seattle Pacific Collage with a BA in Speech and Drama. While there she held the Alpha Pal Oma ga Presidency for tw o years, toured the countryside with a dre ma troupe, and won a bast ac­ tress award for The Miracle Worker Diana taught Speech and Drama at the high school level and di­ rected at the college level. rxy lad by Rodnay Wilder, ■T r W ed Sun Hank the Man The Baddest In r Mon b Tuea nite I Rodney Wilder Funk (your D .J .) for the nite TheSU kH e^ 5144 N.E. T h e S a lv a tio n A r m y Moore Street Corps Community Center 5430 N Moore 282 2671 Fun For The Entire Family Dale: Saturday, February 25 Time: 1 0 a .m .— 5 p.m. Place: Lakewood Center, 368 S. State St.. Lake Oswego For more inform ation call 635-3901. Cost: S I5 general admission, SI2 L O T C members Limited enrollment - Pre-registration encouraged A C A R N IV A L (In The New Gym) Friday, February 10th ft V alen tin e ball The N O R T H W E S T A F R IK A N A M E R IC A N B A L L E T w ill be on ihe Evans Auditorium stage at Lewis A C lark College Saturday, February I8. The State o f the Art performance begins at 8 p.m . Tickets are $6.50 general, $4.50 students and seniors, $l .50 children 12, and available through Tickets Northwest, 227-5558. Led by master drum m er Bruce Sm ith, an alumnus o f Lewis A C lark College, the Northwest A frikan American Ballet is the first dance company o f its kind in the N orthw est. C o m p lete w ith regional costumes and in ­ struments. the company presents the culture and dances from the Senegal. Guinea and M ali regions o f West Africa. Sm ith, who has studied drumming for 14 years, has focused in the last five years on A frican drum techniques with master drummers O bo Addy and Jalal S h e rriff. H e also has studied tra d itio n a l A fric a n dance w ith Chuck Davis and Nafisa Sherriff. In 1981 he traveled to Senegal, where he conducted research and field study in five regional villages on dance and drum techniques. The 16-member company is called "b a lle t” , according to Smith, because Th« w est ^ Dates: Saturday and Sunday, February IM A 19 Time: 10a.m . — 5 p.m. Place: A F T R A Auditorium - 915 N .E . Davis For more inform ation call 639-5823. Cott: $30.00. S20.00 A F T R A Members A frik a n ballet better known aa the Wilder Funk Beta Sigma Phi will hold its annual Valentine Ball on February 11, 1984 at the Masonic Temple in the sunken balltoom Music will be provided by "P a n a m a" from 9 until I. A queen selection w ill highlight the evening. Selection w ill be made by local judges, from princesses representing the various chapters throughout the city. Chairman o f the event is Glee Tappan o f Preceptor Beta Alpha. 6 9 P.M. Cake Walk Game« Gama« and M ore Gameslt Food and Snacks S w eat Shop Door Prizes Buy Your Tickets Early And Saveli Classical concert Classical guitarist Charles Couch will present a concert in (he University o f Portland Buckley Center auditorium Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 8 p.m. Couch, who will present music ranging from works o f (he Baroque period to modern times, will be accompanied by flutist Julie Tunstall and soprano Stephanie Weems. The concert is free and open to the public. Call 283-7202 for more in fo r­ mation,_____________________________________________________________ Tickets are 4 for 11“ or if you buy the tickets at the door the night of the carnival - then the tickets will be 35C each or 3 for 11“ . The Warner Pacific College Community Theatre will present the popular Broadway comedy “The S h ow -O ff” on February 3, 17, 18, and March 3rd. Performances will be at 8:00 p.m . in M cG uire Auditorium . Tickets will be available at the door. Admission is $3.00. ___________________ the word means " a dance that tells a sto ry ." The group shares the social dances and traditions o f Africa through their performances. ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ IN T R O D U C IN G . . . LARRY JACKSO N W HOLESALE & SURPLUS D IV IS IO N BLACK CULTURAL ONLY! COUPON AFFAIRS B O A ® CflMPUPHCide 3 * 2 1 Presents KONY HiCWR 13" COLOR ° -MUTE SWITCH P K ^M O urrow OPERATION electhowic TOME W ITH T H IS CO UPO M YOU ACE F N U T V E P TO OME S T U M P C R E A T IO N C -3 0 TAPE . . . C 0 M P llM E » 0 T 5 OF lA O t tY i B A i f 5TEÖEC» SUPER STORES. L im it i PER C U S T O M E R ' LA ST N U M B E R I-BOTTOM REOIAL iMCLUPEb WALL «PACKET ■SCC\V STATE ■ colcr CPMTROl ’ MORE . GIL SCOTI HERO eypiRES 2 -I5 -E 4 Concert r ’ T j r ’m r ' t ) JVC DIGITAL AM-FM 2 SMTHeSMPsre&o Ä built no 5 BAMP graphic . e a ■F aoer czimtrou >50 WATT.S TOTAL. P B f< ,ffA M SELECTOR -M O R I FF ATO ir^CLu1 AM-FM STIMO L CASSSTTB £ - & O & * 1 • M l t lllP W O M OSTHB» Portland State Univ Smith Memorial Center #355 February 23, 1984 • 8:00 p.m. $7.00 G en * $6.00 PSU I. D. • V ) m ah o e r x s \ • A ll Q V 4««TI1t»l I V t H f t TO iTEREOÍüfURER w*pe mouse STORE MOL«: DA»LY « H SAT 1 0 -« SUN 11-5 WHOLESALE & SURPLUS DIV. 9S5 N .t. Union 2 3 Q -G 9 Q G W as* M K A $ 4 (1 • I O M | MAS SI O N I « • \ O w | 1 V P P IN 1 “ A celebration of Life, Culture & A chievem ent." A A IM J IM N T V O FINANCING' AVAILABLE!- f Tickets available at usual outlets: Meier & Frank Downtown, Mrs. C ’s Wigs PSU Box Office and Talking Drum Book Store. ★ ★★★★★★★ 'u •ffc es ••¿R* M ' • ♦ *' a. J I '" / *