Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 08, 1984, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8 Portland O t ^ g r , February 8,1984
Local Demos build platform
The M ultnom ah County Demo­
cratic Central Comm ittee adopted a
comprehensive. progressive 1984
platform at its recent County C on­
The Party favors tax policy at all
levels that provides for balanced
budgets but not at the expense o f
programs for minorities, the poor,
the unemployed, the elderly. This
translates into support for a pro­
gressive tax system based on ability
to pay; opposition to a sales tax; op­
position to a property tax lim ita­
tion. The Party supports the home­
stead exemption, which would
exempt a set value portion o f owner-
occupied housing from taxation,
and support o f a tax on intangible
personal property (money on depos­
it, securities and other forms o f
The platform proposes creation
o f a state-owned and operated
public bank which would utilize pub­
lic and private funds, (he earnings
o f which would be used to promote
Oregon business, industry, com­
merce. agriculture and socially de­
sirable projects.
The platform also proposes fo rm ­
ation o f a non-profit insurance
company to provide legally man­
dated insurance to consumers. The
platform also supports federal fund­
ing o f life-saving operations and
transplants because "n o one should
be subjected to the level o f begging
to save the life o f a loved one.**
The platform reaffirms support
for strong civil and human rights
laws and affirm ative action pro­
grams. " W e oppose infiltration,
snooping or spying by any govern­
ment agency into the affairs o f any
legal political party . . . . * *
Calling the current economic con­
ditions deplorable and the inflation
"m andated by a former Republican
A dm inistration" the Central C o m ­
mittee said the Reagan Adm inistra­
tion "has opted to conserve the
wealth o f a few at the cost o f jobs
for the m any." The nation should
be put back to work by actively
Federally-owned banking institu­
tions should be strengthened for the
purpose o f financing, at affordable
interest rates, essential projects.
The platform asks for federal leg­
islation, in the current season, to
protect and manage the Colum bia
River Gorge; protection o f the W il­
lamette River Greenery; a termina­
tion o f logging in the Bull Run wat­
ershed; protection o f the shorelines,
estuaries and wetlands. It supports
setting aside 1.3 m illion acres for
wilderness areas and calls on the
Forest Service, S u te Parks and
State Board o f Forestry to protect
forest lands, practice sustained yield
logging, oppose road building and
other disturbances when possible.
The Central Comm ittee advocates
strict control over toxic chemical
and nuclear wastes, their shipment
and storage. It opposes expansion
o f spent fuel storage at the Trojan
Nuclear Plant.
The platform supports a three-
member elected Public U tility C o m ­
mission to regulate private utilities
(rather than an appointed commis­
sioner) and proposes a Citizen U til­
ity Board to represent residential
utility consumers before the Public
Utilities Commission, the Legisla­
ture, and other bodies. It supports
the development o f democratically-
owned and controlled people's u tili­
ty districts and municipal utilities.
A fully comprehensive National
Health and State Health Plan; full
funding o f medical needs for the
poor; mandated insurance coverage
o f preventive health services; con­
sumer representation in health plan­
ning, make up the health plank of
the platform.
"Business has the need to make
reasonable profits but not at the ex­
pense o f exploiting workers and
gouging consumers . . Regrettably
government has often acted to pro­
tect special and favored, usually
wealthy, interests at the expense of
the public." A ll workers should
have the right to organize, to bar­
gain collectively, and to strike The
platform supports equal pay for
comparable worth and vigorous en­
forcement of all affirm ative action
The Party supports legislation to
minimize the effects o f layoffs,
plant closures or relocations, shut­
downs or sales, by large corpora­
tions and businesses. This should as­
sure: a) prior notification; b) em­
ployer responsibility for severance
pay and compensation for tax loss;
c) retraining, relocation and other
assistance to employees; d) technical
assistance to assist employee or
community buy-out; e) support for
economic development in declining
Tri-M et hearings set
T ri-M e t w ill hold a scries o f
com m unity workshops on m a jo r
cutbacks o f its bus service to give
the public an o p p o rtu n ity fo r in ­
volvem ent before the changes are
ad o p te d . T h e hearings are sche­
duled for February 21st at M arshall
High School Cafeteria and fo r Feb­
ruary 22nd at Beaverton H ig h
School Cafeteria, both at 7:30 p .m .,
and on February 23rd at the P o r­
tland B uild ing . 1120 S .W . 3th
Avenue, Room *C* at noon.
Am ong the changes to be con­
sidered are cut-backs in w eekend,
evening and night service. O w l Ser­
vice is to be elim inated. Service on
many lines is to be elim inated after
10:00 p .m . on Saturdays and after
6:00 p.m . on Sundays.
A m ong the changes to be con­
sidered are:
G R E E L E Y -S a tu rd a y
Sunday service from 9:00 to 6:00
p.m . only, once every 60 minutes.
by Lanita D uke and Richard B rown
»4 F E S S E N D E N -S a tu rd a y from
6 :0 0 a .m . to 10:00 p .m . and Sun­
days, 9:00 a m. to 6:00 p.m .
»6 U N IO N -W e e k d a y s every 40 to
60 minutes a fte r 6 :0 0 p .m .; S a tu r­
days 6 :0 0 to 10:00 p .m .; Sundays,
9:00 to 6:00 p.m .
»8 I5 T H A V E N U E -S u n d ay s 6:00
to 10:00 p.m . only.
»9 B R O A D W A Y W eekdays to
9 :3 0 p .m .; Saturdays and Sunday,
from 6:00 a.m . to 10:00 p.m.
»70 I 2 T H A V E N U E -W e e k d a y
service to end at 9:30 p .m .; S a tu r­
days and Sundays 9:00 a.m . to 6:00
p m A ll trips term inate at Emanuel
»71 K IL L IN G S W O R T H W e e k ­
day service to end at 9:30 p .m .;
Saturdays 9 :0 0 a m. to 6 :0 0 p .m .;
no Sunday service.
A dditional routes throughout the
m e tro p o lita n area are also to be
reduced. T h e changes are planned
for June 7,1984.
Betty Walker
Aeelstant manager
Definitely! I f you’ re perform ­
ing a job you should be paid ac­
cordingly and pay should not be
determined by sex.
Roger Wyatt
Yes, if they are willing to do
equal work.
$ I
•re . 41 « to rt
b r beta
1 5% Off
r e g u la r p r ic e
1er aey ether ta i service
to any unamployad union member
P o rtla n d
UCfNSfO rax C O M M U N I
(N tO U lO A C IN I
S A B R IN A ’S H a ir B o u tiq u e
7414 N. Albina • 286-1189
(oH Lombard)
Grace Eestly
Yes. I f you do equal work
you should receive equal pay.
20% off
Forrest has been in Portland for over
30 years and Portland will always be
We hope that our financially sound
business w ill inspire other Blacks to
go into business. Vivian Warren will
service Jenkins' Insurance clients. Her
o ffice is located at 1727 N .E . 13th,
phone 284-9999
If you ever come to Omaha, please
give us a call. W e will be listed in the
phone book.
MRS. C’s
The Urban League o f Portland is
pleased to announce the re-opening
o f the Senior Citizens and N utrition
p ro g ram (S C A N ). The program has
been expanded to provide nutrition
counseling, suggestions on food pre­
paration, info rm ation on best food
buys and tips on special dietary needs
as well as distribution o f food items.
Mrs. Evangeline Smith and the fine
group o f volunteers w ill continue to
provide service to the program; how­
ever, as a result o f a change in the
funding source, different guidelines
are necessary.
Enrollment in Senior Citizens and
N u tritio n w ill begin on Thu rsday,
February 9. 1984, at 12:30 p.m and
w ill include an orien tation session.
A ll interested persons are urged to
call and register fo r this program .
Funding for the project is provided
by N IK E , Inc., and will run for two
W eekly ca ll-in registration is re­
quired and only those registering pri­
or to Thursday, 11 00 a m may parti-
cipate in that week’s program.
M any wig« priced »1 <S. *10. t» >1»
Sta ids
Betty Cibine Propneto»
Hair Products
"W e have everything you need."
Bell to speak
John Cole
Yes, if they are doing the
same work as a man then they
should get the same pay.
4 2 4 I . Burnside
Forrest and Rita Jenkins say good­
bye to Portland. Oregon.
Forrest Jenkins has been appointed
District Manager in Omaha, Nebraska
for The Farmers Insurance G ro up .
His territory will include an area which
has a p op u latio n o f over 500,000.
Forrest and Rita wrote over a million
dollars of life insurance for 1983. For­
rest again qualified for the Life Mas­
ters Club, making him a national lead
er for the 15th consecutive year.
Forrest will remain self-employed
in his new position. Forrest and Rita
would like to thank the com m unity
for their support and business Thank
you for making us a national winner
Mre. Johnson
S<*re. I f they do equal work
they should get equal pay.
Urban League
Senior Center
M ika Mitchell
T a x P re p a ra tio n
Jenkins receives promotion
W ith the controversy over compara­
ble worth occurring in Washington
State, the S treet B eat team asked,
"Should women receive equal pay for
equal work?”
W ell,
of course.
should always get paid. I've
been a nurse for 30 years and I
don't think we gd paid enough.
Rita ft Forreat Jenklna
Street Beat
N e x t: Foreign policy.
coupon ■ ■ a a a a a a a * ^
C om m issioner Charles Jordan's
F o ru m on F e b ru a ry 16th w ill
fe a tu re D r . D e rric k B e ll, D e a n ,
School o f L a w , U n iv e rs ity o f
O re g o n . B ell w ill give a 30-year
retrospect on law and race. The lun­
ch will be held at the Portland Cen­
ter Red Lion, W ahkeena Room, 310
S .W . L in c o ln fro m 12:00 p .m . to
1:30 p.m . For reservations, call A n ­
na Street, 248-4684
Care Free Curl
New Era
World of Curl
Special Feeling
And many more iteme to choose from.
7 0 7 N.E. Premont
281 -6925
A Mae. 0PBB Teee. thru l e t 11:30 AM te S:00 PM
s m M M H K S R
¿ v ire y s .