■KM Portland Observer, February 8, 1984 Page 7 Party hamburger Hamburgers, served plain or fan­ cy, are a hearty m eal fo r any o c­ casion. B alb o a P a rty Burgers is practically a meal in itself. T o serve six, begin w ith tw o pounds o f ground beef shaped into oval patties. T h e n b ro il, topping the burgers w ith shredded sharp natural cheddar cheese. These patties are served on toasted rye bread slices, open faced and topped w ith a m ix tu re o f mayonnaise, sour cream, onion and parsley. W ith a tossed green salad, y o u ’ ll have an e a sy -to -m ake , dressed up m eal th at w ill satisfy hungry appetites. Reading Tree 2 large tomatoes, sliced f C o m b in e m ayo n n aise, sour cream, onion and parsley; mix well. Shape meal into six oval patties. B ro il on b oth sides to desired doneness. Season w ith salt and pepper Top patties with sauce and cheese; b roil until cheese is melted. Spread toast w ith m arg arin e; top with lettuce, tomato and patties. 6 servings. Wine Sip & Silent Auction February 19, 2-5 p.m. BALBOA PARTY BÜRGERS BALBOA PARTY BURGERS Vi cup mayonnaise 16 cup sour cream 16 cup finely chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 2 lbs. ground beef Salt and pepper I cup (4 o zs .) shredded sharp natural cheddar cheese 6 rye bread slices, toasted Soft margarine Lettuce Macaroni and Cheese Boats Macaroni and cheese is a familiar staple in many homes. It has many uses, as a salad, side disb or even a m ain en tree. H e re , we suggest a tasty macaroni and cheese mixture in (his recipe for M acaron i Pepper Boats. By c o m b in in g one package o f m acaro ni and cheese d in n er w ith cottage cheese, chopped onion, dill weed and pepper, you have an easy- to-make stuffing for green peppers. Just top it with whole wheat bread crum bs tossed w ith m elted margarine and bake. This recipe can also be made in the m icro w a ve oven fo r q u icker preparation. g g * *49 •«»*• * * - ♦ MA CA RONI PEPPER BOA TS 3 large green peppers I 716-oz. pkg. macaroni and cheese dinner I cup cottage cheese 14 cup chopped onion 16 teaspoon dill weed Dash o f pepper 16 cup fresh w h o le-w h e at bread crumbs I tablespoon margarine, melted «¿y Tide Detergent Cut peppers in h alf lengthwise to form boats; remove seeds. Cook in b o ilin g salted w ater 3 m inutes; drain. Place in baking dish. Prepare P repare d in n er as d irected on package. Add cottage cheese, onion and seasonings; mix well. Pill pep­ pers; top w ith crum bs tossed with m a rg arin e. Bake at 350’ , 3J minutes. 6 servings. M ic ro w a v e : C o o k peppers as directed. M icro w ave 3 cups water and 16 teaspoon salt in covered 2- quart casserole or bowl on High 7 to 9 minutes or u ntil boiling. Add m a ca ro n i; s tir. M ic ro w a v e u n ­ covered 8 to 9 minutes or until ten­ der, stirring after 4 minutes. Drain. Add margarine, milk and the cheese sauce m ix; mix w ell. Add cottage cheese, onion and seasonings; mix well. Continue as directed. M icro - wave 8 to 10 m inutes, turning dish 49 0 / Box . 25« Otl Label 3-Pound Crisco Butter flavored Or Regular t lb Save Up To 50' Save Up To 80' born sh Clown A s id i ? 0 / l?0. Can 3? Ooni e Grind- $999 soli-A.i, r.'Mv N uiji ?-' Crest >\ Toothpaste Convenient e Pjk Small 64 Cl Meduim 48 Ct large 3 ? Cl Regular Mint Or Gel 8 2 Ounce Tube Ad Prices Good Wed., Feb. 8 Thru Tues., Feb. 14 At All Safeways In The Immediate Area Of Originating Publication. Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. SAFEWAY MACARONI PEPPER BOAT8 AM ERICA’S FAVORITE FOOD STORE - • . '.I •> ’ * «» 'i ‘ c 99 ' I rnzeri Corn en lu te $119 I ■ Save Up To 46' Save Up To 30 99* 79* 99* $599 A-.-.t i| Luvs Diapers 18 Ounce Bo« Quarters Save Up To 38' Luncheon Meat Welch’s Frozen Grape Juice NuMade Mayonnaise 3-Pound Edward’s Coffee 50-Pound Dog Food after 5 minutes. Pkg c 49 $199 I ■ Kellogg’s Minute Maid Corn Flakes Orange Juice Blue Bonnet Margarine «,• •a r « No.l Russet Potatoes v? • bi IF 10 &99c Crisp No. 1 Carrots 3:;. 99" •§?ki“ Pink Grapefruit 5 99*