Pegs 2 Portland Obaarvar, February 8.198* The other Nicararagua by G loria Fiaber It could be A lbina. The terioui-faced mini«ter, dressed in black, shakes each hand as his nock leaves the small white church. Little girls, in ruffled dresses, clutch their Sunday School papers in their hands as they make their way home over cobblestone suects. Young men in the park— running shorts, knee-high socks, hats riding jaun­ tily on A fro s , giant stereos close to the e a r— rock to the latest M ich ael Jackson sounds. The basketball court resounds with shouts as tne tall fo r­ w ard lays in his best s tu ff shot. The o ld er, more serious minds discuss politics— their curlers carefully hidden under stocking caps, their eyes hidden behind shades Here the similarity ends. Scrawled on the wall-in English and in Spanish ¡«•'Th e children want P ea ce ". A soldier, age 15. stands nearby, rifle in hand . . . This is not Albina. It it Bluefields, a city o f 20.000 on Nicaragua s A tlan ­ tic coast. Bluefields is a fis h in g /fa rm in g co m m un ity; its residents are English speaking Blacks with a m inority o f M oskito Indians and Spanish speaking Nicaraguans. The main atraat of B lu a fla ld a -w ith Ita outdoor m arkat»-c o u ld The Revolution com as to Bluefield« ba In any U S city. The Revolution has come to Bluefields and the people have responded. Over 600 young men and women voluntarily serve in the nation’ s military; others are members o f the m ilitia, guarding the city and the nearby fields from attack. The women and older men join "vigilance"brigades— walking the streets at night to guard against "c o n tra " activity. The village seems peaceful enough, steaming in the tropical heat. But this belies the fact that it is considered to be a prime target for a U .S. backed in­ vasion. The missionfas planned for the Bay o f Pigs attack on C ubajw ould be to gain some te rrito ry , set up a provisional governm ent, and let that g overnm ent ask fo r massive U .S . aid to o v e rth ro w the le g itim a te A common »homo In Nicaragua la »ha daalra for paaca. raldara kili paaaant familia» and burn hornaa and eropa. Contra' Nicaraguan government. I f that invasion does come, the minister in his black suit, the little girls in th eir ru ffle d dresses, the basketball players in the park and the young soldier w ill be its victims. People pfenning for e brighter future Isolated from the Spanish-speaking Pacific Coast by miles o f mountains and jungles, Bluefields is reachable only by bus and boat-a 10-hour trip-and yBluefields missed much o f the terror o f the Samoza regime but the people suffered from years o f neglect and mistreatment by government o f f ic ia ls who owned most o f the business and took the profits while giving nothing in W illie H am m o n d, manager o f the Bluefields H o te l, explained, The Somoza officials treated people in an insulting way and they took but never did an yth in g fo r the people. T h e new g overnm ent is try in g to m ake Bluefields a part o f Nicaragua— they consider the peoples' wants and needs. Life is much better n o w ." Do the people support the Sandanista government? Jaaua la Black: Mangar acana In tha City Park. W hen people receive the gift o f reading, do they support those who gave it to The 1980 lite ra cy cam p aig n tau g ht m any residents o f B lu efields previously illiterate— to read and write. A dult education programs assure their continued progress. Bluefields has free public schools, for its children, where they are taught in English and in Spanish. Prior to tne R cvuiuiioii, waiy iirta t who could pay «rest t-o government schools or to schools operated by the M oravian and Catholic churches. Thirty-five young people recently graduated from Bluefield's new nursing school and other vocational courses are available. Young people can attend the university in Managua, studying in English, or can even study in C uba A mothar and har chlldran ara off to vlalt »hair neighbor» or the Soviet Union. , » » A new h ospital is under co n stru ctio n and m edical care is fre e fo r everyone, with an emphasis on prevention. Before, the poor had no medical care and the life expectancy was 50 years. "P roduction and Dsfenss" Bluefield's link with the rest o f Nicaragua and the outside world will be improved with the opening o f the international airport under construction Landings on B luefield's old a irp o rt, which slopes d ow n hill and has no lights, are hazardous and infreq uent. The new port facilities w ill allow direct trade with the Caribbean and Europe, avoiding the long trip through the Panam a C a n a l to C o rin to , N ica ra g u a's only seaport. T h e firs t 15 kilom eters o f new highway lin kin g Bluefields and M anagua have been b u ilt;th e distant fu tu re holds a ra ilro a d and perhaps a canal through southern Nicaragua. Bluefields is dotted with new houses and some streets, now a sea or mud. are geing paved with Nicaragua's tradition al paving stones. " T h e people asked th at the streets be re p a ire d , so the g overnm ent is w o rk in g on. it." Hammond explained. A new water system-Bluefields ta n o * dependent on rain water and w e lb -is in the planning stage. The d ty has telephones for the first time and a tower on a nearby hill brings television from Managua. Newspapers arrive every day by boat and a local quarterly is published in English. A new library serves the new reading public but books in English Horna from Sunday School at tha neighborhood Moravian Church. A naw bicycle for Chrlatmaa. are still in short supply. DR. BRADY’S ECONOMIC RECOVERY FOR SAVING TEETH FOR FA M ILY D EN TISTR Y AT LOWER COSTS “SAVING TEETH 1983” HIGH QUALITY PORCELAIN CROWNS A BRIDGES REINFORCED PORCELAIN CAPS PHONE IN FOR A FREE ESTIMATE REPLACE your MISSING or decayed teeth &CAR TELEPHONES TH8 M KFHt R fO M L 713 S.W. 12th S trw t Call 224-BEEP for a fraa demonstration. M atthew Henson, the Maryland-born Black who placed the flag of the United States at the North Pole in 1909, w a i a skilled navigator with a f'uent com­ mand of the Eskimo language. March of Dimes IBIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION “TWILIGHT SLEEP” A other anestheticsby registered anesthetist WHILE PREPARING YOUR CROW NS & BRIDGES • COME IN FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Ray Robinson, who won fame as one of history's greatest boxers, got his nickname "Sugar Ray" when a sportswriter described him as the "sweetest fighter. . sweet as sugar." Complete Cooperation on ALL DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS a The Romans named the Mediterranean Sea. The name means middle o f the earth. Wa do ,iot do buainaaa with South Africa. Support W ith permanent caps American State Bank AN IN0CPEN0ENT BANK H ea d Office 2737 N. E. Union Portland. Oregon 97212 OPEN SATURDAYS NO ADVANCE APPOINTMENT NECESSARY H ours W e e k d a y » 8 30«m to 5pm S atu rd ay 8 30am to 1pm Park F re e - Any Park n Shop Lot DR. JEFFR EY BRADY, D E N TIS T SEMLER BLDG. SALEM S W 3rd A Yamhill Downtown PORTLANO 110’ i Commercial N E 581 8699 228-7545