Page 12 Portland Obeerver, February 8,1984 Sport Talk SAVING B A B IE S... QJ) March of Dimes by Ron Sykes. Sports Editor sw ' h w u c n KXiNOAiONa c ou p o m A n d is a ll t h it ta lk a b o u t Jim B row n co m in g out o f re tirem en t just talk? Brow n, appearing on the P h il D o n ah u e show w ith W a lte r Payton and Franco Harris, did more than just allude to the fact. “ I w ill race B oth H a rris and P a y to n ,** B row n said, “ and i f H a rris beats me, I will remain in retirement.** Brow n is p articu larly irked with Harris* running style o f going out of bounds to a v o id being tac kled . Brown believes that a runner should give more than he takes. Jim Brown was a punishing runner in his day. A t 6*2*’ and 235 pounds. Brown had the speed to run around defen­ d ers, w h ile also possessing the power to run over them. N aturally, Brown would show disdain toward Franco's running out o f bounds to avoid the hit. N o w , co u ld Jim B ro w n , the greatest running back in the history o f the g am e, re a lly m a ke a comeback at age 48? N o w ay. The game, as it is played today, doesn't allow for plus-40 running backs. It doesn’ t really allow very many plus-30 running backs. The average life expectancy, for a running back in the N F C , is only four years. Brown, who never missed a game due to inju ry, would probably have that string broken if he ever tried to resume his playing days. L et's hope that a runner as great as Jim Brown w on 't put him self in such an em barrassing s itu a tio n . Brown should remember records are made to be broken and w ill always // be broken. Bob Beamon's leap o f 29*2” in the long jum p was thought by many ex­ perts to last th ro u g h o u t this cen­ tu ry. U p u ntil then no athlete had ever reached the 28 fo o t p la tea u . W e ll, we a ll know th a t I t ’ s just a matter o f time now, until C arl Lewis w ill shatter B e am o n ’ s in c re d ib le leap. Lew is opened the in d o o r season with a 28' 10H ” jump. Brown should be satisfied to shake F ra n ­ co's hand when he finally does sur­ pass h im . It re ally d oesn't m atter that it took F ran co some 14 years compared to Brown's eight. And the amount o f games played each year is o f no significance. Each runner will ultim ately be judged by his ab ility. M r . B row n is, then and n ow , the greatest ru n n in g back th at ever played the game Beaver basketb all is on a ro ller coaster ride as evidenced in their 70- 66 win over Oregon and their 46-4) loss to Michigan State. Ralph M iller, Beaver head coach, h a t com e under a good deal o f c ritic is m la te ly , an d , perhaps, deservedly so. Ralph certainly can't be c ritic ize d fo r his w in over O reg o n . He led his team sky high for that one. The game was played on an up tem po : he co m p letely abandoned his low risk, dull offense and the team excelled. But just as baffling to me as Chinese math, was his co m p lete change fo r the Michigan State Spartans. Ralph, for some strange reason, decided to ab an d on the up tem po fo r the slower game N o w , some w ill ask what's wrong with that. W h ile M ille r c o n tin u o u s ly preaches that the game is played by five m en, his slow tem p o game co m p lete ly excludes the guards. Everything is designed to go inside; leaving the guards out. As a result, s ta rtin g guards A la n T a il and D a rry l Flow ers o nly put up five shots between them. T a il going 0-1, while Flowers was 2-4. M ille r tells us the gam e hasn’ t changed in some forty years. And, if you want to believe that, then you'll also believe the earth is flat. M iller is a fine coach, his record w ill prove th a t. S om e, th ou gh , w ill say that tim e has passed him by. W hatever the case, it's hard to envision O S U w in n in g against the b etter teams when opposing coaches know exac­ tly what O SU is going to do without exception. They know that his guar­ ds are reluctant to lake the outside shot in fear o f Use wrath from M iller that will surely come. It seems only A .C .G re e n and C h arlie S itton can take the outside shot w ith o u t drawing the coach's ice. Ralph has surely taken his knocks lately. A ll this criticism may seem unjust to some. W hy are these people knocking a coach that is the T a x P r e p a r a tio n sporting a very good record. H e had a total o f 557 wins. O nly De P au l’s Ray M eyer(697) and W ashington's M a rv H a rs h m a n ()9 6 )h a v e m ore wins. 1848 U Ora 48 Stert s i n I V h or 1 5 % In 32 years o f coaching. M iller has O f f r e p u io r p r ic e far aay ether ta i tandea won 6 4 % o f his games. W h ile at Io w a , fro m 1965-1970. Ralph was chosen B ig-10 Coach o f the Year in 1968 and ag ain in 1970. W h ile at O S U , M ille r has had num erous coaching honors. In 1975 O reg o n State finish ed second in the co n ference; and R alp h . Dist. 8 Pac-8 Coach o f the Year. In 1979, it was third place and an invitatio n to the N . l .T . M ille r's teams have made five N . l .T . trips, two at O SU and 3 while leading the Hawkeyes. Since taking the Beaver helm, M ille r has finished no lower than third. . .that being in his first year as Beaver coach. Ralph’ s Pac- 10 record is indeed impeccable. There are three straigh t c h a m ­ pionships in 1980. *81 and '82. Only one thing has eluded R a lp h ; th at being a trip to the final four Ralph has been able to get to the edge, but never over the hill. »% to any unem p lo yed union m em b er GOOD NEWS TAX SERVICE 4 2 4 I . B u rn s id e P o r tla n d K f N S f O TAX C O N SISTA N T IN S O U tD A G Í NT 232-7952 Ic o u ro N Let us renew the beauty of your garments Our cleaning methods will do the job for you. Ellis Cleaners 3300 N . W illia m e A ve. 281 V IR G N A SLIMS Special K " night set K e rm it W ash ing to n, one o f the most popular players ever to wear the uniform of the Portland Trail Blazers, w ill be honored M arch 17 w ith an evening appropriately designated as “ A Special Night for Special K .” Fher' will hr more than ceremonies on a night the Blazers w ill play the Golden State W arriors. W ashington, with the support of Far West Federal Bank, has organ­ ized a “ Sixth-Man Foundation” with the primary aim o f providing money, m aterials or equipment for persons who have had bad breaks and need a boost toward a new start in life. W ashington has co n tribu ted his personal funds to the project. And on March 17 the Trail Blazers will contribute $12,666 to the founda­ tion. This, of course, is Portland's sellout figure-w hich has been published an all-tim e N B A record o f 293 straight games. H a rry G lic k m a n , executive vice presicent o f the Blazers, said in an­ nouncing the club’s suport, “ Kermit has organized the Sixth-Man Founda tion from his desire to return to the community the warmth, care and sup­ port that fans have vested in the u- nique sports institution known as the Portland Trail Blazers.” In describing Washington as a per- son, Glickman said, " I t is not neces­ sary to elaborate on the contributions Kermit Washington made as a player for the Portland T rail Blazers. It is more im portant to note that we are honoring a very special person, one of the finest gentlemen we have known in more than 40 years of involvement in sports. Blazer officials are hoping that fans will contribute funds to the Sixth-Man Foundation in a total amount at least matching that contributed by the club. “ It is our hope to raise an addition­ al $12,666, an average o f $1 .00 per fa n ,” said Glickman. Fans wishing to co n trib u te can write a check payable to "S ixth-M an SUPER SPECIAL fo u rth w inningest ac tiv e m a jo r Ï? co#ch ,he coun,ry ’ Ralph M iller entered the 1983-84 campaign I vxttjyryn.Ms 4 VIRC-' n ,A K E R M IT W A S H IN G T O N SLIMS Foundation” and may mail it to: A special Night for Special K P O R T L A N D T R A IL BLAZERS 700 NE M ultnom ah, Suite 950 Portland, O R 97232 as»»«" Contributions could make it a very special night for Special K on Satur­ day, M arch 17. M enthol and M enthol Real estate scholarships The Portland C om m unity Hous­ ing Resource B o ard (C H R B )h as announced that it is m aking a v a il­ able three(3)scholarships fo r in d i­ viduals interested in attain ing a State o f Oregon Real Estate Licen­ se. T h e scholarships, which w ill be awarded on a competitive basis, are available to candidates who demon­ strate I ) an interest in real estate as a profession, and 2) a comm itm ent to fair housing and equal opportunity. Candidates must be at least twen­ ty-one years o f age and complete the re q u ire d a p p lic a tio n . T h e a p ­ plication deadline is M arch I . 1984. A p p licatio n s are available at 1120 S .W . Fifth Avenue. Room 520, Port­ la n d , O reg o n 9720 4 or by ca llin g 796-5136 WENTW ORTH Chevytown 4 i Special Prices for you w h e n you co m e and see Charlesl B3 S 10 Blazer Loaded yellow Idemol wea »14,780 N o w 812,896 h C P hilip Mnrrts let- I MM ’83 Cemaro 2-28 Loaded white (demoI waa »14.566 N o w 811,996 Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. C H A R L E S SNELL W entw orth Chevytown Menthol IS mg tar ' 10 mg «colin» lights Menthol 8 mg tir 0 6 mo nicotine jv o«r cioarefte FTC Reoort M»r 83 107 S.E. Grand Ave. Portland. OR 97214 232-2000 t I » Jnrl ‘AT* Ë M M v -rr» - ’Z, •. t zr £-c k-r