Portland Observer, February 8, 1984 Page 11 CL A S S I F I ED A D VER T IS I MG HELP WANTED Leading Oregon radio atation seeks sn ex- periancad. succeaaful sales parson for im ­ m e d ia t a o p e n in g . Radio sales experience re q u ire d . E x c e lle n t facilities, opportunities and company benefits. Sand resumes and references to: A S S O C IA T E C IV IL ENGINEER *2.206-*2.680/Mo. E n g in e e rin g d e g re e from a college or university w ith four- year a c c r e d it e d engineering curriculum in the epecific discipline, or equivelent c o m b in a t io n of education, experience KEX Radio end preperation. In lieu 4948 S.W. Macadam of education, minimum Portland. OR *7201 of six years of e x ­ Resumes must be perience working in the received by Feb. IS. specific diecipline of 1964 engineering under the KEX. Inc., is an equal direction and guidance opportunity employer of e regiatered professional engineer DEVELOPMENT plus an Engineer-In- SPECIALIST Training or Engineering For the Housing Author F u n d a m e n ta la C e r ­ ity of Jackson, C o., tificate; or tw o years* OR. Salary t1900/mon- s p e c ific e x p e rie n c e th. Responsible for the w ith an Engineering initial development of T e c h n o lo g y D e g re e . 111 Unite M oderate Valid driver's license Rehabilitation Program, required. Closing date from solicitation of 2-17-84. Send Reeume owners and lenders par and Grade Tranecripts ticipation to the start of to: physical rehabilitation. Eugene Water ft This is a temporary! 12 Electric Board month m ax.lposition. P.O. Box 10148 Applications and in­ Eugene. OR 97440 form ation packet will An Equal Opportunity be sent at your request. Employer Write or call: The Housing Authority of Jackeon Co. 2231 Table Rock Road Medford. OR 97501 603 779 5786 Applications must be re­ ceived by 5 p.m. Feb. 1964 This agency is an equal opportunity employer TALK SHOW HOST GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER (Highway Engineer 4) The Oregon D ept. of Transportation, H igh­ way Divieton, ia curren­ tly recruiting for a Geotechnical Engineer (H ig h w a y E n g in e e r 4)position located in Salem. You must have equivelent to a Bachelor's degree in Civil or Transportation related engineering end tw o years of progressively respon­ sible experience in Transportation engineer­ ing. You must be registered as a Professional Engineer. Preference will be given to candidates with graduate work In a g eotechn ical related field. The Geotechnical E n g in e e r p e rfo rm s detailed analyses and p re p a re s s u m m a ry reports of complex geotechnical problems for Highw ay M a in ­ te n a n c e , L o c a tio n , Design Contact: DOT P e re o n n e l Operations 302 Transportation Building Salam OR *7310 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYST »26, 062/yr before Feb. 15. 1964 for e m p lo y m e n t ap­ plication and recruiting announcem ent or the Pereonnel Center 776 Court Street Salem OR 97310 Apply by Feb. 17, 1984. Positions include City- p a id b e n e f it s . RESUMES W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Apply to: An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer Public Notice Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Business Enterprises C-TRAN hereby announces its 1964 goals of 10% Disadvantaged Business EnterprieelDBEIend 2% Woman-Owned Business EnterprieelWBEIper- ticipetion m federally funded contracts. A description of how these goats were established will be available for public inspection Monday through Friday from 8:00 a m. to 6:00 p.m. until March 16. 1984. at C -T R A N , 2425 N.E. 65th A venue, V ancouver, Weehington C-TRAN will accept informational comments until Merch X . 1964 Address comments to Grants fs Procurement Manager. C-TRAN. P.O. Box 2529, Vancouver, Washington 96668 The Urban Mass Transportation Administration will also accept infor­ mational comments until March 30. 1984 Send comments to U M T A , Region X, 915 Second Avenue. Suite 3142. Seattle. Washington 98174. Manager, Nuclear Reactor Safety Invitation For Proposals Seeled brds will be received by the Housing Authority of Portland IHAPI at 8910 North Woolsey Ave.. Portland. Oregon 97203 until 2 X p.m. (PSTI on February 29, 1984 for the following items: Interior painting of the following Housing Development: Foster Hotel. 216 N .W . 3rd, consisting of one (113-story building Bids will be opened and reed aloud shortly after 2 X p.m. In HAP's mein tenence conference room located at 8910 North Woolsey Ave.. Portland. Oregon. Prospective bidders may obtain one set of bid documents at the Housing Authority's Maintenance Office at 8910 North Woolsey Ave., Portland, be tween the hours of 8 : X a.m. and 4 : X p.m. Businesses outside the Portland area may request documents by calling 248-5633. A tee of » X will be charged for each set of bid documents which is refundable when the speci ficetions ere returned to HAP. Specifications must be returned within X days from the date received for refund of deposit. Any questions concerning the specifications shell be referred to David Wal ter at 249 5663 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND W.E. Hunter Executive Director Unique opportunity to become pert of s smell, innovative, technical teem involved in all aspects of nuclear energy Salary «2524 - «3212. Respon- sibilitiee include: - Assure that reactor emergency response plans ere adequate end im­ plemented. -Reepond to nuclear issues of public concern. -Assure that reactor operating organisations have effective programs to provide safe and reliable operation -Monitor reactor operational problems end initiate actions to ensure timely and complete resolution. Sub-Bids Requested SR4 Mp56.63 to MP58.95 Cowlitz County, W.S.D.O.T. Bid Date: Feb. 15,1984, at 10:00 A .M . Kiewit Pacific Company A Bachelor's degree in engineering or experience in reactor design or operation is required. P.O. Box 1769 Vancouver, W A 96668 (206) 693-1478 or (503) 285-4687 Experience in emergency response is desirable Must be willing to complete training equivalent to reactor managers. Request application or more information by February 17, from Bill Dixon, Oregon Department of Energy, 102 Labor ft Industries Building. Salem, Oregon 97310, or cell(503)378 6468 or toll free in Oregon 1 808221 8036 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority-owned business enterprises. PORTLAND CIVIL Immediate opening for midday talk show host. Must be well informed and well read. Must be capable of researching topics, capable of in­ terviewing 12 to 15 guests daily and must operate own board. Minimum 5 years as talk show host required. CALL: Brian Jannings 231-0760 An Equal Opportunity Employer SUMMER RECREATION LEADERS City of Salem needs leaders for: aquatics, neighborhood / sports, tennis. Must be available to work flexible hours; provide own transportation and proof of auto insurance; have multi-media or standard first aid card; be highly skilled. Salary based on skill level: »3.564-»5.515/hr. Cloe- ing date: Merch 2, 1964 Apply: City of Salem Pere. Dept. 566 Liberty S.E. Room 226 Selam. OR *7301 An Equal Opportunity Employer SERVICE 1220 SW Fifth Ave. Room 100 Portland, OR *7204 or URBAN LEAGUE 5329 N.E. Union Suita 218 Portland OR *7211 E Q U IP M E N T M E C H A N IC 2 Washington County ♦ 1499- *1822/mo. Repairs, overhauls, and maintains trucks and ro a d c o n s t r u c t io n equipment; diagnoses problems, and repairs all major vehicle s y s te m s ; tu n e s , overhauls, and rebuilds diesel and gas engines. Certification as a G eneral H e a v y -D u ty Truck Mechanic by the National Institute of A u to m o tiv e S e rv ic e ExceHenceiNIASElie pre­ ferred. County a p ­ plication forms only, resumes NOT accep­ ted. Apply by Feb. 21, 1963 to: W ashington County Personnel 160 N. First Ave. Room 306 Hillsboro OR 97124 An Equal Opportunity Employer MENTAL HEALTH CENTER Planning and Special Projects Director Wide range of responsibilities in c lu d in g re s o u rc e planning and develop­ ment. long-range plan­ ning. supervise student and v o lu n t e e r p ro g ra m s , P ro g ra m Evaluation, community c o n s u lta tio n and education plus co or­ dinate centers' special projects. Masters in social work or related field w ith 3 years e x ­ perience in project d e v e lo p m e n t a n d management in Mental Health Center or 5 years in professional role in public sector w ith preference for m e n ta l h e a lt h background. Excellent Benefits; salary begin­ n in g * 2 4 0 0 « 2 6 0 0 . Send reeume to: Deraid Walker. Ph D. Mt. Hood Community Health Center 820 N.E. 2nd Greeham. OR 17030 Closing Date: Feb. 17, 1964. 5:00 p.m. An Equal O ppor­ tunity/ Affirmative Ac­ tion Employer MULTNOM AH COUNTY Adult Nurse Practitioner Physician Assistant (Corrections Health I »10 63 *12.56 per hour. APPLY for the above positions no later than 4 :X p .m ., Friday, Feb. 10. 1984 Software Systema Specialist 1 •2,15O-»2,492 monthly. Applications accepted until further notice. WHERE TO APPLY: Multnomah County Courthouse Room 134 1021 SW Fourth Ave. Portland OR (7204 An Equal Opportunity Employer Rent Subsized Hi Rise Living D ow ntow n * Designed for Seniors and handicapped * Qualified Applicants pay only 30% of their income * 162 units completely refurbished * Most modern fire & security systems For in fo rm atio n c a ll. . . . PARK TOWER 731 SW SALMON 227-3367 R E A L ESTATE TEN N IS LESSONS Portland Tehnis Center offers tennis lessons beginning on Monday, Feb. 13th, for juniors and adults. Junior lessons are »12.X and meet once a week for five weeks. Adult lessons are » X X and meet twice a week for four weeks. Call: Portland Tennis Center 233 6868 324 NE 12th RADIO PERSONALITY Sick of LCDC7 High Part-tim e at a rock & Taxes? D eteriorating roll station. The hours Education? Bureaucra­ are flexible including cy? C o u n t e r p o i n t evenings end weeken­ h e lp in g O re g o n ia n s ds. Applicants must fight with nonprofit have on-air experience. semimonthly newslet­ Please send your ter. »24 year. Sample resume end an air- »1. Box 3. West Linn, 97068 check to: Personnel P.O. Box 22126 Portland. OR 97222 BUSINESS NEW-BEAUTIFUL Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of OregonITri Metlwill receive proposals until 4 : X p .m .. Pacific Standard Time on February 24, 1964. at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Contracts end Legal Services Section, Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202, Atten tion: John R. Poet. Director, Engineering and Contracts Proposals will be evaluated subsequent to the above time and date for: »1,886-*2,487 monthly. OPPORTUNITIES ★ NOW OPEN * Request for Proposal MOVIES...M OVIES... M OVIES...MOVIES... The movie and video cassette recorder rental industry has never been more lucrative, and with w inter here, the timing is perfect. The majority of our most successful dealers are wom en. M oderate in­ vestment, »12.6OO.X, tremendous return. Call now while we still have an opening in your com m unity. (M e rk H - 800-528-2806. SMILEI Dental crowne, fillings, and bridges done affordably, com­ fortably, safely in the hospital using general anesthesia. For in fo r­ mation call collect 1- 3 4 2 3 6 1 3 . C e d r ic Hayden, D M D Eugene. Transit Information end R RFPNo. 84-7 X N irch Services APT FOR RENT Woodlawn T errace Apt. 6939 N.E. Grand. Studio, »126/mo. ♦ deposit One bedroom kitchenette »150/mo. + deposit. Manager Harry Hodge, 288 0644 The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin V A C A TIO N A L RENTALS The Request for Proposal may be obtained from the Contracts and Legal Services Section, Phone: (503)239 6466 GLENEDEN BEACH Va­ cation Rentals, near Salishan Ocean view sandy beach. Large two or three bedrooms, lin e n s p r o v id e d . »50/night. »300 week and up. 1(503)764 2252, 764 3236 HOUSE FOR RENT 2 bedroom house. 3 7 X N.E 8th Ave Call 282 3438 Jesse Jackson needs your help now, in Oregon Make a contri­ bution to the Jeeee Jackson For President C om m ittee, and volunteer your time. "Run, Jeeee, Runl" buttons available Contact: Jackaon For President C om m ittee P.O. Box 8797 Portland. OR 97228 6797 Phone: 2386908 Run, Jesse, Run! The successful proposer shall be required to comply with all the applicable Equal Opportunity end MBE laws and regulations. All proposers shell be required to certify that they are not on the Com ptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts Date: 9 February 1964 Sub-Bids Requested Willamette River - Steel Bridge & Ramps Portland, Oregon Bid Date: February 16, 1984 Bid Time: 9:00 A .M . Donald M. Drake Company 1740 N.W . Flanders Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 226-3991 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. W INTER OVERCOAT. FOR ANNOYING ffld m AND STUFF Y NOSE ■f= ' - r TRY TRIAMINICDM COUCH FORMULA |*MJ |k>r«r« I e**>»ef'*»ws lb s tetri« •»< S eed « * Iru lie r n lr i N .h re«ka FOR THE SMILE OF HEALTH. ALL NATURAL , .••• .»■•'ll •«» . ’ mho « '» . ' I**»' <’ [Sal Hepatic Dont Go Out Without» C?»' V ****** / 17 10 I