Page 10 Portland Obaarvar, February 8,1984 » -------------o m t w #hw kopr fR im oitarp Baptist Church Business handles Medicare red tape •rw< nn»»»« cekece m « m ■<« ro n»f «aocr o f uoe* J71S M C «kleeW »e Aveee« Partita* f>f»«ee »72X7 Own I M B A K" A By Lanila Duke __ 8 « m • • to* T-Aowsg N aya W aaM | • ® » W » *ll« e ti Com a with ma co N aw Hopa fo» a« irraaiatlbta worship asportanca1 M Her, t i l p m p te i o ) aU ' » <•' a r t u r h o in r d to » u n h ip ALLEN TE M P L E C M E C H U R C H Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9 30am Sundav Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and tourth Sundays I Elonza J Edwards (Pastorl THE M O U N T O LIVET B A PTIST C H U R C H N.E. First b Schuyler • 2841964 T/’-l John H Jackton Mtni«tef M Ed MO 9 30 A M Church School 1100 A M Congregetionel Worshtp 5 00 P M Vesper Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Etch First Sunday The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National. Oregon, Portland Ecumenical Ministries, American Bible Society. M f»M Board Rev. White Feather HEA LER G R E A T S P IR IT U A L M A N Jeri Davis and Undo Bower«, proprietors of bow- era and Davla, a bookkeeping sarvlca. conault ovar Bowers A Davis. " I t ’ s hard when you are 65 or older, sick and low income, trying to understand this process. What we do is process claims, check and double check, to make sure the billings are correct," Davis said. They have found mistakes made by the doctor's o ffice and at Medicare: money the seniors might not have. Bowers said, "W e are knowledgeable, we have the time and patience and will catch errors quickly so our clients won't be faced with all that paperwork alone." Their advice to Medicare recipients is to carefully check claims, ex­ planations of benefits and to know which costs are allowable and which are non-allowable. Although their rate is $10 an hour, charges are based on the senior's income. But this sliding scale does not exclude them from voluntarily doing accounts. Obituary Rosalie Boothe, founder and director of Exodux House alcohol and drug program died of cancer on Thursday, February 1st. Mrs. Boothe founded the Exodus program in 1977. In addition to rehabilitation programs for adults and youth, the program provides prevention programs for children. The "C lean Team ” enables young people to learn responsibility through neighborhood clean-up programs. Mrs. Boothe, 45, was born in New York and was a graduate of City College, New York. She was a member of the Oyoyo Organization Black culture group, the New World A frica Oroup and Hughes Mem orial United Methodist Chur­ ch. She was an accomplished musician, often performing for community benefits. M em orial services were held at Sharon Seventh Day Adventist Church and Hughes Memorial United Methodist Church on Sc*ao> • H> • ew W. K G rassrool News. N . com ­ munity-based bookkeeping service, Bowers A Davis, is absorbing some o f the red tape senior citizens are stuck with when they utilize Medicare. Medicare is contracted out by the Federal government to pay a por­ tion of your medical costs when you reach 65. Part 'A ' of Medicare pays for hospital cost while Part *B' covers physician costs. The problem, according to Linda Bowers, is knowing which expense is allowed, how much you have to pay in deductibles and how a lack of in­ fo rm a tio n about accounting procedures is costing senior citizens needlessly. •‘ When you turn 65 you au to m atically are eligible for M edicare. Part 'A ' o f Medicare pays 80 percent o f your allowable hospital costs.** Jeri Davis said the problem is knowing which hospital services are allowable and additional insurance to cover the 20 percent will still leave a cost uncovered. "In-house care, eyeglasses, dental work and medical prescriptions are among the non-allowable costs that patients must pay. Il is asking a lot when you are retired, living alone with only $300 dollars as your mon­ thly income.’* Another avenue in the Medicare maze is Part *B ’ , physician coverage. " I f a doctor charges $24 dollars for an office visit, Medicare will only pay $17 dollars. The d if­ ference must be paid by the patient," Bowers said. But this is only the tip o f the iceberg in costs passed on to the patient. " A s o f January, 1984, if you go in hospital, you have to pay the first $365 dollars. For physician care you have to pay the first $75 dollars. These are called deduc­ tibles," continued Bowers. Bowers cautioned these deduc­ tibles are only applied to allowable costs. I f medical services fall under the non-allowable list, the patient is held responsible for the bill. " C o n fu s in g " is one verb that comes to mind and the need, more than anything, for this type of bookkeeping service, created (Photo: Richard J Brown) •nam loa «nd toHa If frlond« ore true or f Blaa Ho 1« not Ood. nor dooa ho claim to be. Ho 1« a oorvsnt o l th« Lord, who wo« brought hero to help oil w ho are In need o f help If you hoyo any p ro b lem c o n c e rn in g th e p a s t, p ra e e n t. fu tu re . Iowa marriage, buelneee. leweulte. Rnoncoo health. It you era In trouble, alch or In love, there'« no problem ao groat that ho cannot »olva YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT THE ARK Ot SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 84 N.E. K illin g sw o rth • 281 0499 "A M arm Spirit o f I ellowshtp Alw ays” H o w To B ring B ack Y our Sex A c tiv ity The Honorable Bishop U. K Peterson. D. D "The Holiness Preacher. ” Pastor YOU M A Y NOT BELIEVE M E. BUT ONE V IS IT W ILL CON VINCE YOU TH A T I CAN HELP YOU. O NE S P IR IT U A L B A T H W A S H E S ALL THE B A D LUCK ANO W ISHES A W AYI Tuesday Bible Band Jr Church 7 30 pm W ednesday Cho.f Rehear w i 7 pm D O N 'T G IV E U P I C O M E SEE M E I Sufdey Friday S u n d ay S rh n o i ? 15 > m "The Paalu» Speaks 7 30 pm Morn«ng Worship 11 15 am Saturday YPWW b JOpm Morning Prayer 9 am E v a n g a h th c W o t h«*p 8 pm Showers of B*e*-A ngs T u e s d a y Friday Bruedcasl 10 e m N o o n Day Prsye* Station ALIO 1290 AM DIAL AUTO BROAD1 A d i O n r h ii P a q r A rc O l t o t a l B u i i n c a a TO YOTA J * NORTHWEST ALIGNMENT b BRAKE u til J Shock» b from «od nor» 1 North Fremont 282 9147 5834 N E Union Ave (503)281 8383 H'ei e»ama 500 N W 23rd Avenue PHARMACY 1 1 1 AM 1« e ' . a a • • 1001 N.E BROADW AY 281 9236 jh tK IN S AUTOSERVICE C «»vtedata angine b u p M ui □»«•■•v servate gwe-a^teen “ IT S j X 3B46N WUlioma Portland Oregon ai M l —a B roedw ay Exxon A«w > U ’ j R E N TA LS 234-7466 I IF. N Morne St Portland Oregon 97277 2>1 9931 The l'.rl» * N-rvire l*»-«>pl»- A CONTRACTOR REFERRAL SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS CASCADE CO IN S « d k irA M 2M ! N l coeerlo» O» «ivogErx A«o beaten t^re« end gupphw We buy mdtwtjuef coarta coaactwa o» caletee FREE ESTIMATES Unien 289 9803 114(3S E «2nd SM T O 4270 S E Hawthorne 2J8 1070 M ake thia directory work for you call 283 2486 3228 N. Lombard St. 286 6331 Jacksons Owl Radio TV b Record Co X . • JEWELRY ' Pecore e Tape taiatta,-« jAuirvo- tae /an*»» la*aa k Sa-« PATON JEWELERS D .in .l» W-Z4623 N Vancouver lJ a a “ 287 2042 * -TT/Mortr f lr rentals I 234-7466 VacuTurñTTTeTne Sewing Machine BEAUTY Se 3SC P»Ç9» b Jim Budw«i««r G a»» 45c 838 N Kilhngswnrfh 283 2221 W ittrock b O ’Brian PHIL REYNOLDS MEDICAL CLINIC Tane ’o vow» pwee o» the Roca Life, heefih auto home W«it«r C Reynold« M 0 K«lp«r>« M R«|d«v M D Rhy«,ci«n» b Surg«on» Jahn Jankin» ln»ur»nc» A««ncy 411N KWngawonn Pila »T2’ 7 15 N Morris St. _______ A >/ 2014 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 206 Portland. OR 97232 239 4532 PROJECT STOP A O u lp ttx n . alcohol lr««1m«ni for m d'y'dutit and ttmili«« »poca1 program for women IBM North«««! Broadway GRACE COLLINS M E M O R IA L CENTER Oav bua nata »o« B O»a o» t »* «« of M a -*oai ta*a->a«} iaz»wH(tena 707 N t FREMONT 281 A62& 2H I NAH I IV N A 1B04 N $ » v 'ir g S jn d b f omis Haita'' i uinne “ It e m oro then just right Portland OR 287 MPS C s WIGS I ( arvakaan COMPANY 231-8322 jl< h«*\ | r w « Ir % O i.n r1 y e ttin g U . i l t h A Ic w i'lis N t - ^ j i i »»•IN \ | l l t S iMXDi IL W IM M IM 619 N.E. Broedway 284 6060_____ F R ID A Y S ’ " " “ •»w V 't«' '« • Cevr-'e* « mov « * REMOOELERSOF EXISTING NEIGHBORHOODS HOME III Kt,I AH IT«K)f I M « » DOOR Secure entry door» Break m repair« Insurance work Replacement window« mwhenu etwa« K m » k n u i r i w »w enauM ab Mt e PRMC CLINIC PHARMACY B u il d A B e t t e r C o m m u n i t y a t oats CHARLfV S w*ta*a ma bea» * ••••w ’W'vgaowt «0% ah « fin caweor* 1011 Lloyd Cantor Portland Oregon 17232 Portland Oregon 17277 C a m «» !» Cer Cer» C a m » t h a t A rc H e lp in g I$tgbi-yhik<) n 1912 and «!»•• pf'iv !1 ' 1 U ’ » 1'Y 1 di ree«onrfl»*e fams 1014 N K illin g s w o r t h C L O T H IN G HOC N MissZskp* Ave — Phone(503)284-3233 Half Price w ith this coupon I ELK CLEANERS b LAUNDRY BEAUTY b BARBER SUPPLIES Rata« b w*M>aeae»e» Kova» 9> Mon Saa «en gelang Call For A n Appointm ent AsngdB .-va*-ce 307 N.E. Broadway Portland. OR 97232 1603)284 1106 m See Him at His Home located (Located in Portland. Oregon) ( dinin unity Direc lory and profiles A U TO M O TIV l Tuesday. February 7th. Survivors are her husband, Thomas; daughters Linda Johnson and Saundra Boothe of Portland; and one grandchild. The family requests that remem­ brances be contributions to Exodus House. Ray W t ilu F e ath er la g ifte d to h elp all h u m a n ity . Il you h a ve any problem« large or em ail, w h eth er you lluo tor or near It w ill benefit you to •oa him today If hueband or w lfo la unfaithful, ho con help you Ho aettlaa lower« quarrel«, help« you gain the loot low« and ««action ot tha on« you love end «how« you the w oy to hopplno«« Ho nomaa frl«nd« «nd asking me how much we charged. I asked her how much could she a f­ ford and she replied *5 dollars.' I told her we charged 5 dollars.” Davis said, "1 went to this lady’s house and she was ill and overcome with Medicare paperwork. She had a small, fixed income and kept RC1U LWILLH ROSALIE BOOTHE Just arrived fro m the West Indies First Time in Portland the m ultiple forms. Kats Scarves A A ccetterei r, • « . >*ulet d -».if r