Portland Observer, August 3, 1983, Page 5 Beat the heat pump* W ith a modem natural gas furnace and central air conditioning system. Rev. Jessie (Rl, of the Golden Eagles, flies to the reecue of Port­ land area senior citizens with a beg of groceries a week. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) Scriptures inspire food giveaway G R A SSR O O TS N E W S . N . W. — When (he Reagan administration started withdrawing and reducing federal aid to various programs, they relied on a “ safety net” o f vol­ unteers to pick up the slack. For Portland senior citizens, age fifty- five and over, the Golden Eagles have flown into their lives with a bag o f groceries a week as a stop­ gap measure against hunger. The Golden Eagles hatched from the community spirit o f Reverend Leonard Jessie o f the Alpha and Omega Christian Church who de­ fines the program as, " A senior citizens food bank. It was designed in 1981 to provide food, clothing and an environment for our seniors. W e provide food on a continuous basis to supplement their incomes. W e can offset what monies they do have to free it up for the other neces­ sities they have in life. W e bring to­ gether seniors and disadvantaged people o f all races and religious beliefs.” Rev. Jessie is quick to point out that for the last two years he and his wife have absorbed the cost and maintained the Golden Eagles without a penny from the federal, state or municipal budgets. He says the biggest problem facing seniors is indifference and that many programs are motivated by the dollar figure in their budget. H e states, “ There are some groups in the area who only help seniors if there is a dollar incentive. Once a person reaches a certain age they become a mass and have a peer group set apart from the main­ stream of our society. Our seniors Should be treated as they are in Europe. Respected for their worth, value and commitment to their society.” Rev. Jessie backs up his observa- tion by saying, "T here is too much politics in gathering grants and the same sources are receiving the money. The grassroots people aren’t receiving the final benefits from these grants. How can they when 65 percent o f that money is for adm in­ istrative costs. " T h e Golden Eagles is totally self-sufficient with no dollars. We distribute food from local mer­ chants and from the surplus o f the U S D A . Large companies, who do not want to be named, continually give us commodities and produce. W e have two large cold and dry storage facilities. W e live from week to week and we have always pro­ vided.” Every week Rev. Jessie provides bags o f groceries to up to one hun­ dred seniors out o f the basement of M t. G illard Baptist Church, located at 2902 N .E . Rodney. Currently, the Golden Eagles are operating a variety store on N .E . U rio n and Church Street. He explains, "W e are creating a type o f income that can provide services in the commu­ nity without asking the state or local government for services we can do ourselves. " W e created the Golden Eagles from the scriptures that states. •They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength and mount up with wings as eagles.* Golden denotes the seniors and Eagles denotes strength and pride.” Rev. Jessie would like to see more support coming from the commu­ nity. He concludes. " W e encourage your support in the form o f food, dollars or clothing. Anything that you would like to contribute to help." For more inform ation about the Golden Eagles, call 281-5595 or write P .O . Box 12082, Portland OR 97212. Sim e people think of Northwest Natural Gas Company mainly as a source of highly efficient home heating. But we want you to know that when it comes to air conditioning, we also have our ducts in a row! Because a central air conditioning system- using the same ducting as a gas furnace- is even more efficient than a heat pump. (You’ve probably h e a d about the electric heat pump: A single unit of complex engineering that tries to handle Kith the cooling and heating of a home.) So why not cool it for a minute, and read the following tacts on just why a modem natural gas himace combined with a central air conditioning system, may be a better alternative! First of all, your total operating costs over the life of our combination system should be significantly less than with a heat pump. And incidentally, heat pumps lose efficiency as temperatures decline. W hich means they must be supplemented, usually by expensive electric resistance heat, under outside temperatures of 35° F! And, consider that the life expectancy of a natural gas furnace is at least 20 years. Often without a single repair and with no service charge for inspection. (Central air conditioning, used only when you need it, also lasts a very long time.) O n the other hand, a heat pump compressor wears out in an average of just 7 to 10 years. Not surprising when you consider it often nins non-stop tor many days in winter. And then must work haid in summer, too! Plus heat pumps often require maintenance and expensive repair. And finally, heat pumps are notoriously noisy. Just ask a friend whose neighbor has one. W hen hearing, a natural gas furnace delivers air at a temperature that feels toasty warm. A heat pump blows air that’s well below Kxly temperature, which feels cool and draf ty. There you have it. The chilling tm th aKmt heat pumps vs. our efficient, more cost effective and much more comfortable natural gas furnace and central air conditioning system. So call us, today. Ask aKmt our 10-year financing. We prom­ ise to deliver sweet coolness now- But later, the savings are Kiund to make you warm all o I »tmuf - m 'T The m v mg» w ili malte u h i warm all over. \ NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS lì l’,.rtl.,i,.l Albany Aitona 226-4211 9264251 125 1612 LincolnCkv » 4 - 2 I I I 5M5-66II Salem 296 2229 The I b ile . Tram up a childm the wav he should go and when he is old he w ill not depart Irom it Concerned About Your Children s Education9 So is MARANATHA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL' Grades K 5 To fin d out more about to ta l education contact M A R A N A TH A CHUR CH C H R IS TIA N SCHOOL 1 2 2 2 N E P o rtlan d. 288 S k id m o re St Oregon 97211 7241 . V 4 » • V Your Child w ill receive a balanced development