Pag« 10, Portland Observer, August 3. 1983 Professional W om en's Organisa­ tion. Second Vice Pres. Y .W .C .A . She held the public office o f As­ sistant Director o f Portland’s Model C ity program. Mrs. Barnett was Ihe founder of the Green Fingers Garden project in 1968. She was cited by First Lady Mrs. Richard Nixon, fo r this project and was active in the project until her death. Mrs. Barnett was very civic- minded and received many awards and recognitions such as: 1970 Golden Torch A w ard, one o f Port­ land's 10 W omen o f Accomplish­ ment for 1970, and received a C erti­ ficate o f Appreciation by Kiwanis Club. M rs. Barnett is survived by her husband, Nevada. M em orial services w ill be held Thursday, August 4. at Portland Mem orials, Sunset Chapel, Cox Funeral Hom e, Inc. in charge. M rs. Barnett asked that remem­ brances be sent to the Oregon Cancer Society. She w ill be missed by her many friends. usiness Notes Portland ! downtown office vacancy rata soared from *.7 p e rç a n t In J u n e . 1882 to 20.1 p e rc e n t laat m o n th , the nation's second highest vacancy rate o f 28 areas surveyed by Coidwell Banker Commercial Real Estate Services. Meanwhile, the addition o f the K O IN Tower and PacWest buildings w ill create an even greater waste o f the area’s investment capacity. lu contrast with the office vacancy rate, however, Portland’s industrial vacancy index measuring industrial buildings 100,000 square feet and larger in the four-county area continued to drop. That index is at 3 percent, down from M arch ’s rate o f 3.6 percent. The national aver­ age industrial vacancy rate in 20 key market areas is 4.9 percent, according to Coidwell Banker. 24.400,000. T h a t’s h o w m a n y A m e ric a n s a rc o ffic ia lly b e lo w th e p o v e rty lev ai, which the government officially calculates was $9,862 in income for a fam ily o f four. The Census Bureau noted that the figure represents about 13 percent o f the total population, up from 14 percent in 1981, but claimed that "things seem to be getting b etter." "C lo n e d T o B e c o m e B e a u tifu l A g a in ," reads the marquee on what was formerly called the Northgate Theater and will soon be known as the St. Johns Theater. A form al “ premiere” showing planned for August 4 will include searchlights beaming across the sky. The St. Johns Theater is partitioned for two screens one o f which will show movie classics while the other shows first-run films.__________________________________ M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty w ill spend 4420.000 to re h a b ilita te an d build n e w u n its In th e Errol H e ig h ts a rea according to a recent announce­ ment by County Executive Dennis Buchanan. The Errol Heights plan includes $230,000 for rehabilitating 83 homes and $103,000 to buy land on which 13 new homes will be built by a non-profit corporation. About $8,000 w ill go to fair-housing and the remaining $37,000 to administra­ tion o f the plan. T h a N o rth e rn C a lifo rn ia B lac k C h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e recently announced the opening o f the Oakland Convention Center and accompanying Hyatt Regency Hotel. Because o f the need and the economic importance o f Black conventions, trade shows and tourists, the City Council funded the Chamber to promote the Convention Center and to play a major role in the city’s growth and develop­ ment. For inform ation contact: Northern California Black Chamber o f Commerce, 7700 Edgewater D r., Suite 8 12. Oakland C A 94621. O bituary Viviane L . Barnett, a retired cosmetologist and realtor, died Sat­ urday o f cancer at the age o f 79. Born in M arshalltow n, Iow a, M rs. Barnett had been a resident o f the metropolitan area for 40 years. She was a member o f Daughter o f Isis. M ina Temple *142, Portland Board o f Realtors, Fast Pres. A lbina Tax Payers Association, Pres. Beta lota Sorority, Second Vice Pres. Parkrose Business and Students receive PCC scholarships School; Leona M a rit W hitlow , Jes­ uit Tree o f Learning; Arackha O 'Singharaj, Madison High School; Danny Erickson, Roosevelt High School; and T om iko Diane Belle, Wilson High School. Winners were selected by high school scholarship committees at the individual high schools based on general guidelines suggested by P C C , according to P C C President John H . Anthony. This is the sec­ ond year such awards have been given. Seven student« from north and northeast Portland neighborhoods have received full tuition scholar­ ships for one year to attend Port­ land Com m unity College. A ll seven are 1983 graduates o f local high schools. The awards are part o f an ongoing scholarship program spon­ sored by P C C ’s Development O f ­ fice. The winners include Kerry Dean Cummings, Benson High School, Teresa Pilger, O rant High School; Monica L . Niem i, Jefferson High N ational Council of Churches plans in terfaith service for M artin Luther King march We Still Hove A Dream! JOBS PEACE ■ FREEDOM I^M I f 148) u e .w ■ • • • • * S e .v e r * « W E S ' Y O R K — A n interfaith service on the eve o f this month's M arch on Washington is one o f the activities being planned by a coali­ tion o f religious groups coordinated by the National Council o f Churches. The interfaith service is scheduled for August 26 from 7 to 9 p.m . in M etropolitan African Methodist E p ix o p sl Church in Washington, D .C . Participating in the service will be Catholics. Jews. Muslims and members o f the N C C C denomina­ tions. Speakers at the service will represent the concerns o f women, blacks, whites, and international issues. The service will set the stage for the churches' participation on the next day, August 27, in what is ex­ pected to be a massive march on Washington. The organizers say the march is “ A Call to the N ation’ ’ for jobs, peace, and freedom. It comes on the 20th anniversary o f Dr. M artin Luther King’s historic “ I Have a Dream ’* speech delivered during the 1963 March on Washing ton. A procession o f religious groups from morning worship services to the march on August 27 is also begin planned by the religious task force. The Rev. Tyrone Pitts, N C C C staff member for racial justice, who is overseeing the work o f the religious task force, says that many o f the NCCC-reiated denominations will hold a denominational worship service in a downtown Washington church before the march begins. The groups will then “ move out o f the churches and come together for the m arch." "B u t what happens after the march is perhaps even more im por­ ta n t," Pitts said. " W e will be calling for a nationwide coalition o f the people who joined the march and their organizations to create a ’coalition o f conscience’ to lobby Capitol H ill on issues ranging from Central America policy to military spending to the needs o f the poor or unemployed to racial justice." Y O U A R E W E L C O M E T O W O R S H IP A T THE ARK Ol SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 84 N .E . K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 "A W arm S p irit o f Fellow ship A lw a y s " The H o n o ra b le Bishop U. K Peterson, D . D. _______ " T h e Holiness Preacher, ” Pastor THE M O U N T O LIVET B A P T IS T C H U R C H N .E . First B S ch u yler • 284 1964 Tuesday Bible B and/Jr Church 7 X p m John H Jacfcaon. M«nist«r. M Ed , M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M Congr «gat t o o l Worship 5 00 P M V®sp©< Service 10 00 A M Baptism Fou rth Su rxley W edne sday 11 00 Communion tech First Sunday American Baptist Churches of Oregon: Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National. Oregon, Portland Ecum enical M inistries. A m erican Bible S o ciety , M .E tM . Board T h e A m e r ic a n R a n n s t ALLEN TE M P L E C M E C H U R C H C o rn er of 8th and S kid m o re Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) AUTO W rack Rabu kkng Un,body Frema Strengthening Elonsa J. E d w a rd s (P as to ri 806 NE A L B E R TA STREET R everen d B e rtra m G riffin . Pastor 281 4429 6S42 N t Umon Avenue Portland. OR 972,1 Telephone 3 0 2219 NORTHW EST ALIGNMENTS BRAKE 5 00pm Vigil Saturday 9 X e m Choir - Sunday 12 00pm Folk Goape, Sunday Shocka Cr troni end work ST. A N D R E W C O M M U N IT Y S C H O O L M r J em e e t. Marrleon Phone 284 1620 Grade* I thru 8 P rincip al 1 N o rth F rem on t 2821147 A U T O M O T IV E CLEANERS Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church 5828 N.E 8th Ave. Portland, OR 972,1 f**8 b ii8 h « d «n 1>t2 gnd We t>o <»utoM, wori • A»t»e«-«x'e • Oepaa M o n Frl I t Sat S 4 O NE H O U R M A R T IN IZ IN Q * < AI H- f 9 < 1 1 ANI 18 1419 N .E . F rem on t 281-4133 • Tu«f o r ren ta ls • a si)«» n»v c l e a n in g e • 1001 Ä i E Th«- Part«. A, Service People ( lleLco me nr»i»u , I, \S ,,, I, I, , I l> lit,, .nil Nt Hanv V' • »< », \ |. sv i Its H, . ,,r \ » s in h .’HI RH p'easa you M o v in g _ M O O V IN G RESTAURANTS (e-Kerres 2 Young Christian^ W A N T THE JOB Affordable, experienced, "It'S m o rs th an just righ t " HUNGRY STUDENTS W /covered moving van 11TN W 2nd Ayg I P 8188 266-8038 268-3863 of cod * * „ *-» • * " * * Wa work W IT H you to M V you D e v lin ’s Restaurant Er Lounge M IS C E L L A N E O U S Restaurant hrs. 5 am 9 prr iM ssd t y p e s e t t i n g I Lounge hrs 102:30 a.m ___________monsvl ■ Putof Itoriy l a r w s I I » • Sundtoy ScHoof • $>«««* Monwxg WorWup 10 40 • m wnW • 8*we T rwwsg Unton 8 p m Ivtorung WonTwp 7 K p m • MxPwatok len ito « noon WoBnoadtoy Pravo» Mooting p » Wfs tor ss tori dons? today) I » C o m « w ith m e to N o w H op« fo r «n lrr«eistlb l« w o rs h ip •■p ociencel hrrr ull fftoplr\ >d olDoiryorf School o f G o ff D rop th a t handicap 11493 S t S2nd it .•at ma i a | REMOOELERSOF E X IS T IN O N E IO H S O R H O O O S FREE E S T IM A T E S tei oste J its N Gael «etto l a AvtoBBto Portiasi Of tre e V i t t i Re* A Rtofluud Dvwve I A A B A •»«HPto>r>ooe e Cow««* »uookoo Arw» «w*ng *oc t»r«aa e.eeetMe if e totocta Re enee« Arto « o p r fRissionsrp B aptist Church the — P R M C C LIN IC PHARMACY C o m m u n ity R EM O D ELIN G Manse: 282 0067 Sunday School 9:00 am M o rn m it W orship 11:00 am — 1BN M orris St Porttend O regon >7227 M l M31 p uvidm g q uality dry cleaning t raasoneblg rg tat 2701 N .E. 7th • 281 4372 end laundry eery ice ■ 0 0 N M ieeleelgpi A ve P e rita n e O regon 17777 strit 1014 N K illin gsw o rth ‘.OON W 23rd A venue F e a tu rin g s a m g d ay c le a n in g — PHARMACY u n d p r o file ^ HOME M ake this directory w ork for you CSII283 24M M a tth e w A llen W a tle y . D O Se etleaS ree t re n ta l D ir e c to r y ELK CLEANERS b LAUNDRY STEW ART C LEA N ER S — "The Pastor Speaks 7 Xpm Saturday Morning Prayer 9 am •• Showers ot Blessings Evengefcstic W orhup Tuesday Friday B roadcast 10 a m Noon Day Prayer Station KLIQ ,290 A M DIAL A d \ O n I h r i P o g r A r e O f t o r o / f l u M n ( * n t % f h a 7 A r e H e l p i n g H u i li i A B e f f a The m ost m dry d e s n in g l Church Phone: 288 5429 F r id a y 9:16am 1115am 6:X p m • pm Stan Nrcholson ST. A N D R E W C A T H O L IC C H U R C H 4919 NE 9th Ave '( O i n i n u n i t i Alb-era Body and Perm Shop 7 pm Choir Rehearsal Sunday Sunday School Worshrp 1132 N S k id m o re C a ll 283 248« 1 TAVERN p f c J '.T iP P IN IM TA VER N "TTHrrSTÜTTTiT“ M E M O R IA L CENTER CNag Own — »- i omni lo worship M « t* r e t t o E m m a n u e l T e m p le S t - own«i « le id e , berg G u m 35C I Ito* •»*- 28 ytotorg n c»»to4 car« Sunday School — 9 s .m .-11 s.m . 1032 N S u m n er Sunday Service - 11 a .m .-2 p .m . Sunday Evening - 7:30 p.m. M onday — Holy Ghost Night — 7:3 0 p .m . Tuesday — Bible Study — 2:00 p.m . W e d n e s d a y — T h e H o u r o f P o w e r — 11 e .m .- l p .m . Thursday - Evangelistic Services - 8 p m. Peggy b J.m Sudwetaer G i < m 45C 838 N K illingsw orth 283 2221 12S N t Huesee 7S1 SS X Full G ospel P en te c o s ta l C h u rch 2SS OSSO JIM 5 *« » *iO S O W .I« Professional Services BOOKER T LEW IS. JR PHIL REYN O LD S m e d ic a l c l in ic - Waltar C Raynoid» M 0 kalpana H Raidav M 0» Surgeona Pestor - Bishop Adolph A. Wells Home 249-3801 Church 287 2223 b 16 N. M o rrlg St 287 4637 0 .0 • TWna «o* yow» piac« o* tha Apea L/*e beenH auto N>ms Jaha Jankin« Inescante Aganc y 418 N Kiknpewonh Rad >7317 Prudential ••W» r-1 M haun haraa M N E K lllin g aw o rth P ortland O regon »7211 »1X 10 PRO JECT STOP GROCERS 831 N .E . F re m o n t 8 :4 8 a .m .......................................... Sunday School 11:00 a.m ............................... M om lng Worship 6.00 p .m .................................. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. W ed............................ Prever M eeting • and Bible Study For though I preach the GoapW. I have nothing Io glory «or na t eeaR t e laid upon mo. yaa. woe ■ unto ma. If I Ith eg oepei - , Cor > 1 8 St. A n d re w Legai Cllnlc M i n i M a isf Portland OR »7712 Qrvtosnt« »A«(fc* BltoEtrotoKto LrtodtotoS I W MtMt DOW NTOW N ’ 24 8 W W w «g»©« RrwntoRd O e g o - t ’ X » ’8 ’8 W A S H IN G T O N SQ U A R E Phon, 8J9 ,622 OPEN 7 DAYS « W ir t > am io 10 pm 9th Corner of N .E O akum 286-9772 b |O»d STOP SHACK SWOP Outpat.ent alcohol traatm an, lo r in d iv id u a li and la m in a ! •oeoai program toi woman 1S2S N orth e ea , B roadw ay S o r v in a t h e C o m m u n i t v (5031 7B4 9004 T i * To Four Of The Bee, • 0 7 N .E A lb e rta Po rtlen d. O regon (603)281 1800 meurence A genti At Once vour S tate Farm Agem on A u«, Home m e end Herne. M a tth e w K. B arnott 4623 N lom bard (803/788-2844 « " a