Portland Observer, July 27, 1983, Section I, Page 9 Farmers cuts rates on auto insurance for drivers between 30 and 60 Lifestyles: Batting for Bhagwan W e have rales 301. under standard rates lor drivers between the ages ol 30 and 60 There’s a good reason lor this. Farmers knows that these drivers tend to be safer and more careful on the highway. You're the drivers who have tewer accidents. That's why Farmers created our 30/60 package auto policy. II you qualify, you could save substantially on your premiums Farmers Insurance Croup is working constantly to keep the costs of insurance down, and the amount of protection up And this 30 60 pack­ age auto policy is one way w e do it W hy not call me? i FARMERS to fr M l Jenkins 4726 N Wilkems Avenue Porti end, Oregon 97217 15031 249 2986 Sannyaalnafr Swami Arnand Oava Prabodh. Ma Pram Surup. and thalr daughter Sohani. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) by Nathaniel Scott W hy your phone bill While local rates will rise, long distance rates should go down—for two reasons: The good news. First, because long distance rates will no longer subsidize local service to the extent they have in the past. (In fact, all subsidies from long distance will be eliminated by 1988.) Second, because there will be more com­ panies supplying long distance to select from. As a result, long distance rates are expec­ ted to decline over time. As this occurs, the FCC estimates those customers who make more than five 8-minute calls a month will actually save money on their monthly bills. It’s a bit complicated, we realize. And the courts and regulatory agencies are still working out many of the details. But one thing won’t change: Pacific Northwest Bell will continue to provide you with the superior telephone service you expect from us. There’s more news. There are more changes coming. Some big, some small. But you can be sure we’ll keep you informed every step 1 T u g 800 555-5000. of the way. c ljlr c c I nr Your Inform ation hooklcl. For fill out the coupon and send il Io For Your That’s why we’re offering a free Inform aiion Program. Pacific Northwest Hell. your PO. B o, W * K irtland. OR 4 7 3 * A m lil you 16-page booklet, “For Your Information," have more questions. vail our lo ll tree inform« itA * ' lion number which explains the coming changes. ovation- Name • * „wats*’** . * * . ««»P*** We’ve also set up a toll-free infor­ I**’ Address City mation number, 1 800 555-5000, you can Slate call anytime. Z ip Phone 1 * We’ll be here to answer your call — Please send me Ihe booklet for: to talk, to listen, to help. After all, it’s our □ residence service □ business service business to keep you in touch. © Rajneeshei is what we hear — at least in Portland, if not throughout the state o f Oregon, the people wearing those red, pink and purple garments with necklaces ("m a las") around their necks are called Raj- neeshes: followers o f the Bhagwan Shree Rajneeth. But two followers o f the Bhagwan strenuously de­ nounce the Rajneeth terminology. They ask that the record be set straight and that they be addressed as “ Sannyasins — Neo-Sannya- s in t." They are 24-year-old Swami Anand Deva Prabodh, his 25-year- old common-law wife M a Prem Surup, with their six-year-old daughter Sohani. They came to Oregon from New York C ity for the Rajncesh festival which was recently held at Rajneeshpuram. Prabodh claims the media, here in Oregon, dreamed up the Rajncesh terminology when the organization took up residence on the Big M u d ­ dy. Another popular lie, he claims, is the misconception about wordly goods: "Y o u don’t have to give up your worldly possessions to be a Sannyasin," he said. " W e are not followers o f the Bhagwan." By way o f clarification, he offered, there are some followers (o f the Bhag­ wan) who "volun tarily" give up their worldly possessions, buy the Bhagwan his umpteenth Rolls Royce and live on the ranch, R a j­ neeshpuram — the "com m une" — as followers o f the Bhagwan. The difference being, he said, " I am a Sannyasin who works outside as well as inside the organization. I am here to get my own thing started." His choice of words, "outside as well as inside," needs to be qualified because his reference is to talking about the teachings of the Bhagwan — not actual physical labor — whatever the dimension, because, according to him, you can’ t straddle the fence. You either live "c o m ­ mune” style, which can and fre­ quently does require members to work 12 hours a day, or you live the life o f a Sannyasin, totally indepen­ dent. Those who live "com m une" style, he said, have their every need met; it is an exchange o f goods for services. Prabodh became a member approximately two and a half years u SUMMER SALE" CURL SALE TCB Curl Regular $65.00 NOW $40.00 (includes Cut, Curl, Conditioner and Style) Cellophane Hair Color Regular NO W $10.00 Hair Cuts Regular $15.OO-$2O.OO N O W $10.00 « “> £ Pacific Northwest Bell ago M a Prem Surup became a San­ nyasin in 1971. She was living in New York C ity with her one-year- old daughter; a single parent who didn't know what to do. " I t seems that he (the Bhagwan) enters into a lot o f people's lives when they are at a crossroads," she said. They feel that, other than how they are obtaining their "spiritual satisfaction," their lives are not that much different from most other Americans. " I want to make lots o f m oney," said M a Prem Surup with a smile. M a Prem Surup has a degree in nursing, a B.S., hut she is " in to hol­ istic medicine now ." In addition to her B.S. in nursing, he, Prabodh, has an associate de­ gree with emphasis in accounting and communication. He is articu­ late and knowledgable in the fields o f world history, astronomy, astrol­ ogy. eastern religions and biblical history. It is uncertain whether or not they are the type o f people you would expect to ascribe to the Bhag- wan's requirements of those who wish to be his followers. These, ac­ cording to M a Prem Surup, are: wearing the colors (red, pink and purple), wearing a mala (a necklace o f beads which has a cameo with the Bhagwan's picture on the front and back sides), getting a new name or retaining your own (depending on the Bhagwan’s wishes), and doing one o f the different techniques — "m editations" — consistently. She said some o f the main meditations are Dynamic, Kundalini, Nadabrah- ma and Nataraj. One meditation, called a " M a la M ed itatio n ," she said, consists o f looking at the pic­ ture on the mala, the Bhagwan. for 45 minutes. She added, " I t ’s an eso­ teric th in g ." Prabodh speaks o f living in other limes and they both believe in rein­ carnation, although his belief is more profound than hers. A sensi­ tive person with keen eyesight, he laid to rest the myth that all of Rajneeshland is love and goodness. According to Prabodh, the organ­ ization "is made up o f the super- rich, the rich, and ordinary peo­ ple.” There are Ihe eccentric, the ones lavishing the Bhagwan with gifts, and the ones whose prejudices arise out o f culture differences, he said. He said he became agitated about all the gifts o f cars ihe Bhagwan was receiving, because all around him there was so much suffering. “ |But] I was in New York City and didn't know what was going on. It both­ ered m e ," he said. "A s a black man I don’t know if I can ever he totally satisfied. M y struggle is. with America, A frica, the w o rld ." Their attraction to Sannyasin and Ihe Bhagwan is hard to discern. She somes " fro m a rebellious fam ily .” She speaks proudly of her ancestry — about how even during slavery some (through devious means) be­ came educated. Her father, James Holland, divorced her mother when she was two years old, and "is or was the Deputy M ayor o f G ary, In ­ d ia n a ." Nevertheless, the attrac­ tion, she said, "is spiritual. It's about being connected with your in­ ner self. I just feel something for this person (the Bhagwan],” she said. " I can’ t explain it ." According to Prabodh, iwo very important things need to be clari­ fied. One: you can denounce (he teachings of the Bhagwan without fear o f reprisal; and two: followers o f the Bhagwan are accepted and not ridiculed in places like New York C ity and Washington, D .C . butch coorc H e i r D e s ig n F o r M e n G W o m e n 1410 N E B ro a d w a y . P o r tla n d , O re c ,o n R S 4 -1 M 7 23 h c o a i • 8 □