Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 27, 1983, Page 7, Image 7

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    Portland Observer, July 27, 1982, Section I, Page 7
Who will be Miss Tan?
II2 W 1
The judges are always faced with a difficult decision, for the crown is not
given on the basis o f beauty alone. The lucky young woman who wins must
have more than skin-deep lovef ness. She must display poise and charm,
must select tasteful clothes and wear them well. Her scholastic record must
be satisfactory and she must display some aptitude or talent for one o f the
The 1983 Miss Tan Portland Scholarship Pageant will be held Sunday,
August 7, at 3:00 p.m . at the Portland Art Museum. The pageant is to pay
homage to the radiant young contestants and to locate them for possible
advertising and television contracts, movie and motion picture appearances.
Every contestant benefits. The contest provides a fitting showcase for
talents and abilities which would otherwise go undiscovered. Each woman
gains prestige, poise and experience, even if no more material rewards are
forthcoming. However, local and regional winners normally receive
tro p htfi, prizes o f merchandise and job offers which would not normally
come their way. This contest will give these young Afro-A m erican women
experiences that they will long remember. This year’s finalists are: Tracey
Blay, Demitta Baker, Rhonda Cabine, Judi Adams, Latrice Tigncr and
Wynee Munson.
iliiniir"> PLtcp
1313 N.E. Fremont
Live m u s ic ............
Live m u s ic ............
J .R .'s S outhern C o m fo rt
15 N.E. K illin g s w o rth St.
284 3269
Greg Smith with open arms welcome* everyone to Jamie's Place
on August 5th. Jamie's Place Is located at 1313 N.E. Fremont. Thera
will ba no cover charge.
Greg Smith, live, live, liv e ...
Tracey Clay, W yna* Munson, Demitta. and Rhonda Cabin*.
by Dee Armstrong
The Greg Smith Show will be appearing Friday, August 5th at Jamie's
Place, located at 1313 N .E . Fremont.
Greg Smith, more than the entertainer, says, “ It is more than bright
lights, fame and glory involved in show business." But, more important.
Smith says, you must be well organized to engage a show on the local level
as well as out o f state and abroad.
Greg Smith has the know-how. Not only is he the main vocalist but he
does it all: writer, producer, road manager, finance manager, employer and
now record producer whose first album is entitled. Northwest Jazz Live,
The future o f the whole question o f integration lies in the hands o f our
young women who have beauty — talent — poise — intelligence.
The 1983 pugeant will be hosted by jazz artist Gene Diam ond, Cora
Smith o f Cora Smith's H air Design, and Anise H all o f the Tim e Sound
Tickets are available at the House o f Sound Records. Meier & Frank
(downtown), Stevens & Sons (Lloyd Center), and usual ticket outlets.
vo i one.
“ I have been carrying the load for quite some tim e,” Greg admits. “ But,
now I ’ m happy to introduce a new member to the group, my brother, Jacky
Smith W ith my brother as Road Manager, the load has become lighter."
August is a big month for the Greg Smith Show. The month starts o ff at
Jamie’s Place on the 5th, and Black Rose Society on the 6th. M r. Smith,
being born under the sign o f Leo, will also host his annual Leo’s Party on
the 12th and 13th. There will be a fashion show on the following day to be
held at the Esquire Club, also here in Portland. Then it’s o ff to Texas for a
two-week engagement. Smith says he is headed for the road. " Y o u can’ t
always stay home hoping for something to drop into your lap; you have to
go out and get it ."
D on’ t miss out, Oregonians. The place is Jamie's, with Greg Smith,
Friday, August 5th.
MRS. C’s
M any w l j i priced at »6 »10, b
Portland-area artists Ron Stasn
(drums) and Rob Thomas (bass)
will also ba highlight* of this
Pianist Bill Mays will ba In con-
cart August 1st at tha West Hills
Covenant Church in Portland.
Bill Mays in Portland Concert
Pianist Bill Mays has been set to guest in concert August I at West Hills
Covenant Church in Portland. Joining marimba player Dennis Plies in a
combination concert, the 7:J0 p.m. event will also feature Portland-area
artists Rob Thomas on bass and drummer Ron Steen.
The August I concert, 5815 S .W . Gillcrest Court, is open to the public at
S3.00 admission.
Daryl Hall and John Oates will ba at the Memorial Coliseum on Au­
gust 6. 1*83. at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are on sals now. Reserved seats:
811.60 and 812.50. Call Doug Fish at 221-0288 for more Information.
Daryl Hall and John Oates Is a Double-Tea Concart* event.
Shock will be at Nostalgia Restaurant and Lounge on Friday and
Saturday. July 29 and 30. at 10:00 p.m. The Nostalgia is located at
N.W. 24th and Vaughn. Ticket* are on sale at tha door only, for
86.00. You must be over 21 years of age. Call Doug Fish at Double-
Tae Concerts lor more Information. 221 -0288._____________________
Belly C.bin», Proprietor
Talented boys and girls ages 2-16
for Amateur Hour
Come and show your talent. Trophies win be awarded. Sign up today at:
Broadway Hair Weavers
1634 N.E. 7th
Reg. *35°°
The Amateur Hour show of young talent will be at the Elks
Lodge, 6 N. Tillamook • 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.e August 28,1963
D eadline fo r try-o u t w ill be A u g u st 16.1963
Tha Grateful Dead will ba at tha Coliseum on August 28. 11*3. Show
time will ba 8:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale now for 810.00 and 812.00.
Pick up your tickets now. Call Doug Fish at Double-Tee Concert* for
more information, 221-02*1.
Reg. »21«
*25°° ..?15°°
M R S. C ’s W IGS
707 N.E. Premont 281-6S2S
Claaad 8ua. 8 Me«. OPEN Tea*, ttmi t a t 11:30 AN 1*8:00 PM