Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 27, 1983, Page 22, Image 22

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    Page6, Section II, Portland Observer, July 27, 1963
Guide for w riting resumes
Ths nsad for a good rosumo. A
w ell-developed visually attrac tiv e
resume can be an invaluable asset in
a job search. O ften the resume is the
first im pression the em ployer o b ­
tains o f the applicant and thus is a
significant advertisement for talents
and abilities. Considerable time and
effort should be given to its compil­
The objective of the reaume.
The objective o f the resume is not to
get a jo b but to obtain an interview.
Keep in mind who will be reading it
and w hat he w ill be lo o kin g fo r.
Chances are that the person reading
the resume w ill not have lime to la­
bor th ro u g h several pages o f d e­
tailed inform ation. A t this point the
employer does not want a com pre­
hensive life history and background
— he does want a clear, concise, and
b rie f sum m ary o f q u a lific a tio n s .
The resume, th ere fo re, should be
lim ite d to one page w ith a second
•w n n «
A r s is,
Ian u aara nr
m ore o f fu ll-tim e experience. The
applicant’s goal through the resume
is to attract su fficien t attentio n to
create an interview opportunity.
C o n te n t. Each individual brings
different and unique qualifications,
abilities, and objectives to a poten­
tia l em plo yer. T h u s, each resume
should be different as each person is
different. Design the content to em­
phasize strong points and accom­
plishments and de-emphasize weak
points. Certain basic info rm ation ,
described below, should be includ­
ed. How ever, the amount o f space
devoted to each category and the or­
der in which it appears is a matter of
(1 ) Id e n t if ic a t io n . This section
includes name, address, telephone
number and area code.
(2 ) J o b O b je c t iv e . F o r those
with a little or no full-tim e work ex­
perience, the development o f a con­
cisely described jo b objective may
be (he most difficult task in compil­
ing a resume. T h e jo b o b jec tiv e
should be specific enough to show
that considerable thought has been
given to career planning. It must al­
so be flexible enough so that it does
not preclude consideration fo r re­
lated jo b opportunities or interest.
Type o f job , type o f industry or em­
p lo y e r, size o f e m p lo y e r, short
range career goal, and long range
career goal exemplify general topics
which should be mentioned.
For those with a definite area o f
specialization, the jo b objective is
usually well-defined if it is an exten­
sion o f present or im m ediate past
w o rk experience. H o w e v e r, i f a
change in sp ecializatio n or career
field is plann ed , the jo b objective
should reflect how past accomplish­
ments and abilities relate to success
in the new area.
E x p a rla n c a . F o r the new g rad ­
uate with little or no fu ll-tim e pro­
fessional level work experience, it is
im portant to include part-tim e and
summer jobs — even if the type o f
work has no bearing on academic or
career plans. The employer is inter­
ested in how time was spent while in
college and the exten t to w hich a
contribution was made to college ex­
penses. Regardless o f how inconse­
quential the experience may seem to
the chosen career field, try to men­
tio n b rie fly some general positive
c o n trib u tio n th at the w ork exper­
ience p ro v id e d . F o r a lu m n i w ho
have had f u ll-tim e , college-level
w ork experien ce, this section be­
comes increasingly im p ortan t as a
reflection o f c apab ility and poten­
tial. The descriptions o f experience
can include name o f employer (last
jo b fir s t), inclu sive dates, jo b t i ­
tles, and a b rie f description o f re­
sp o nsib ilities. Since names and
dates o f em ploym ent are required
on application forms, this info rm a­
tio n does not have to be in the
resum e. M o re im p o rta n t is to in ­
clude the types o f experience and
skills that have been developed
(4) E d u c a tio n . W ith Iasi school
aiiended listed first include name o f
college and location, inclusive dales
o f atte n d an ce , degrees received,
m a jo r areas o f specialization, and
academic honors received (including
scholarships). Unless there is a par­
ticu la r reason to do so, do not in ­
clude high school data.
(5) P e rs o n a l D a te . This section
can include height, weight, date o f
birth, m arital status, number o f de­
pendents, and condition o f health.
D o not include race, religion, or a
picture in (he resume. Names and
ages o f children are also u n im p o r­
(6 ) O t h e r in f o r m a t io n w h ic h
m a y b e in c lu d e d w h e n a p p r o ­
p riate. Professional affiliations and
qualifications — also mention lead­
ership positions held.
L ite ra ry accom plishm ents — in
standard bibliographic form . Early
background — only when it relates to
type o f work sought. Personal inter­
ests and a c tiv itie s — inclu d in g
hobbies, clubs, o ii’ anizalions, v o l­
unteer work, etc. keep in mind that
this in fo rm a tio n provides a w ell-
Beslc guidelines for describing
e resume — Eye appeal end lay­
1. Use creativity in layout, divid­
ing lines, white space, and margins
for optim um graphic appeal — by
being “ eye-catching” a resume may
separate itself from the others in the
morning m ail. I f you are in a crea­
tive field le g ., advertising, jou rn al­
ism, a rt, e tc .), be as innovative as
possible, using the resume as a
medium to demonstrate ability.
2. I f desired, have the resume re­
produced by offset printing io look
like an o rig in al typed copy. F ifty
copies are usually a v a ila b le fo r
under $6.00.
3. Use good quality paper, 8 V ix l I
inches, for convenience in filing and
record keeping.
Willie Banks, who ranks first In the United States in the triple
Jump. Is one of six Olympic hopefuls who Is participating in the U.S.
Olympic C o m m in i» Job Opportunities Program supported by An­
heuser-Busch. Inc. Banks will begin work at the Los Angeles An­
heuser-Busch brewery In September after he takes his Californie
Bar Exams.
Stephanie Hightower, the top woman hurdler in the United States
for the BO- end 100-meter hurdles. Is working in the office of the
plant manager of the Anheuser-Busch brewery in Columbus. Ohio,
while training for the Olympics as pert of the Olympic Job Oppor­
tunities Program supported by Anheuser-Busch, a major sponsor of
the 1984 Summer Olympics.
Jason Qrlmes. who is ranked number two In the world In the long
jump, is one of six Olympic hopefuls who will be working for An­
heuser-Busch. Inc., while training for the Olympics as pert of the
U.S. Olympic Committee's Olympic Job Opportunities Program.
Black athletes join Olympic
Job Opportunities Program
ST. L O U IS , M O — Three o f the
nation's top black Olympic hopefuls
are among the first six athletes to be
hired by Anheuser-Busch, Inc., in
support o f the U .S. Olympic C om ­
mittee's Olympic Job Opportunities
Program .
Stephanie A . Hightower, Jason
V. Grimes and W illiam A. Banks I II
are salaried employees at three of
across the United States, where they
w ill work while training for the 1984
Anheuser-Busch is an official spon­
Hightower, the top U.S. woman
hurdler for 60 and 100 meters, and a
member o f the 1980 U .S. Olympic
team, is continuing her training in
Columbus, O hio, while working at
the Anheuser-Busch brewery there
as a member o f the plant manager's
This year, Hightower set the
world women's record for the 60-
yard hurdles; the American record
for the 60-meter hurdles; and the
American outdoor record for the
100-meter hurdles.
A 1981 graduate o f O hio State
University where she earned a bach-
elor o f arts degree in communica­
tions, Hightower, 24, was captain of
the O hio Stale University W om en’s
Track and Field team and also
serves as captain o f the 1979
Women's Track and Field W orld
University Games team.
Grimes, who is ranked number
two in the world long jum p, will be
working as an employee relations
representative for Anheuser-Busch
at the company's Newark brewery
as part o f the U.S. Olympic Com ­
mittee's Olympic Job Opportunities
Grives was a member of the varsi­
ty track team at the University of
Tennessee in Knoxville for four
years, and was track team captain in
He first made the U .S .A . Track
Team in 1976 and has been a mem­
ber o f the team since 1981. He also
was a gold medalist at the 1981
W orld University Games.
Grimes placed second in the long
jum p last week at the T A C Cham ­
pionship Track and Field Meet in
After taking the C alifornia Bar
Exam this summer, Banks will join
Anheuser Busch's Olympic Job Op-
pertunities Program in September
and serve as an employee relations
representative at the Los Angeles
Banks, 27, ranks first in the
United States in the triple jum p and
won the national championship last
week at the T A C Championship
Track and Field Meet in Indianapo­
Banks made the third longest
triple jum p in history with his
United States record o f 57 feet 7VJ
Since winning a berth on the U.S.
Olympic team in 1980, Banks has
had to combine training with his law
school studies. He earned his law
degree in June from the University
o f C alifornia at Los Angeles
(U C L A ) Law School.
W hile at U C L A , he won the
N C A A ’s Scholar-Athlete Award in
1978, and was awarded a Coro Fel­
lowship which featured internships
with city governments, industry,
corporations and labor unions.
Banks was a four-year A ll Am eri­
can in track and field at U C L A and
is a member o f the San Diego and
Oceanside Athletes H a ll o f Fame.
“ Most o f America's amateur ath-
People Power
letes are well-educated men and
women with professional career ob­
jectives. However, as world-class
athletes with rigorous training and
competition schedules, many must
support themselves with part-time
jobs that don't relate at all to their
long-range career goals or their edu­
cational abilities,*' said John N.
MacDonough, vice president-brand
" O u r program is designed to pro­
vide them with meaningful career
growth experiences and financial se­
curity, while offering them the flexi­
bility to keep up their training and
competition schedules,” he added
This is not the first time that
Anheuser-Busch has supported the
Olympic Job Opportunities Pro­
gram. Prior to the 1980 Olym piad,
the company hired three weight lift­
ers o f world-class standing.
The program was started in 1977
and administered by the U SO C in
preparation for the 1980 Olympic
Games. In its first three years, a to­
tal o f 130 athletes were placed with
corporations throughout the coun­
try. This number is expected to be
topped as the program continues to
grow prior to the 1984 Olympic
It’s something Nordstrom, the West’s
leading fashion specialty store,
feels very strongly about.
People Power comes from our
employees: experienced men
and women who genuinely like people;
who find satisfaction in helping
others. People with motivation,
enthusiasm, and a will to succeed.
Nordstrom is an Equal Opportunity
Employer, we offer career
opportunities for all kinds of people
with all kinds of potential.
Careers in sales, customer service,
merchandise processing, clerical,
restaurant and building maintenance.
All excellent learning and
growing experiences for people who
want to work with us in continuing
our outstanding reputation of quality,
selection, value and customer service.
Good first impression vital to job hunt success
A good first impression is impera­
tive when interviewing for first jobs.
Company personnel managers ex­
pect first-time applicants to be nerv­
ous, so control the visible signs and
relax. Remember, interviewers want
to find persons who have some con­
trib u tio n to make to their com pa­
nies, and are not there to embarrass
G reet the in te rv ie w e r by name
and with a firm handshake. Be neat
and dress appropriately in business
attire. D o n 't smoke and don't chew
Sit erect and lo o k interested .
M aintain eye contact with the inter­
viewer. I f you feel the interview is
not going w ell, d on 't let your con­
cern show. Continue to appear con­
A p p licants must be prepared to
respond to g en era l, open-ended
questions such as, “ W h y do you
want to work for our company?” or
“ T ell me about yo u rself," and "B e
as specific and b rie f” as possible,
tellin g the interview er about your
education and related education and
related work experiences, making a
point of accomplishments.
F ran k responses are im p o rta n t,
don't exaggerate, this could trip you
up later in the interview.
Job seekers are going to run into
interview ers who are “ lis te n e rs ."
During these sessions, the initiative
is w ith you. Keep the interviewer's
a tte n tio n by m entioning qualities
th at relate d ire c tly to yo u r b a c k ­
gro un d and the jo b . A ls o , i f you
have paid fo r all or p art o f yo u r
school expenses, say so.
People Power. It’s the difference
at Nordstrom.
n o rd s tro m
ía W . -A.vs'
W .