Portland Observer, July 27, 1963, Section II. Page 3 COMPUTERS OMSI Computer Center open to public The O M S I Computer Center is open weekends for public use. In d i­ viduals may utilize the Center's equipment and software for re­ search projects, self-education, per­ sonal business education or game playing. Public hours are Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 a.m . to 2:30 p m , with ticket sales for the day begin­ ning at 9 a.m . Access is on a first- come, first-served basis, with no ad­ vanced reservations. Equipment available includes Apple I I. Atari 800, Atari 400, V IC - 2 0 ,T I9 9 , Timex 1000, H P85, Os­ borne and G IG I computers. Our software library, always growing, contains Visicalc and word process­ ing. as well as Sargon II (chess), Castle Wolfenstein, Olympic De- cathelon. Centipedes, PacM an, Missle Comm and, Caverns o f Mars, and many other games. Users may choose among several computer languages including Applesoft B A S IC , Atari B A S IC , M B A S IC , C B A S IC , transForth, graForth, LIS P , figForth, Pascal, L O G O , and Pilot. For more inform ation about the Center contact: O M S I, 222-2828. How about a career in microelectronics? A few spaces are still available in Portland Comm unity College’s Microelectronics Process Technolo­ gy Program, a two-year program which leads to an associate o f ap­ plied science degree. The program will begin its second year at PCC this fall, and technical courses for the degree are taught at P C C ’s Cascade Campus exclusively. Approximately 30 students are ad­ mitted to the program yearly and must begin with the fall term. The purpose o f the program is to provide trained technicians for the electronics industry. Students re­ ceive instruction in integrated circuit and hybrid circuit processing, pack­ aging, laser trimming and testiriF Upon graduation they will qualify to work in cleanroom and semi- cleanroom environments involved in integrated circuit or hybrid circuit prototype engineering or produc­ tion. A number o f prerequisite courses are required and are offered at all PCC campuses. Details o f the pro­ gram are outlined in PC C brochures and in the new fall schedule o f class­ es which will be available in mid- August. Additional inform ation can be obtained from M ary Southworth at the Cascade Campus (283-2541). Early registration is recommended, mended. Computer Science at Oregon State Students at Oregon State U niver­ sity are standing in line to cash in on the nationwide boom in the compu­ ter industry— and with good reason. They are virtually assured o f a job upon graduation. Since 1980, the num ber o f com puter science m ajors at O SU has jum ped fro m 250 to an esti­ mated 550 this year. T h e increase has been so dram atic that O SU has in itia te d a pre-com puter science program this fall. N o longer will un­ derclassmen be able to m a jo r in com puter science. Instead, they must take two years o f curriculum , including several specified courses, to be eligible for a major which now requires ju n io r standing and a 3.0 (B) grade point average. W hy all o f the sudden interest in computer science? OSU department chairman Fred Tonge says there are several reasons. “ One o f the main reasons is, o f course, the econom y,’ ’ Tonge not­ ed. “ There are jobs waiting for peo­ ple in computers. M any people are now getting second degrees in com ­ puter science— people in forestry or fisheries, for example— for the sim­ ple reason that there are jobs avail­ able in the fie ld . I t ’ s sort o f the bright spot in the economy. “ A nother thing which helps the continual growth in computers is the g la m o u r," he added. “ There has been alot o f national publicity about com puters and many people who m ight have gone in to physics or chemistry arc now going into com ­ puter science. "T h e third reason is a general ex­ posure to video games and com pu­ ters o v e ra ll," Tonge said. "T h e re are many more com puters in high school now and students are much more aware of them ." But the p rim ary reason fo r the com puter science boom is the econom y. W h ile jo b prospects in many professional fields have dwin­ dled, opportunities in the computer science industry are skyrocketing. "T h ere are supposed to be about fo u r jobs w ailing for every person train ed on the bachelor le v e l," Tonge said, "a n d it's about 25 jobs Machine shop student learns computers too G O VERNM ENT C H A N N E L CO O RDINATO R compared to the old one's one. "Although milling machines are getting more sophisticated, pro­ gramming is still done the same w ay," says Pelly, not to discount the usefulness o f other shop ma­ chinery. "Learning to operate the new machine makes it possible for our graduates going into industry to use other computer operated tools.” Pelly says a higher skill level for running machines is not needed in today’s machine shops. "B u t, stu­ dents do need more skills at pro­ gramming and running a com­ puter," he says. " T o run a machine like this, students need to have pro­ ficiency in trigonometry as well as good machine skills." Now that the machine is installed, the college hopes to offer evening classes beginning fall term for ma­ chinists in the area who want to update their skills. " W e want to en­ courage participation from the outside." says Pelly. " W e expect most o f it to be from skilled ma chinists because of the skill levels required.” "W hen good students get through these classes they have the most complete training available in this A numerically controlled, com­ puterized milling machine has been added to the Portland Community College machine shop at the Sylvania Campus for use by students enrolled in their sixth term o f the machine shop technology associate degree program there. "T h e Supermax Y C M -2 0 brings our program to state o f the a r t," says Donald L. Uppendahl, dean of business and industry at the Syl­ vania Campus. Basically, (he new Supermax machine uses a program recorded on computer cassette tape (or in some instances floppy discs) to make pocket-milled molds which are used for such things as gear housings and parts for component boards. Machinists instructor Vince Pelly explains that students in machine shop technology learn to program such machines to make the parts. In comparing the new machine to an older one in the shop, Pelly says the new machine can be programmed to produce an elaborate pattern in the mold, whereas with the older one each step must be programmed manually. The Supermax has a memory storage capacity of 999 tv n * rtf n r n o r o m GOVERNMENT CHANNEL COORDINATOR Coordinate* and produce* program* for the State and local government channel. Train* member* of the community to produce government program ming. Al*o perform* outreach activities to gener ate interest, involvement and promote specific programs. Qualified candidates must have a two year Com munity College degree in T V. production, pro gramming or equivalent media experience. Expar ience in community and educational service* pre ferred. Must have an understanding of State and local government and an ability to work with it* representatives and a cross section of govern­ mental and political community. Creativity is a must and the ability for working towards deadline* is important. Must be willing to work irregular hours and weekends Should be a fast learner and a self starter The position requires a variety of organizational and coordinating skill*. Contacts in the commu­ nity are useful. Interested persons should contact Personnel in writing at the following address no later than Friday, August 5, 1983: CABLESYSTEMS PACIFIC Attn. Personnel 3076 N.E. Sandy Blvd Portland. OR 97232 ** « a v e I I n n r n d a h l PLANNING YOUR FUTURE? ....OR STUMRLING INTO IT? for someone with a master’s degree. N a ito n a l projections show that computer science and computer en­ gineering will have manpower short­ ages until the 1990s.” Those projections apply primarily to graduates with master's and doc­ to ral degrees, but Tonge said he doesn’ t "see the bachelor level dropping much, either." OSU graduates follow the nation­ al trend, and though Tonge has no exact figures, he estimates that the department's job placement is close to 100 percent. Opportunities are es­ pecially good in southern California and Texas. Students have been quick to real­ ize the jo b p o te n tial and have en­ rolled in com puter science classes everywhere. W hile the rush o f stu­ dents has increased the exposure and prestige o f O S U ’s computer sci­ ence department, it has also brought some problem s in to focus, Tonge noted. There is the continual problem o f keeping qualified faculty members on campus to teach the ever-increas­ ing student population because o f co m p etition fro m ind u stry. N ot only are college professors lured away by higher salaries, but poten­ tial future teachers leave school be­ fore getting advanced degrees. A n o ther problem on the O S U campus is access to the computers, according to Tonge. “ C o m p u ter tim e is at a lim it on this cam p us,” Tonge said. " T h e com puter center is separate fro m our department and they arc limited fo r instru ction al tim e because o f their budget. That fund hasn’t really grown in recent years." A lre a d y , the com puter center is overflow ing w ith students needing com puter tim e and no re lie f is in sight. One so lutio n, according to T ng e, could be the use o f m icro ­ computers for precomputer science students, especially in the introduc­ tory courses, but funding would have to be obtained. M eanw h ile, the departm ent w ill use the new pre-com puter science program to help ease the crush o f students and adapt to the future. YOU CAN: DESIGN BUILD OPERATE & MANAGE A NERVE CENTER FOR PLANET EARTH CONSIDER A XIST CENTURY CAREER IN T elecom m unications Cablcsystems Pacific and Cablcsystems M ultnom ah East A n Equal O p p o rtu n ity Employer ’vr&’R r i , f rxwj« « N C Í/t x s--.a Az 4 / • Z. '< ... - ?—.V ’ »• z -a ; • • ■. K S a a • • . e P e J