Page 14. Section I, Portland Observer, July 27, 1983 CL A S S IF!ED A D VER TISI N G ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS • INVITATION TO BID EMPLOYMENT M U LTN O M AH COUNTY A nim al Shelter A ttendant ♦ 1,237 monthly. Lo­ cated near Troutdale, Oregon. Reeponds to telephone inquiries and complaints regarding emmal control and par forma a wide variety of tasks related to the care and feeding of animals, including moderstely heavy lifting, banding, walking and kennel cleaning. To q u a lify applicants must poe saaa a valid driver's li­ cense for the State of Oregon by the time of appointment and six months of work experi­ ence in dealing with the public and six months of work experience in an animal related field Candidates may be aaked to self certify physical capabilities as required by the duties of this position. A p p ly for the above position no later than 4:30 p .m ., Friday, July 29, 1963. M e n ta l H e alth A aelstant — Corrections •1 ,1 6 7 4 1 .4 9 3 monthly. Technical mental health position involving work with incarcerated per­ sona who are mentally or emotionally dis­ turbed, alcohol or drug abusing, or mentally re­ tarded and develop mentally disabled. Posi­ tions will be located at the Downtown Deten­ tion Center, 1160 S W 3rd A ve., Portland OR, within the public school system. The Consul­ tant provides such di­ rect services as cri­ sis counseling, group counseling, family counseling end indlvi dual psychological ea easements T o qualify: Minimum — Masters degree in the mental health field with super vised prscticum experi­ ence OR Bachelors de­ gree In the mental health field with super vised prscticum experi­ ence A N D tw o years of experience providing mental health evalue tion and/or treatment services Applicants must be able to obtain a valid Oregon drivers license end to provide own transportation. P ro g ram D e v e lo p m e n t Sp ecialist - D a m m a ec h Liaison •1 ,7 8 0 4 2 ,1 7 7 monthly. Planning, system de­ sign, and management of a hospital/communi­ ty shift project for chronically mentally ill adults between M ult­ nomah County and Dammaech State Hos­ pital. This position will be outstationed at Dammaech State Hos­ pital In WHaonville, Ore­ gon. T o q u alify: M ini­ mum — Applicants must hsve one year of experiencs in program planning, development and evaluation in the area of adult mental and emotional disabili ties; end be able to ob tain a valid Oregon driv­ ers license. some on-cell duty may be required. T o q u a li­ fy: Minimum: Bache­ P ro p erty A p p raiser lors degree in the men •1,628 monthly. A p­ tai health field with au perviaed prscticum ex­ praisee the value of real perience; or Associate and personal property degree in the mental for tax assessment pur­ health field and three poses, locates snd re­ years of supervised ports changes in prop­ experience providing erty which may neces­ mental health case sitate reappraisal; per­ management services. forms related work as Deairabla: Experience ’ required. T o qualify: in a restrictad-acceas all applicants must poe seas a Certified Ap institution. pr steer certificate is­ O p e ra tio n s sued by the State of Supervisor 2 / Oregon Personnel Divi­ Juvenile Court sion. Three years of •1 ,7 3 4 4 1 .9 8 4 monthly experience affording (DOE). Responsible for knowledge of land val­ supervising 20 employ ues is desirable. Poe ees word processing, session of a valid dri­ computerized record ver's license is required system, unit budget ft at time of appointment. dept payroll, policies ft procedures Must have 2 yrs exp ft training re­ A p p ly for the above lated to the position positions no later than (working knowledge of 4 :3 0 p .m ., Friday, Aug­ computerized record systems ft word proc­ ust 6, 1963 W here to apply: essing deairabla). M e n ta l H ealth C o n e u lta n t — C hild b F am ily (M e n ta l H e a lth A sso ciate) •1,496-11.883 monthly The Child end Family Mental Health Consul­ tant works primarily M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth o u se R o o m 134 1021 SW F ou rth A ve. P o rtlan d . O re. 97204 (003) 248-9016 An Equal Opportunity Employer PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE BART-TIME. SYSTEMS A NA LYST/ T1CH NICA L SPECIALIST F u B U C A n S W I— Must have technical writing and editing skill and knowledge o f com­ puter programming. Qualifications: BA or BS degree plus two years computer experi­ ence. Applications by August 16. 1963 should be sent to: J o e W . Snyder Ore. State University R ecreatio n C o rvallis, O re. 97331 O SU Is an Equal Oppor­ tunity/Affirm ative A c­ tion employer and com plies with Section 604 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.__________ Coordinator POLICE OFFICER Experience Preferred City of Milwaukie. Re­ sponsible police work consisting of patrol of assigned areas, traffic regulation, accident ft criminal Investigation. REQUIRED: Ability to work without direct su­ pervision in emergen ciea, exercise consid­ erable judgment and skill in investigation and prevention of crime. S T A N D A R D S: U .S . citizen, over 21 years, no felony convictions, H .S . grad or GED, Ore­ gon driver's kcanae, ex­ cellent physical/mentel health Salary range is from »1,612 to »1,972 (experienced officers may start higher then •1,612 ). CITY APPLI­ CA TIO N S M U S T BE RECEIVED BY DEAD LINE: 6 p .m ., 7 /2 9 /8 3 . Apply to. C ity o f M ilw a u k ie 10722 BE M a in M ilw a u k ie O R 97222 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR A non-profit service El medical organization in Portland, Ore., has an immediate opening for an executive director. This positron demands strong management skills in business and health care fields Ex­ perience with volun tear governance end the ability to develop positive involvement in community affairs is necessary. Accom ­ plishments In indepen­ dent financial develop­ ment and successful long range planning must be evident. Sue ceesful performance in this position requires a participative manege ment style with good delegation skills and high standards for ac­ countability. If you feel you have the required skills and experience for this position, send your resume and salary history to: Search C om m ittee P O Box 70 Portland. Ore. 97101 Equal Opportunity Employer for major Portland radio station. Knowledge of state and local govern­ ment. Arrange guest interviews daily. Cell Brian Jennings or Joan Saroka, 2310760. Equal Opportunity Employer : SPECIALIST (Part-Tim e Reeeerch Assistant) Design, develop, and maintain research end Instructional software; assist faculty with pro­ grams; teach computer workshops; serve as re­ source person on mi­ crocomputers. B S /B A in science or engineer mg required. M S pre­ ferred plus tw o years experience ea a compu­ ter programmer. M ain­ frame and microcom­ puter experience re­ quired. Annual salary •22.00 04 28 .0 00 . Fac­ ulty rank is Research Assistant. Send résu­ ma before August 8, 1963. to: Joe W . Snyder C o m p u te r C enter N EW 8P R O D U C ER «ffiSSSSKk " FLEET M A NA G ER Washington County, •222042698/m o Di­ rects the activities of The the County's motor ve­ hicle and heavy equip Poultry Science st Ore and administers pro grams and goals de­ signed to insure the effective operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of motor vehicles and heavy equipment. Req. increasingly reepons ibis experience per­ Computer Center Ore. State University Corvallis, Ore. 97331 forming fleet manage­ OSU is an Equal Oppor­ tunity/Affirm ative Ac­ tion Employer and complies with Sec. 604 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.__________ ment activities end col­ lege level training in ec­ onomics, busineaa, or public administration, accounting, finance, or related area County application forme re­ quired. Apply to: CITY OF PORTLAND Com munity W ashington County Personnel 190 N . First Ave. R o o m 306 •1 ,6 7 4 /m o . Hillsboro, Ore. 97123 An Equal Opportunity _____ Employer_____ O ffice Systems A n alyst •21,944-426.104/yr. Sr. E lectrical Inspecto r •29,180/yr. Sr System a P ro g ram m e r »30,8 4 64 36 ,464/yr. Applications must be returned by 6:00 p .m ., Friday. August 6, 1963. Positions includa City- paid benefit plan. RES­ UM ES W ILL NO T BE ACCEPTED. Apply to: Portland Civil S ervice 1220 8 W F ifth A ve. R oom 100 P o rtlan d , O re. 97204 or Urban League 8329 N.E. Union Suite 218 Portland. Ore. 97211 ROAD ENGINEER W»shington County, •2114-»2670/m o . Su­ pervisee design and review of road and drainage projects. Re­ quires registration as a professional civil engin­ eer with a license to practice in the state of Oregon within one year following employ ment. County applica­ tion forms required. Apply to: W ashington County Personnel 190 N. First Ave. Room 90S Hillsboro. Ore. 97123 An Equal Opportunity Employer HOME BASED BUSINESSES Can advertise for $30 6 mos Call Jo'CAR 761 8969 T E A M LEADER: YEM EN POULTRY 8UBPROJECT FIELD M A IN T E N A N C E T E C H N IC IA N 2 Unified Sewerage Agency, •1486-41807/ mo. Supervisee and participates in the ac- tivttiea of a small crew engaged in cleaning, maintaining, construct­ ing, television inspect ing an d /o r sealing of sewer lines. Req. re­ sponsible experience in the construction snd maintenance of public works projects or facili­ ties and experience op­ erating aewer line does circuit TV and chem ical grouting equip­ ment. County applica­ tion forma only, resu­ mes n o t accepted. A p ­ ply by Aug. 6 ,1 963 to: W ash in g to n C o u n ty Personnel 180 N . First A v e. R o o m 308 Hillsboro. Ore. 97123 An Equal Opportunity Employer NEW S ANC HO R News anchor for major Portland radio station. Talented Ef knowtedg- abie with at least 6 yrs experience with adult oriented news format. Cell Brian Jennings at 231 0750 An Equal Opportunity Employer R O O M M A TE W A NTED Rommeta wanted to share 2BR apt, SE. • I X / m o , Call Andy eveninga, 232-2014. Department of Advertisement for Bids gon State University In­ vitee applications for a position at the Aseoci- Notice « hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-M et) will receive seeled bids until 2:00 p .m .. Pacific Daylight Time on 11 August 1983, at 4012 SE 17th Avenue in the Entineering and Contracts Department, Third Floor. Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: John R. Poet, Director. Bids will be opened in Conference Room " D " at that time for: sor level In the area of Poultry Extension end Training Subproject BUS FRAM E REPAIR SERVICES. Bid No. 84-611 A. teem leader in the Yemen Arab Republic. The Ph.D. degree la re­ quired. Salary la com­ mensurate with experi­ ence end qualifications. The position will be available April 1, 1984. Application deadline: September X , 1983. Oregon State Universi­ ty la an Affirmative Ac­ tion Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and compiles with sec­ The successful bidder shall be required to comply wrth all applicable Equal Opportunity snd MBE laws and regulations. All bidders shell be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate wrth regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin. The bid documents may be obtained from Engineering and Contracts, Phone: (603) 239-6406, by referencing Bid No. 84-511 A. T R I-C O U N TY M ETRO POLITAN TR A N SPO R TA TIO N D ISTR IC T OF OREGON tion 504 o ' the tation Act of 1983. For information about the department and the re­ quirements for the po­ sition write Don H. Helfer. Director Yemen Poultry Sub- project D epartm ent of Poultry Science Ore. State University Corvsltls, Ore. 97331 A D M IN IS TR A T IV E SECRETARY fo r N /N E M e n ta l H e alth C e n te r. Inc. Must have top sec­ retarial and writing skills, proven supervis­ ory skills ft good organ­ izational sbUltiea. Must have initiative, meet deadlines and be per­ sonable. Salary range •12,00 04 16 ,0 00 per John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts Request for Proposal Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-M et) will receive proposals until 2:00 p.m .. Pacific Daylight Tima on August 26, 1963, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Contracts and Legal Services Section, Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: John R. Post, Director, Engineering and Contracts. Proposals will be evaluated subaequent to the above time and date for: BANKING SERVICES RFP NO. 83-436 The successful proposer shall be required to comply wrth all the applicable Equal Opportunity and MBE laws and regulations. All proposers shall be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon does not discriminate w ith regard to race, cuior, creed, sex or national origin. The Request for Proposal may be obtained from the Contracts and Legal Services Section, Phone: (503) 239 6466. T R I-C O U N TY M ETRO POLITAN TR A N SPO R TA TIO N D ISTR IC T OF OREGON year Closing date Aug 8.1 983 . Contact: N /N E M en tal Health Center 310 NE Oregon St. Portland, Ore. 97232 Affirmative A ction/ Equal Opportunity Employer INSUR AN CE BILLING CLERK fo ra m e n ta l h ealth ce n te r Typing, clerical duties. Knowledge of billing for insurance, medi cine, adult b family ter vices, for mental health organization. Salary range: 410,000413,000 per year. Resume by August 6, 1963. Con­ tact: N /N E C om m unity M ental Health Ctr 310 NE Oregon St. Portland. Ore. 97232 Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts Request for Bids The Urban Indian Council is requesting bids for sub-contracting trades to construct a fifty unit three story apartment building. The proposed structure will be located at S.E. Foster Road at 77th Ave. in Portland, Ore. The project will be H .U .D . subsidised Section 8 housing for the Elderly. The Davis/Bacon Act will apply and interested subcontractors should familiarize themselves with pertaining federal regulations. Plans will be available for review at Portland area contractors' exchanges and at the following special interest minority builder's associations on Tuesday. July 26, 1983: Impact Business Development Consultants 8969 S .W . Barbtir Blvd. Portland, Ora. National Business League 4232 N.E. Union Portland, Ore. Native American Business Alliance, Inc. 1634 S .W . Alder Portland, Ore. A list of planholders will be made available at plans centers and minority business associations no later than August 4, 1983 Invitation for Bids The Housing Authority of Washington County will receive bids for the installation of Entry Door and Patio Door Replacement Units and Door Hardward for 49 units of existing housing located on scattered sitae in Beaverton, Aloha and Hillsboro. Oregon until 2 o'clock P .M . (Pacific Daylight Time), on the 9th day of August, 1983, at 560 S.E. Third Avenue, Hillsboro. Oregon 97123, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposed forms of contract documents, including plans and specifications, are on file at the office of the Housing Authority at 660 S.E. Third Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon. A certified check or bank draft, payable to the Housing Authority, U .S . Government bonds or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an amount equal to five percent of the bid shall be submitted wrth each bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory performance and payment bond or bonds Attention is called to the provision for equal employment opportunity, and the requirement that payment of not lees than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be paid on this project. The Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 90 days subsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the Housing Authority. EQUAL EM PLOYM ENT O PPORTUNITY Bid Data: August 9, 1963 at 6:00 p.m . URBAN IN D IA N COUNCIL 1634 S .W . Alder St. Portland, Ore. Notice to Potential Bidders ON LOCAL GOVERNM ENT PUBLIC IM PRO VEM ENT PROJECTS The City of Springfield, Oregon, desires to increase its pool of known and qualified potential bidders on its public improvement protects Typical projects recently have included street construction and reinstallation of storm and sanitary sewers In sccordance with Oregon's revised statutes and the Springfield City Code, no bid will be accepted from a bidder on any project for which the estimated cost is more than »10,000 unless that bidder is pre-qualified. Potential bidders must file a statement for prequalification at least 30 days prior to any bid opening on forms available from the City's Department of Public Works. Prequalification needs to be done only once in any calendar In lieu of the above prequalification statement, the Department of Public Works will accept a certified copy of a letter of prequalification sent to the bidder by the State of Oregon Department of Transportation or Department of General Services. Potential bidders representing minority and/or female-owned firms are especially urged to consider prequalifying in order to be eligible to bid. For more information, please contact the City of Springfield Department of Public Works at (503) 726 3753 or 226 N 5th St Springfield, OR 97477 I