Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 27, 1983, Page 11, Image 11

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    Portland Obaervor, July 27, 1983, Section I, Page 11
Festive Chicken Salad
livens up summer lunch
Like ■ best friend, a good chicken
salad is always welcome at a sum­
mer luncheon table. And this one is
just lively and different enough to
stand out as very special. The deli­
cate crunch is from celery, yes, but
also from a special ingredient —
natural cereal with raisins and dates.
Elegant, easy and just plain mouth­
Festival Chicken Salad is what we
call it. Y o u ’ll call it wonderful,
whether you make it plain or with
curry. You can serve this salad with
confidence. It's as natural as sum­
mer itself to set it before your favor­
ite friends. It's light, bright, charm­
ing — just like they are!
2 cups chopped cooked chicken
1 cup fresh or canned pineapple
V» cup celery slices
Vt cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
W teaspoon curry powder (optional)
1 tablespoon pineapple juice or milk
V« cup 100% natural cereal
In large bowl, combine all ingre­
dients except cereal; mix well. Chill.
Immediately before serving, stir in
cereal. Serve in pineapple boats or
on lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with
more cereal and garnish with orange
slices and strawberries, if desired.
Makes about J cups chicken salad.
Festive Chicken Salad, shown here served In a fresh pineapple boat
Diet can aid
N e a rly h a lf o f the 8$ m illio n
women in the U.S. who mentruate
experience m enstrual d is c o m fo rt,
according to M a n ly Lunner, C lack­
amas C ounty Extension agent. The
tw o most common types o f discom­
fo r t som etim es experienced by
normal healthy women are Premen­
stru a l Syndrome (P M S ) and Spas­
modic dysmenorrhea.
“ In prem enstrual syndrom e (he
m a jo r d is c o m fo rt is experienced
p r io r to m e n s tru a tio n ,” M a rily n
says, ‘
hile specific causes o f PMS
are u n k io w n , it is possible (hat cer­
tain n u tritio n a l strategies may alle­
viate some o f the sym ptom s."
The second typ e o f m e nstrual
p ain th a t n o rm a l h e a lth y women
may experience, spasmodic dysmen­
o rrhea, involves cram ping pain in
the lower abdomen, which begins at
o r near the beginning o f the m en­
strual flow , M arilyn explains.
There are no generally e ffective
n u tritio n a l treatments fo r relieving
spasmodic dysmenorrhea,
a sp irin gives some re lie f w ith this
type o f discomfort.
Joan B. W e in e r, O regon State
U niveristy Extension foods and nu­
tritio n specialist, suggests fo u r diet­
ary strategies that may help to lessen
some o f the sym ptom s o f prem en­
strual syndrome.
F o r those w om en w ho re ta in
flu id s prem enstrually, and may ex­
perience abdominal bloating, breast
tenderness and flu id retention, a low
sodium diet started 7 to 10 days be­
fo re an expected p e rio d may be
helpful, the specialist says.
W om en w h o experience sym p ­
toms o f increased appetite, fatigue,
cra v in g fo r sweets and tre m b lin g
hands, might try switching to a meal
p a tte rn w ith high p ro te in snacks,
sm all frequent meals and few co n ­
centrated sweets. Starting this meal
plan 7 to 10 days before an expected
p e rio d may p ro v id e some re lie f
from these symptoms.
Some women experience anxiety,
insomnia, nervousness, irrita b ility ,
shakiness and breast tenderness d u r­
ing m enstruation. For them, o m it­
ting coffee, tea, cola, chocolate and
o th e r substances high in c a ffe in e
may help.
Increasing the fiber content in the
diet a few days p rio r to m enstrua­
tio n may help wom en w ho have
problems w ith premenstrual consti­
p ation. Such a diet includes gener­
ous am ounts o f fr u its and vege­
tables and whole grain products. Le­
gumes may also help these people
avoid this problem.
W om en w ho experience severe
p re m e n stru a l d is c o m fo rt should
consult a physician because the pain
could be caused by some underlying
o rg a n ic a b n o rm a lity . But fo r the
vast m a jo rity o f women, these sug­
gested dietary strategies w ill probab­
ly b ring some re lie f fro m these m i­
nor discomforts.
- o - All New Game . . . New Tickets . . . New Cards!
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Assorted Flavors, Half Gallon
L«»» Plump and Tender. Ready To
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Arm our M eloaw eet M o ld u re Added To A»»ure Tenderne«» & Flavor
Lucerne Quart Yogurts
Town House Soups
Medium Sharp Cheese
Scotch Buy Lemonade
Dry Roasted Peanuts
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Ad Prices Start Wed., July 27 Thru Tues, Aug. 2
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