Page 10. Section I. Portland Obaervar, July 27,1963 LIKING SECTION LOOK FOR THE BIG "T" "A Sure Sign of Good Taste" W hat do you look for in choosing a food store? Wide selection? Competitive prices? Confidence in the quality of the items you buy? We provide all of these ingredients at ev­ ery TRAD EW ELL Store. And, because we really value you as a Customer, we add anoth­ er ingredient that we think is the most import­ ant of all: Friendly, personal service every time you shop! Remember, look for the Big “T " — it's a sure sign of good taste! African Ground Nut Stew transforms the common paanut Into a mamorabla sauce for chicken. This dish found Its way to America from the community cooking kettles of Ghana. Forest Grove 232» PACIFIC Oregon City «7« MOLALLA Canby 1061 S W 1st LLOVD CENTER 1v410 S E Division S E 20th (r Division 3966 S E Powell S E 72nd b Flaval N E 74th b Olisan N E 15th Cr Fremont Hillsboro MO S E OAK W BURNSIDE at 21st SAN RAFAEL 1»10N E 122nd Yams are a food staple In many ancient and modern African cul­ tures. Combined here with corn and coconut they make a delicious and elegant oven casserole. New African heritage cooking African groundnut stew, featur­ ing the peanut, is an easy-to-makc dish that will impress even your most discerning guests. W ith its roots in Africa, and with a touch of the South, it is suitable for a sum­ mer potluck or special dinner at home. Serve with Yam and Corn Casserole and a lettuce or spinach salad, Vi cup chopped green pepper 'A cup chopped celery I garlic clove, minced V» cup margarine 3 cups chicken broth or bouillon 1 six-ounce can tomato paste Dash o f ground red pepper 2 cups chopped cooked chicken I cup creamy peanut butter Vi cup mayonnaise H o t cooked rice G R O U N D N U T STEW Vi cup chopped onion Saute vegetables and garlic in margarine in 3-quart saucepan. Add broth, paste and seasonings. Cover; simmer 30 minutes over low heat. Add chicken; continue cooking IO minutes. Add combined peanut but­ ter and mayonnaise, mixing just un­ til blended. Serve over rice. Makes six servings. Y A M A N D C O H N C A S S E R O bg , I 17-oz. can yams, drained, sliced Vi cup flour I 8 Vi -oz. can cream style com 3 eggs, beaten J I Vt cups milk Vi cup flaked coconut Vi cup margarine, melted Vi teaspoon nutmeg Toss yams with Dour. Place in greased IO x 6 -in c h baking dish. Combine remaining ingredients; pour over yams. Hake at 325°, 40 to 45 minutes. Cool 5 minutes. Serves six. THE BEEPER PEOPLE. 713 S.W. 12th Street Call 224-BEEP for a free demonstration. Coupons Mean Found Money per lb (Rib eyel IN e w Y o r k l Food stamps accepted Tesesi H C h icke n w in g s 98C lb. W h o le fry e r 79C lb. °q a f Hot Dog y '< 7 ’'— Buffalo $ 4 9 5 Fish 1 ° , „ A Quality Meat Market Triple A4 aua ’ r\ vo zk ^ ow *,anaM Vancotwy.^ Ju-««*SÜ52SSi-------- pŒ y Packs 25 lbs. ________ 151b. P o r k P a c l T A v a i l n b l a I E co n om y Packs Friendly Sarvica A m p ia Parking 1 ■■ »«ft fit V » ,4 .« » ‘ Open 9a.m. to *p .m . Monday thru Saturday $25” $48.951