Page 2 Portland Observer, July 13. 1983 EDITORIAL/OPINION The "Poverty Gap" There appears to be a move afoot to divide m in o rity groups and to create com petition among them fo r public services. Frequently heard is the phrase "fe m in iz a tio n o f poverty.” A U.S. Com m ission o f C iv il Rights C om m is­ sion report, " A G row ing Crisis: Disadvantaged W omen and Their C hildren” details the eco­ nomic hardships faced by female heads o f house­ holds and their children. Data in the report shows that between 1950 and 1981 the poverty rate fo r white male-headed families declined by 51 percent ( o f course the current depression has forced many families back in to poverty). The number o f persons in poverty level families headed by women in ­ creased 54 percent. — These facts demonstrate that women still suffer jo b and wage discrim ination. The report concluded that ” to ignore these im plications is unconscionable negligence. The bodies, minds and spirits o f m illions o f women and children are being inevitably. . affected by the dispiriting hand o f poverty.” The forces o f government must come to the aid o f women who, in attem pting to raise their families, are receiving the brunt o f discrim ina­ tion and neglect. Those politicians who, fo r their own political ends, are using the hardships o f women to attempt to fom ent conflict and com petition between women and ethnic m inorities neglect to add the other vital statistics contained in the report. The situation is even worse fo r families headed my m in o rity women. In 1981 the poverty rates fo r persons in families headed by women w ith children under 18 years was 68 percent fo r blacks, 67 percent fo r Hispanics, and 43 percent fo r whites. It is im perative fo r those who are adversely affected by discrim ination to w ork together to force the changes that w ill bring justice and equality and to resist the influences o f those who w ould divide and conquer. No right to know in Oregon The "rig h t-to -k n o w ” b ill that w ould have re­ quired employers to in fo rm their employees about toxic substances used in the workplace has gone down to defeat in the Oregon House o f Representatives. O nly 23 representatives voted for it. W ith m illions o f workers suffering from ex­ posure to asbestos, dioxins and many other chemicals, this b ill was essential to the public health. The b ill included long-term record-keep­ ing so that people exposed to substances now be­ lieved to be safe, but later determined to be dan­ gerous, could obtain in fo rm a tio n on their expo­ sure. A pparently the representatives were scared o ff by those who make heavy contributions to their campaign chests and, o f course, G overnor Atiyeh had threatened a veto. * ’• asaka :; LINCOLN 'NEVER MIND THÉ 'H O N fôT A B é'IMAGE—DO REALIZE WHAT THESE F.'LCWEP COULD MEAN TO THE OUTCOME OF THE LINCOLN-DOWSUS D E B A T E ? '" Letters to the Editor 3 The right to eat by D r M anning M arable Do poor people, children and the unemployed have a right to eat? Ronald Reagan doesn ‘I think so. For fiscal year 1983. the govern­ ment cut $280 million from child nutrition programs. $920 million from food stamps, and another $70 million from the special Food Pro­ gram for W omen, Infants and C hil­ dren (W IC ). Now Reagan wants to slash another billion dollars from food stamps, and throw another 100,000 women and infants o ff the W IC program. In 1984, Reagan says he wants to cut another $400 million from child nutrition programs. In short, the president somehow has the idea that he is Adolph Hitler, and that babies, pregnant women, and unemployed families are today’s version o f the tier man Jews. What are the results of these ges/apo-like policies toward the poor? According to the New York Times, gross hunger and malnutri­ tion are becoming more prevalent every day across America. In Detroit, 410,000 men, womer "F ro m the Grassroots ” and children receive public aid. 2,500 laid -o ff men and women ruo out o f their unemployment benefits every month. The city's food service programs are too poorly financed to meet the crisis. Some private groups have started emergency food pro­ grams, and over one hundred churches have begun soup kitchens and meal services to the neighbor­ hood poor. Yet thousands o f Detroit families are starving. In Denver, several thousand peo­ ple sleep on the streets and alleys at night. Fifty food banks and pantries have been started by the city govern­ ment, and about one thousand peo­ ple are currently receiving free food from volunteer groups and religious centers. But many emergency food service centers say that (hey can’t keep up with the demand for food. Reagan says the answer to the crisis o f hunger in America is ‘ ‘sur­ plus cheese” and “ self reliance.” Translated into real terms, this means thousands o f infants dying o f malnutrition; thousands o f poor people pushed into crime to feed (heir families; thousands o f elderly who die prematurely due to a lack of food Where's (he money going to come from to guarantee that all A m eri­ cans have a basic right to eat? The Pentagon budget. Weeks ago. Con­ gress approved part o f the budget for developing (he M X Missile. I f we halted production o f (he M X , the direct savings over five years would be S23.9 billion A freeze on nuclear warhead development and testing over five years would save t t .6 billion Halting the air-launched Cruise Missile could save another J3.2 billion over the same period. The choice is ours. Either the American people spend their taxes to promote the danger of nuclear war, or we build a new society where hunger is abolished, where full em­ ployment exists, and where decent schools, public medical care and public housing are considered a basic human right. From The Boardroom by Gladys M cC oy We did it and with much less pain and agony than had been envisioned! You may recall my lamentation in January, when we realized M ultno­ mah County would be reducing its General Fund revenues by 14 m il­ lion dollars (six zeroes!). Most of the special interest groups. A rt, Libraries, Hom e Extension, were very visible, recognizing tbe budget crunch but — don’ t cut these pro­ grams. However, there was no way such a deep cut could be made without impacting every program. The expectation had been approxi­ mately 137 jobs wold be lo s t...o n top o f some losses already sustained in December. W ell, the dust has settled and we can now see more clearly what the results are. W hile the cuts were real, the job loss has been greatly curtailed. T o date only six persons actually lost their jobs. This is due in great measure to Project Save, an award-winning strategy so recog­ nized by the National Association of Counties at its annual meeting in 1982. Project Save places employees whose jobs are eliminated in other openings within the County. Some­ times retraining is required, but (he effort is to reduce the number o f un­ employed people in the community. O f course. A ffirm ative Action is an area of great interest to me because if we achieve all o f our goals, in terms o f minority and female M ultnom ah County Commissioner employees, the number is not very targe. On the other hand, when we lose one, the impact, percentage­ wise is very great. For instance, achieve a 5 W goal in management only requires one person, converse­ ly, if we lose one person, the impact would be no minority in manage­ ment. (Department head). Unfortunately, this is the case currently, M ultnom ah County has no minority managers. However, I am pleased to know o f the employees who lost their jobs, only one minority position was lost. I should not become complacent about this situation, because a recent update o f our A ffirm ative Action program indicated some real disparity between the goals we have established for ourselves and (he current work force. Obviously, we need to pay more attention to our A ffirm ative Action policies which have enjoyed full support o f the Board and the Administration. I f it is to be an effective program, it must be systematically reviewed, there must be expectation from managers, there must be conse­ quences for non-compliance within departments, as well as commenda­ tions for those managers who exceed the approved goals. I will take that as a personal challenge for my office. Another area that resulted from budget cuts has been a reorganiza­ tion o f the County structure. We formerly had five departments: A d ­ ministrative Services, Environmen­ tal Services, Justice Services, Human Services, and O ffice of County Management. Budget cuts, plus the reorganization that occurred as a result o f Ballot Measure 6 in M ay o f 1982, that required four more elected officials, plus the State assumption o f the court system necessitated our reorganization of County government. Currently, we have Environmen­ tal Services, General Services, Hum an Services and a much reduced Justice Services. The May- elections also gave us an elected Sheriff, elected Clerk, (Registrar of Elections), elected Assessor and the District Court Clerk. Recently, con­ troversy over the District Clerk relates to the fact the position was transferred to the State January 1, 1983, leaving a salaried position with no functions. The Clerk was hired by the State to carry on the acquired functions, however, the new County Charter change also stipulated that we pay him. He has been collecting one check from M ultnom ah County for the elected position with no job responsibilities and the second check from the State for performing duties. The issue is currently being litigated and it may be that money will be returned to the General Fund when the issue is settled. BETTER JACKSON THAN NONE To the Editor: Any political movement is better than none Why? Because if we look back into history we will find that all movements have produced some positive results. The U.S. C ivil W ar of 1861 186$ abolished slavery. The C ivil Rights Movement of the sixties improved some human rights. The anti-colonial wars in Africa have created many free African countries. The Afghan revolutions o f 1973 and 1978 have created a democratic government today. Despite the U.S. support for the feudal counterrevo­ lutionaries, the present government is the sole representative o f the masses. D on’t let the number o f immigrants in Pakistan deceive you. As soon as peace is achieved, there will be prosperity and most o f the Afghan migrants will go back to their country. In fact, many o f them are already moving back. Remember the perverted Italy of Receive your Observer by mail — Subscribe today. Only $15°° per year! to Portland Observer Box 3137 Portland Oregon 9/208 Certainly i f we compare Rev. Jackson with M r. Ronald V. Ddlums, Julian Bond, and Harold Washing­ ton the difference is as big as day and night. Because the latter gentle­ men are proven progressive politi­ cians who have years o f fighting ex­ perience in the art o f politics. Certainly M r. Jackson's candi­ dacy at this time might sound op­ portunistic, but any movement is better than none One needs a place to learn and practice. Jackson’s candidacy would create a forum for the issues that you may have. Nam e A d d re s s City Mussolini and compare it with the Italy o f today. I could bring you several examples where even the worst political move­ ments have eventually produced progressive results. M aybe not im ­ mediately, but eventually. Certainly any political movement can be perverted by the commercial monopolies. Any perversion o f a movement is a temporary error o f evolution which can be corrected by conscious human effort in the proc­ ess o f the movement or after it. State____________Zip______ I by A.M. Nuljon Portland Observer •• M«i » vs «.a The P o rtla n d O b \ t r \ t r (U S R S 959 5801 it pu blished every Thurtdey by E«>e Publishing Company. Inc 2201 North Killings worth Portland Oregon 97217. Post Office Bow 3137. Portland Oregon 97208 Second class postage paid et Portland Oregon The Portland O hw rvar wee established m 1970 MEMBER Subscriptions 115 00 per year tn the Tn County eras Poet m ee te r Send eddreee chengee to the Portland Observer, P 0 Bos 3137. Portland Oregon 97208 NMWA per A tto e i l i o n ■ Founded »MS A lfre d L. Henderson, Editor/Publisher A l Williams, Advertising Manager 283 2486 N atio n a l A d v ertis in g R ep resentative A m a lg a m a te d Publishers Inc N e w Vori» Quorum o f One by Greg Wasson S A L E M — Tw o weeks ago, this space contained a discussion of using income tax increases to fund property lax relief. One proposal under consideration would tighten up use o f capital gains status — an accounting trick that allows those who make money from investments to pay lower taxes than if the same money comes from working. The column posed this question: How does it help me if someone buys 100 shares o f Pacific N orth­ west Bell, holds it for the required time, sells at a profit and is taxed at a lower rate than those who work for their money? One reader offers this answer: W ithout the tax benefits, investors would choose less risky, short-term investments and long-term capital would dry up. A common sense explanation of the philosophy behind the system, and one that illustrates the danger o f columnists resorting to the short­ hand rhetoric so popular with street corner communists and college newspapers. However, even though the capital gains tax has better justification than my earlier column suggested, restricting the system to help provide property tax relief re­ mains a favored approach. First, it would appear that no matter what the lawmakers do, a lim itation initiative will be circulat­ ed and most likely make the ballot. Proponents have rented office space in Portland, are publishing a news­ letter and actively soliciting contri­ butions. The job , then, is not so much to keep the lim itation o ff the ballot, but to keep it from being approved. Legislators would do well to follow the advice o f Sen. Charles Hanlon, head o f the Senate Revenue C o m ­ mittee, who contends that tax policy should be based on sound choices, not response to threats to organize another initiative. Which is not to say that lawmakers should ignore last fall's near-passage o f Ballot Measure 3. Voters demanded property tax relief and the Legislature had best provide it. Tbe House spent five months constructing a system to do that with a sales tax. However, the idea barely got the 31 votes it needed to pass the lower chamber and Senate President Ed Fadeley has made no secret o f his intention to see that the proposal never escapes from the Senate. Whatever one’s view o f the idea, any program based on sales tax revenue is suspect because of its lackluster support among legislators. Fadeley and Hanlon have both endorsed (he idea o f reducing each home's tax burden by having the state pay a portion o f the owner’s school taxes. Oregon’s commitment to progressive taxation — taking money from those most able to pay — calls for driving the program through the income tax mode. Salem Democrat Peter Courtney, co-author o f the most talked about sales tax plan, responds that it’ s not that simple. " L e t ’s get it straight — we've ruined the income lax; we’ve destroyed it. W h o ’s kidding who? The very rich can go out and hire lawyers and C P A ’s to find ways that they don't have to pay the income tax; the low-income people aren’t paying it. So who’s paying? The middle income people. It is no longer a progressive tax.” By definition, though, it's upper- income people who most use the capital gainst treatment. I f money has to come from somewhere, is that not a good place to start? Correction In the photo published in the Observer, July 6, with the story "Black studies hosts professors,” the second person from the left in the photo is Steven M illner, not M elaku Lakew. The Observer regrets the error.