$ UI Z UJ Z H PORTLAND OBSERVER Volume XIII, Number 35 June 15,1963 Section II Leura Gloason, retiring 8th grade teacher from Boise Elementary School, hangs on with both hands while winners of the Observer/Goodyear annual blimp ride look for their school and their homes below. Back row: David Stiglar, Mrs. Glosson, Leslie Wyllie; front row: Barbara Staples and Lois Wyllie. The students, all 8th graders from Boise, won their trip by writing winning essays on "What I learned at Boise that will most benefit me all of my life." (Photos: Dan Long) Native Americans gather at Delta Park Pow Wow dedicated to Margaret Mattson Native Am erican traditional dr««» w om an in The sixth annual Delta Park Pow Wow offered Portlanders the chance to personally acquaint our­ selves with Native American tradi lions — and several thousand peo pie responded. Sponsored by the Portland Inter Tribal Club, the three day Pow Wow included several dances, traditional prayer songs, and arts and crafts displays. Today's pow wow, like those of the past, is still a gathering for sing ing, dancing, drumming, selling A trading. As you watch the colorful dancers whirling and turning to the beat of the drum which is the heart beat of Mother Earth, you see doctors, businessmen, lawyers and educators who for a day or so, re­ turn to a past culture to keep alive a tradition that is America. A tradi­ tion and a culture that was here when the whileman came. Not one that was imported. This year's Delta Park Pow-W ow was held in honor o f Mrs. Margaret Mattson, a long-time Portland resi­ dent and. retiree from Emanuel Hospital where she worked as an L P N . Margaret Mattson was born the daughter of Judd and Edith Wockmetooah on March 20, 1915 in Cache, Oklahom a In 1929 she was elected Princess o f her Commanche Tribe. Known for her outstanding buckskin dresses and bead work as well as shawls, she was voted the best dressed Indian Woman in buck­ skin of 1972. A descendant of the most famous C hief of the Com - manches. C hief W ild Horse, Margaret Mattson passed away on July 4th, 1982 Displayed on the pow wow grounds were the many different tipi styles of the over thirty tribes repre­ sented. Participants came from Northern Canada to Oklahoma and from the west to east coasts. The largest groups present are the Yakima Nation, Um atilla, W arm Springs and Siletz. The tipi is the traditional home of many North American Native Tribes The floor is Mother Earth and is sacred. Ils poles are the trail to the spirit world and the walls are the sky. These are considered links to the Great Mysteries Waken Taaka. The fire is in the center o f the tipi lie hind it (to the west) is the altar This piece of worked-up ground usually holds the sacred things. It may hold burnt sage or sweetgrass Dance ceremonies dominated the Delta Park Pow W ow. For those of you who missed these traditional and evolving dances, the O bstrvrr presents some brief descriptions below: War Dance — This misleading term really is a free style method of dancing with no set routine. It's called a "Grass Dance" in the Montana A Dakota area because of the braided grass the dancers wear to simulate scalps. In South Dakota, the Sioux call it an "O m aha Dance," The Shoshone and Arapahoe of Wyoming refer to it as a " W o lf Dance." Meanwhile, the Ponca, O to, Osage A Pawnee of Oklahoma call it a "Straight Dance." Today it ’s known as a "Fan cy” o f "Fancy Feather" dance. Costumes change with the name of the dance and the tribe, but the free style remains the same with each dancer doing their very best to display their variations. Each must keep lime with the drum and if the drum stops, they must stop with it. Sometimes during competition, the drum will do a "Stop Dance" or "T ric k Dance." Here the dancer must be on his toes so to speak as any movement after the last beat will be points lost. Sneak-Up Dance — Sometimes called a scout dance, it tells the story o f scouts on the warpath. It shows warriors looking for their enemies. At the beginning, dancers kneel on one knee, shade their eyes and look for enemies. They listen for hoofbeals of enemy horses. Some check the wind by throwing grass or dirt in the air. Others test their weapons. The drum will change to a medium beat and the dancers will dance a fast toe step. The drum stops and so do the dancers. The drum will again start a thunder beat and the dancers will return to their original positions and start scouting again. This sequence will be repeat­ ed four times. The last war dance will be faster than the other three. The story tells o f a war leader who was wounded in battle. The words translate as follows: They are carrying him (fo r he is wounded) Behold the hero, for he was in the thick of battle They are carrying him. Inter-Tribal Dance — This dance is a social dance. All dancers move counterclockwise in a circle At times you will see two or more dancers dancing side-by-side in an easy flowing manner. Some will joke and talk while others will dance "F an cy " steps. This is a free style dance On the heavy beat o f the drum you will see dancers raise their right hand with whatever is in it. This is honoring the drum. Men dancers will sometimes do a quick turn to the right to honor the drum. Middle-aged men can regain strength Middle aged males can regain a great portion o f the strength andfit- ness they possessed in earlier years, an Oregon Slate University profes sor of health and physical education has demonstrated. The story o f Professor Pat O ’Shea and "H o w I Poweri/ed M y Body at 5 0 !" is told in the June issue o f "M uscle and Fitness,” a national magazine for body builders and physical fitness devotees II has a circulation o f 2 million. "A g e should be no barrier to de­ veloping and maintaining a high level o f power and strength fitness," says O ’Shea. "Despite the factors of aging that seem to detract from an older person's participation in strength sports, the over-50 athlete can enjoy a highly physically active lifestyle. I know. I ’ve done it ." O'Shea was a nationally-ranked weight lifter until his competitive career was abruptly ended by an injury in 1964 at age 34. The injury resulted in a 30 percent loss of function in the lower left leg. " In M arch, 1980, upon turning 50, I was curious as to how much of my former strength I could possibly regain in a one-year period of con centrated train in g ." O'Shea writes in the article. The project was prompted by much more than idle curiosity, the sportshealth professor-researcher stressed. “ Research literature o f­ fered no precedent or clues as to the effects o f long-term, power-type strength training on a 50-year-old male.” Findings are being reported in professional as well as popular pub­ lications, O'Shea stressed. A technical paper was published last August in the "Physician and Sports M edicine" magazine, for example. In “ powerizing" his body at age 50, O'Shea avoided some of the lifts — snatch and clean — that he fell most dangerous in injury recur­ rence. Hut he returned to other strength building and weight-lifting regimes o f his earlier days. The results were surprising even to O ’Shea. " A t 50, my body proved to be as strong and resilient as it was at 3 0 ," he summarized A 9 percent increase in weight was mainly lean muscle tissue, he reported. Strength and weight lift performance increased markedly and the debilitated left thigh showed major improvements. O'Shea stressed that he was in good physical shape before the age 50 powerizing program from jog ging, bicycling and mountaineering " . . M y strength training has been put to many functional uses over the years," he noted. " In fact it saved my life back in 1976 on Mount St. Helens when I was buried under tons o f ice and snow at the bottom o f a crevasse for almost three hours before rescuers, who were looking for my body, found me alive!"