Portland Observer, June 8, 1983 Page 5 From the oardroom U N IO N AVENUE GLASS by Gladys McCoy Multnomah County Commissioner IW W IIIK I the inevitability o f change. M any o f them now understand: a) that build­ ing sewers in mid county will pre­ vent further deterioration o f the mid county aquifer which is now being developed as a backup water system for the entire region, b) The D .E .Q . has set June, 1984, as a deadline for a mid county sewer plan. Non-com­ pliance could result in a ban on « « / further building. Such a ban coupled with the current lack o f adequate sewage facilities could delay eco­ nomic development o f the area for many, many years, c) That M u ltn o ­ mah County w ill be phasing out delivery o f some municipal services from an urban to a rural level over the next three years, and finally d) that the Cities o f Portland and Gresham have adopted Urban Serv­ ices Policies which include the possi­ bilities o f extending needed services to unincorporated mid M ultnom ah County. M ind you, there are sume urban services provided by the County only such as Health Services, M ental Health, Anim al Control, and Justice Services. The County w ill continue those func­ tions. As for our second goal, I can only report that the Future o f Local G ov­ ernments O roup has not yet reached a conclusion by a significant majority as to which o f the remaining three options it will endorse. However, originally those options included a new city for unincorporated East In the fall o f 19A2, 1 formed the Future o f Local Government* Group to addreu the problem* o f infra*tructure, economic develop­ ment and urban subsidy in M u ltn o ­ mah County. The group wa* created to promote cooperation, communi­ cation, and understanding o f the problems among the jurisdictions o f Portland, Gresham, M etro and M ultnom ah County. A ll sixteen members o f this group agreed with me that a cooperative approach to problem solving was in our collec­ tive best interest*. They each signed the resolution stating their willing­ ness to work together. The group includes 4 C ity Council members and the M ayo r, 5 County Commissioners and the County Ex­ ecutive, The Director, President and Vice President o f M etro and the N .E . M etro Councilor representing unincorporated East County, and the M ayor o f Gresham. This was an historic effo rt for M ultnom ah County which should have far reach­ ing benefits for all o f us. O ur twofold mission has been 1.) to educate and inform citizens that the status quo is unacceptable in un­ incorporated mid M ultnom ah County and 2.) to study the various options and eventually to persuade a significant m ajority o f the group to support one o f those options. W e have been successful in our efforts to alert the citizens o f unin­ corporated M ultnom ah County to County. Comprehensive Annexa­ tion between Portland and Gresham and consolidation o f Portland with East County. As o f M ay 13, the citizens o f un­ incorporated East County called M C F A C (M id County Futures A l­ ternative Comm ittee) had secured enough signatures to present the concept o f a consolidated city with Fairview to the M etro Boundary Commission. A ll that is necessary now, is for those signatures to be validated and a 10% petition from Fairview to be submitted for valida­ tion. The Boundary Commission has' 120 days to make its recommen­ dation. As many o f you know, 1 have been a long time supporter o f C ity / County consolidation, and I contin­ ue to believe that C ity/C o u n ty con­ solidation is the best long-term gov­ ernmental structure for our area. Since 1 have been in public office, Ï have continually tried to focus at­ tention on reducing the duplication o f services by local governments. It is because o f my efforts in this area that I can and do oppose the proposed massive consolidation o f the C ity o f Fairview into unincorpo­ rated mid M ultnom ah County. That kind o f consolidation would be du­ plicative o f every local government service currently available. But something must be done soon to solve the problems I mentioned ear­ lier. And that something, I believe. is comprehensive annexation o f mid M ultnom ah County by a full-service city or further functional consolida­ tion. In my opinion, these are the best short term solutions The Fairview consolidation peti­ tion will become a public documeni as soon as it is registered with the Boundary Commission. As C ity residents, you need to be aware o f the potential impact o f the Fairview Consolidation on the other jurisdictions now providing services to the unincorporated area. The F L G G has been instrumental in moving this process along. Keep an eye on us; your future depends on us. partment o f Housing and Urban Development appropriation bill to allow Section 8 recipients to partici­ pate in a shared housing arrange­ ment. Not only would this be a humane act, which would allow senior citi­ zens the companionship of a "room ­ m ate,” it also would represent a savings to the federal government. According to experts, shared hous­ ing arrangements cost only a third o f traditional housing. This change would also prove to be a boon for programs like the Portland-area Shared Housing P ro ­ gram which attempts to match pro­ spective tenants with homeowners. In the Portland program, which has received some 1.800 inquiries in (he last year, applicants have been unable to avail themselves o f shared housing because o f the Section 8 eli­ gibility requirements. In other words, because o f senseless govern­ ment rules, senior citizens, who made up 67 percent o f homeowners applying for tenants, were deprived o f a common sense way to save money. o f the City Council o f Detroit and Georgia State legislator Tyrone Brooks. C ivil rights leaders like the Rev. Joseph Lowery of the S .C .L .C ., Rev. Ben Chavis, Rev. Herbert Daughtry o f the National Black United Front, H a rry Bela- fonte, Josephine Butler, President o f the D .C . Statehood Party and Haywood Burns, C o -C h air, the National Conference o f Black Lawyers. The July 2nd demonstration will gather at the site o f the Vietnam Veterans M em orial in Washington, D .C . to symbolize the new danger o f Central America and the C arib­ bean becoming Reagan’s Viet Nam. The march will then proceed through downtown Washington to the Shoreham Hotel where President Reagan, the Joint Chiefs o f Staff, the Cabinet, and leaders o f Con­ gress have been invited to a gal« celebration o f the 4th o f July. Organizers o f the July 2nd march, according to Larry Holmes, a national coordinator o f the A d Hoc Committee for the July 2 Emergency M obilization, the organization which initiated the demonstration, the march is seen as an urgent neces­ sity in the wake o f recent sinister revelations regarding P en ttg on /C IA Receive your Observer by mail— Subscribe today. Only $15°° per year Mail to Portland Obeerver Box 3137 Portland. Oregon 97208 Nam e A d d re s s ____ .________________ __ ,_____________ _______ ___________________ plans to overthrow the independent and progressive young governments of Nicaragua, Grenada and Surinam, as well as threats on the part o f Senator Ooldwater o f in­ vasion o f Cuba. The widening U .S . military role in El Salvador w ill be a m ajor focus of the July 2nd events. U .S. officials are now directing the war against the popular forces o f liberation in that country on a day to day basis. U .S. airforce bombers launched out o f the U .S . base in Panama are con­ ducting nightly bombing and straf­ ing raids in El Salvador. Both m ili­ tary leaders and political leaders of the Reagan administration such as General Wallace Nutting and Gold- water have called for sending U.S. combat troops to El Salvador and President Reagan has just stated that he does not rule this out. Particular attention o f the dem­ onstration will be given to protest the Reagan administration’s hostility and m ilitary threats against the country o f Grenada, whose Prime Minister M aurice Bishop is current­ ly visiting the United States. A l­ though Prime Minister Bishop has asked for discussions to work out a peaceful solution with the United C i t y ----------------------------- State____________Zip_______ A blood service program has a variety o f summer volunteer oppor­ tunities for young people who are at ClSHMI l e n t » » STORM DOORS A W INOOW S SCREEN REPAIRS MIRRORS PLEXIGLASS OPEN S A TU R D A Y 9-12 289-8887 ; a io s N .l. U N IO N AV. THE BEEPER PEOPLE. 713 S.W. 12th Street Call 224-BEEP for a free demonstration. MRS. C’s WIGS >10 b t lb Braids $350„ r 2/$6°° Betty Cibine. Proprietor Featuring w ig . by N A O M I SIM S ANORE DOUGLAS. BILLIE ft NATALIE COLE By changing this counterproduc­ tive rule, we can demonstrate that the federal government can operate both humanely and efficiently. W ith imagination, we can find ways in which social programs need not be sacrificed to deficits and humane government need not be mauled by the budget cutter’s axe. States the Reagan administration has refused to date to grant such a meeting. This same administration has met many times f t the highest levels with the racist apartheid regime o f South A frica reflecting where their concerns lie. Holmes said that July 2nd can play a pivotal role at this time in holding the bloody hands o f the Reagan administration and turning the huge funds spent on military adventures such as those being con­ ducted by Reagan in Central America and (he Caribbean toward being used to provide jobs here in this country, as well as social services, schools, medical care and all the other necessities that have been cut by the present administration. Holmes said (hat his organization w ill take part also in the building of the August 27th Twentieth A n n i­ versary M obilization for Jobs, Peace and Freedom which like the July 2nd march will take place in Washington, D .C . For further inform ation on the July 2nd demonstration contact the Ad Hoc Comm ittee for July 2 Emergency M obilization, 19 West 21 Street, New York City or call (212) 741-0633. Volunteer jobs available There are dozens o f summer vol­ unteer jobs available for young peo­ ple between the ages o f 13 and 18. A theater needs ushers and help at a concession stand, volunteers are needed to assist with animal care, humane education and a lost and f )und pet service, candy stripers are needed at a hospital and teaching assistants are needed to work with multi-handicapped children. • • • • & CAR TELEPHONES Rally protests Reagan's Caribbean policy Black activists and organizations from all around the country are get­ ting behind a national march and rally to be held in Washington, D .C . on Saturday, July 2nd to protest the policies o f the Reagan administra­ tion with regard to Central America and the Caribbean. The (hemes of the demonstration w ill be: "Stop the U .S. W ar Against Central America and the Caribbean — No M ore Viet Nam W ars " and “ Money for Jobs at Hom e Not Wars A b ro a d ." The protest sponsored by hun­ dreds o f organizations and prom i­ nent individuals from labor unions, religious groups and student organi­ zations including the Peoples Anti- W ar M obilization, the National Black United Front and the Com ­ mittee In Solidarity the the People o f El Salvador was called a few weeks ago as a broad effort to counter Reagan’s escalation o f U .S. military intervention in Central America and the Caribbean. Support has come from Congress­ men Ron Dellums (C A ), John Conyers and George Crockett ( M l) , Parren Mitchell (M D ), Mickey Leland (T X ), Gus Savage ( IL ) , as well as Erm a Henderson, President w B ‘ M Lo 3 M a n y wjg s pTiced at by Congressman Ron Wyden meats. Sharing housing is one o f the many ways that people save money. And for our senior citizens, it can also be a way o f securing safety and companionship. But for recipients o f Section 8 rental housing assis­ tance, it ’s not that simple. Recipients o f Section 8 funds are currently prohibited from using their housing vouchers for shared housing. Department o f Housing and Urban Development regulations require that each qualifying unit have a private bathroom and kitchen facility, which may not be possible for persons in a shared housing a r­ rangement. T o remedy this situation, I am working to amend the F Y 1984 De­ AUTO GLASS STORE FRONTS W INDOW GLASS PLATE GLASS The process o f Fairview consoli­ dation has already begun. It is only a matter o f time before the Bounda­ ry Commission will begin its work. And it is there, at the Boundary Commission, where all o f you can be heard on this issue. The Bounda­ ry Commission is required to hold a public hearing on the proposed Fair- view consolidation. Their mission is to minimize duplicate governmental structures and to assess the fiscal in­ tegrity o f any newly proposed juris­ diction, including an economic fea­ sibility analysis and estimate o f the tax rate that will be required to pro­ vide services. This petition should also include an analysis o f their re­ lationship to other existing or need­ ed government services. Washington Hot Line Washington can be a city o f doomsayers. N o more so than now when federal deficits have surpassed the staggering figure o f $200 billion. The naysayers are telling us the defi­ cits mean the end o f compassionate government; o f a government that can, in the widest sense, provide for the well-being o f its citizens. In short, deficits have been inter­ preted to be the death knell for social programs. I reject this interpretation. Inno­ vative and cost-effective ways can be found for the government to deliver services. An example is an initiative l*m supporting to provide for the use o f Section 8 housing vouchers in shared housing arrange- • • • • least 14 years old. Recreational aides are needed to work at a hospi­ tal. Blood services volunteers are needed to work as education aides. Safety instructors and babysitting instructors are also needed. These are only a few o f the many opportunities available through The Volunteer Bureau. I f you are looking for ways to meet new people, consider volunteer work. You will be doing yourself and your community a favor. For more info r­ mation, call The Volunteer Bureau at 222-1333. Brenda Spice by N .ialie Cole by Natalie Cole Reg 818— Reg 125«“ $22°° $15°° M R S . C ’s W IG S 7 0 7 N.E. Fremont 2 8 1 -6 9 2 5 CloMd tun. a Non. ORIN T ims , thru ta t 11:30 AM to «KM PM DR. BRADY’S ECONOMIC RECOVERY FOR SAVING TEETH FOR FA M ILY D E N TIS TR Y AT LOWER COSTS a SAVING TEETH 1983" HIGH QUALITY PORCELAIN CROWNS A BRIDGES REINFORCED PORCELAIN CAPS PHONE IN FOR A FREE ESTIMATE REPLACE YOUR MISSING OR DECAYEO TEETH WiTH PERMANENT CAPS 6Í TWILIGHT SLEEP 55 & O TH ER A N E S T H E T IC S BY R E G IS TE R E D A N E S T H E T IS T W HILE PR EPA R IN G YOUR C R O W N S 4 B R ID G E S COME IN FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Complete Cooperation on ALL DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS OPEN SATURDAYS NO ADVANCE APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Hour* W e e k d a y * 8 30am to 5pm Saturday 8 30am to 1pm Perk Free — Any Park n Shop Lot DR. JEFFR EY BRADY, D E N T IS T SEMLERBLDG. S W 3rd 4 Yamhill Down town POR TLA NO SALEM 1 1 0 ' » C o m m e r c ia l N E 501 8 6 9 9 228-7545