Rege 4 Portland Observer, June 8, 1963 EDITORIAL/OPINION Making democracy work When following the rules doesn’t get you what you want, change the rules. That seems to be the philosophy o f House Speaker Grattan Kerans and the House Democratic leadership. The House Revenue Committee, appointed by Kerans in January, refused to send the sales tax to the House floor for a vote — voting 5-4. This was not the highly publicized “ lack of consensus,” but an outright rejection. Kerans then took the sales tax from the Revenue Com ­ mittee and appointed a special committee, the only function of which will be to send the sales tax to the floor. Strangely enough, Kerans* new committee is composed entirely of Representatives who favor referring the sales tax to the voters: Tom Throop, Revenue Committee Chairman, whose sole intent on that committee was getting the sales tax through; Peter Courtney and Tom Van Vliet, sponsors of sales tax measures; Hardy Myers, Vera Katz, Kip Lombard and Ted Calouri. The House vote to approve Kerans’ new committee was 40-13 and, strangely enough, Democrats were the supporters of this subver­ sion of the democratic process. Only five Demo­ crats— W ally Priestley, Ed Leek, Jim Scavera, Bob Shiprack, and Max Simpson — voted no. Republicans Burroughs, DeBoer, Hanneman, Eldon Johnson, D .E . Jones, M arkham, Parkin- by Walter F. Brown Stale Senator District 12 son and Trahern joined them. These Democrats acted in opposition to the Democratic Party’s state platform which opposes the sales tax. The common excuse is that these ’’representatives’’ oppose a sales tax as unjust but believe the voters should make that decision. This is nothing but an indication of lack o f courage and responsibility and an inability to stand up to the pressures exerted by some segments o f the business community. We are especially disappointed with some o f those who have sought and received the support of working people, the poor and minorities through a liberal or progressive line: Rick Bauman, Vera Katz, Shirley Gold, Dick Springer, Jim H ill, Larry H ill, Carl Hosticka, Barbara Roberts, Jane Cease and Kerans himself. We hope Kerans will put his ingenuity to work on behalf o f the voters and find a way to pass the two-parent welfare bill, the medically needy bill, the deadly force bill and other needed social legislation. If the Democratic Party is to have any credi- oility in Oregon it must condemn those represen­ tatives who blatantly disregarded their own plat­ form and voted contrary to the wishes and inter­ ests of the vast number o f Democrats. A search to find candidates who believe in and will carry out the philosophy o f the party is in order. Restore MHRC budget, staff A ground swell of support for restoration of the Metropolitan Human Relations Commis­ sion’s budget, staff and programs is developing among the organizations and the public. Without restoration, the reduction o f the M H R C staff and its ability to search out the facts, advocate for minorities and the poor, and provide information will be a severe blow to the non-profit agencies and religious bodies that now operate — with public contributions — to help mitigate the effects o f a poor economy and religious harassment and discrimination on indi­ viduals and groups. M H R C has been highly successful in dealing with racism in the Portland school district and in City and County government. The loss o f this agency would touch the lives o f the thousands of people who directly or indirectly benefit from its services. I f anyone believes Portland no longer needs education, mediation and intervention, they should note the recent press coverage o f by­ standers watching police officers being beaten and cheering as man jumped from the Burnside Bridge in a suicide attempt. Much remains to be done in Portland. This is no time to destroy the only official human rights/civil rights watchdog. Letters to the Editor Murder El Salvador's top health problem To'the Editor: President Reagan is again trying to fool the American public while he escalates the U .S. war against the Salvadoran people. M ore U .S . sol­ diers. in the form o f 25 "medical m ilitary advisors," are allegedly "hum an itarian " aid to treat "c iv il­ ian and military alike.” This 50% increase in U.S. troops in El Salvador will serve what Reagan labels a "freely elected, democratic govern­ ment.” tt mg a n