T I Observer, May 18,1983 OBSERVATIONS FROM THE SIDELINES by Kathryn H a ll Boyle he Albina M inisterial Alliance T and its programs were hosts, and featured guests as w e l l £ the T h irte e n th A n n iv e rs a ry Banquet held at Dishman Comm unity Center on Saturday evening, M ay 14. A t least 300 persons queued up for a buffet supper served prior to the even ing ’ s p ro g ram headed by Kay Toran, director o f A ffirm ative A ction fo r O regon State, who was principal speaker. T o r a n ’ s speech, title d “ I f W e D on’t, W ho W ill? " targeted direct­ ly at the black co m m u n ity, called for a renewal o f vigorous attention and action to guard gains made and to m ake fu rth e r gains in all important areas o f life in the central stream for black citizens. The Rev. Ira M u m fo rd , as master o f ceremonies, conducted the pro­ gram with wit and humor following the g ro up singing o f “ L if t Every Voice” by D ayto n Sm ith. Invoca­ tion was by the Rev. J .C . Foster. T h e Rev. M a tth e w W a lle y in tr o ­ duced the guest speaker. Songs o f jo y were o ffe re d by a m ale vocal g ro u p , “ T h e M ig h ty W ings o f F aith.” T h e Rev. John W . O a rlin g to n , J r ., president o f A M A , gave C o rn elia Smith a “ great big thank you” for “ extraordinary Christian service and dedication to program ­ ming fo r A M A and to the s ta ff o f F a m ily D ay and N ig h t C a re , an agency conducted by A M A to pro­ vide childcare in private homes. O th e r A M A aw ards fo r d is tin ­ guished service, presented on the behalf o f A M A by C o rn elia Smith, went to the Rev. Marge Green o f the Ecumenical Parish and to the Rev. Louis M ille r o f N .E . L u th eran Mission. Also receiving awards were Joseph Sloan, Deather Sloan, James D o m in g e , C la rin e S m ith and the C o m m u n ity R elatio n s T eam o f Pacific Northwest Bell. Benediction was by the Rev. R. Andrews-Bryant. r4i John Coleman. Eplacopal ley mlnlater of Richmond, Vlrglnle. cheta with Deacon Alcona Bootee of Bt. Philip. 1st, w ill present his p o rtra y a l o f “ F red erick D o u glass” in a performance at Catlin-Gabel School on Friday evening. M ay 20, at 8:00 p.m . Called "A g itate: O ur W ork is not F in ish ed ,” the perform ance is to be repeated M a y 21 and 22. and again on M ay 27, 28 and 29. Sunday evening perform ances are at 7:00 p.m. A kn o w led g ea b le P o rtla n d School Board member, Cawthorne was recently elected to the 13-member Urban Boards Steering Com m ittee o f the N a tio n a l School Boards A s so ciatio n . T h e c o m m itte e p ro ­ gram is to develop inform ation, re­ search and to re p o rt on issues affe c tin g school systems in the 72 cities o f the U n ite d Stales w ith populations over 100,000. Judge Aaron Brown and hie w ife . Alvenlce. w ith Judga Wilson A ry am ba. from K hartoum . Sudan. Coleman also gave Invocation in the State Senate at Salem, M ay 10. and later he had an audience with the Rt. Rev. M atth ew B igliardi, Bishop o f the Episcopal diocese o f Oregon. He returned to his home in Richmond, V irg in ia , this week where he is the director o f the Peter Paul Develop­ ment Center, effe rs o n H ig h Sch o ol, on its London, England, were also guests at a perform ance o f the Jefferson Dancers in thè high school auditori­ um. B; ' obbi Gary is at home following Ih er trip to Iowa C ity, Iowa, to attend the graduation o f her daugh­ ter, Carla G ary, from the College o f Law at the University o f Iowa, J lioncen in the history of Oregon toes fo r good public relations, w ill be honored at a dinner in regularly entertains visiting educa­ the G ran d B allro o m o f the H ilto n tors and persons interested in public H o te l on F rid a y , M a y 10. The ed u catio n by o ffe rin g scheduled Oregon Lung Association, through tours o f the building and a look-see its Pioneer C o m m ittee o f O regon, at Jefferson programs. will host the a ffa ir expected to draw Conrad Hunte, o f Barbados, who hundreds o f patrons. C h airin g the conducted a sem inar, “ Enriching banquet is Gerry Frank, assisted by Not Enraging Each O th e r,” for the Leo A d le r and P au l P h illip s , M o ra l R e -A rm am en t Conference Am ong the listed com m ittee m em ­ week ending in P o rtlan d , also ad­ ohn Coleman, a lay-minister in bers is Pete M cC on n ell, O reyonian dressed a Jefferson class on “ Leader­ the E p isco pal diocese o f reporter. ship.” Students were treated to an V irg in ia , was in the c ity as a extra talk by H u n te when they in ­ M cC onnell has presented to the member o f the speakers* teams o f co m m itte e fo r inclu sio n am ong sisted on hearing h im discuss the the M o ra l R e -A rm am en t C o n fe r­ those to be h on o red , the nam e o f " h o w - t o " o f p laying c ric k e t, the ence held here at the H o lid a y Inn- M cC a n ts S te w a rt, the first black game w hich made H u n te w o rld - Airport on last Friday thru Sunday. attorney in the state o f Oregon, who traveled and famous in 17 countries W h ile in the c ity , C o lem an was was licensed to practice law in this where the sport is N o . I on sports in v ite d to preach at a Sunday state in 1902. M cC a n ts S te w a rt’ s charts. morning service at St. Philip Church c o n trib u tio n to the history o f the Hunte. Cleiland Don nan o f Rich­ by the Rev. M . Ramsey Schadewitz. city o f Portland and to the state o f mond, Virginia, and Ann Rignall o f O regon was a feature story in the Black History section o f the Portland O bserver durin g F eb ru ary o f this year. M cC an ts S te w a rt’ s d au g h ter, K atherine Stew art F lip p in o f San One million teenage Americans, control group, that was also given Francisco, w ill arrive in the city to aged 12 to 17, also have hyperten­ medications but in a normal phy­ attend the banquet. General tickets sion, according to Mrs. Madeline sician-patient fashion, did less well. are $35.00. Patrons w ill pay $75.00 Lawson, a conference coordinator Also, in the high support group, a plate. and education services officer for he said, "blacks did twice as well as udge A a ro n Brow n and M rs . the Food and Drug Administration whites, and among those with (F D A ). higher blood pressure levels, blacks Brown entertained 20 friends at Also at the news conference, Mae did 3 times better than whites. A ll a b u ffe t supper F riday evening on S. W alton, president. National Tots this proves," D r. Saunders con­ the terrace o f th e ir hom e which and Teens Inc., a black youth group cluded, "th at the system that is o verlo o ks the W illa m e tte R ive r. sponsored by black parents, said available for the care o f high blood Honored guest at the inform al bar­ that stress and smoking are also pressure is not as good for blacks as becued salmon steaks cookout was causes for high blood pressure for other citizens." W ilso n N. A ry a m b a fro m among black people. He called for a national program Khartoum in the Sudan. A ryam ba, She and Kidney Foundation local that would include taking blood a judge o f the Supreme Court o f the President Michael Elmer agreed that pressure readings by all health care Sudan, is president o f the Court o f high consumption o f sometimes professionals, among them dentists, A p p eals fo r six regions o f the overly salty junk foods may be a pri­ nurses, pharmacists, etc.; setting up Su dan. T h e c o u n try counts 20 mary cause o f teenage hypertension. screening programs at work sites m illion in its population occupying The Foundation is especially and in churches. one million square miles. concerned about high blood pres­ In Baltimore, an intensive screen­ Judge A ry a m b a , a guest in this sure as it is a major cause o f kidney ing and monitoring program was set failure. up initially at 10 black churches and " W e want to involve the black the number has grown to 73, community more in our activities,” Saunders said. He cautioned against said Elmer. " A t present, blacks are mere screening and urged that com­ more reluctant than whites to do­ munity groups couple that service nate organs for kidney and other with education and follow-up o f transplants." hypertensive individuals. “ It is unfortunate that so many Church oriented programs will people suffer from hypertension,” reach black women more than men, Elmer declared, "when very simple he added. Black men should be en­ things can alter the condition. Just a couraged to seek medical treatment mint b in d s few intelligent steps, principally for hypertension even though 10 to adjustments in diet, can help control 13 percent o f treated males experi­ blood pressure." Everyone who has ence sexual dysfunction due to high hypertension should consult a blood pressure medications, he said. physician to identify necessary A change in drugs can often restore I. steps: exercise, dietary changes, sexual loss, he noted. weight loss, medication, etc., to " In any case, I give them the control the disease. Foundation choice,” Dr. Saunders said o f male spokespersons added. patients, "and let them decide.” J H Coalition fights hypertension erb Cawthorne, many talented as a speaker-author-monolog- Washington, D .C .: “ A healthy black nation derives from a healthy black people," declared M ona H . Bailey, national president of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., as she opened the first session o f "H y p e r­ tension: Breaking the Silence,” a national symposium at the Howard Inn on the Howard University cam­ pus, Saturday, A pril 23. Television anchor Renee Poussaint (W J L A -T V in Washing­ ton, D .C .), the session's keynoter, said, "A s black people, we are killing ourselves." She cited a recent D .C . study showing 13,000 drug addicts and 60,000 alcoholics and national data revealing that one out o f every four black Americans has hypertension or high blood pressure. "Black women have twice the number of heart attacks as white w om en," Charles L. C urry, M .D ., chief, cardiovascular diseases, Howard University Hospital, told the conference. Black women, sta­ tistically, suffer slightly more from hypertension than black men — 31 percent o f black women to 30 per­ cent o f black men. "T h e problem is not properly ad­ dressed," D r. Curry continued. "Obesity is probably a major fac­ tor. We can't tell yet why blacks have more high blood pressure. It may be due to salt intake and great­ er stress. We know that Alaskan Eskimos don't have any appreciable high blood pressure and it seems to be because there is not much salt there. In Japan, where the diet has a large amount of salt, stroke is the No. I cause of death." High blood pressure is a major cause o f stroke and heart attack. Like Curry, Elijah Saunders. M .D ., chief o f cardiology, at Provi­ dence Hospital in Baltimore, said, " A lot of our leadership worries about our people voting, but if they are not living, they can’t vote or do anything else.” A research participant in a five year federal hypertension study, Saunders said that a community- focused intensive program of support: free treatment, bus service to clinics, babysitters, counseling and hbp drugs resulted in a 17 per­ cent better performance among the low Income patients studied. A < 4 L o a n P ro g ra m and the M e d ic a l/ Dental Grant and Loan Program. The commission also provides in­ form ation to state agencies and the public regarding state, federal and some p riv a te fin a n c ia l a id p ro ­ grams. B ro w n , the re -a p p o in te d co m ­ missioner, is manager o f operator services for Pacific Northwest Bell She is active in various professional and com m unity organizations such as Progressive Business W o m e n , Am erican Business W om en, and is past p resident o f the A m e ric a n Society o f T ra in in g and D e ve lo p ­ ment. Brow n is ac tiv e w ith J u n io r A c h ie v e m e n t, the ¡Joy and O ir l Scouts, and is a m em ber o f The Links, Inc. country o f the U nited States In fo r ­ m a tio n A g en cy, has been in the company o f 14 other nationals from other countries touring the U.S. for several weeks “ to le a rn ,” said Aryam ba, "h o w Am erican govern­ ment operates. I am interested p ar­ ticularly in observing how the sepa­ ra tio n o f power is decided am ong the judicial, the legislative and exec­ utive branches o f government. W e are still developing our own system using the p a tte rn o f English and American systems. " O u r penal law system is derived from Indian civil law and needs up­ d a tin g ,” A rya m b a said. A ryam b a traced the geographical location o f the Sudan as being about 200 miles north o f the eq u ato r, and said the Sudan is friendly w ith all its neigh­ bors. H e said that the Sudan is not s u ffe rin g fro m fa m in e , b u t, “ we could be better fe d .” Sudan took a n eu tral stand w ith N ig e ria when other nations harshly criticized that country fo r its ab ru p t dismissal o f the m illio n persons expelled fro m N igeria earlier in 1983, the visitor said. A ry a m b a visited in P ittsb urgh , Arkansas and Nevada in his assigned tour o f the states. Part o f the time was spent in Reno, Nevada, at the fam ous N a tio n a l Ju d icial College where judges o f the nation register for refresher courses in subjects o f their choice. w. Vic Atiyeh has re-appointed G A lvenice Brow n to the state Sch o larship C o m m is sio n . ap p o in tm en t is subject to O regon Senate a p p ro v a l. Brow n was firs t a p p o in ted to the com m ission in 1981. H e r term w ill begin July 1, 1983, and will expire June 30,1987. T he seven-m em ber comm ission adm in isters a v a rie ty o f student financial aid programs for Oregonians attending post-secondary in s titu ­ tions. Those program s include the Need G ra n t and Cash A w ard p ro ­ gram s, the G u a ra n te e d Student From the American Philatelic Society: S T A M P COLLECTORS ALERTI Show of the decade cornea May 20-22 to Portland's Red Lion Inn, Lloyd Center. • First postal history exhibit • 38 dealers from U.S. & Canada • 360 frames exhibited from prize-winning collections • Counseling for juniors • Seminars, films, lectures on Her every phase of collecting IT'S PA N -P A C IFIC EXPO S3 Opens 10 a .m . dally, runa to 7 Frl., 6 Sat. b 4 Sun. (Admlaalon: 81.28, or 82.80 fo r ell 3 days) (W ant m ore details? C ontact Pan-Pacific Expo '83, 264-7093. POB 4066, Portland, OR 97208). J & CAR TELEPHONES THE BEEPER PEOPLE 713 S.W. 12th Street Call 224-BEEP for a free demonstration. Bring this advertisement for 55% off Hldel mar 15SJ Welfare picket set A c o a litio n o f hum an n gn ts groups spearheaded by the Oregon Human Rights Coalition is sponsor­ ing a picket line and demonstration at noon next Wednesday to pressure Ways and Means Committee C hair­ person Vera Katz to expedite fund­ ing o f the medically needy and two- parent fa m ily w e lfa re p ro gram s. Fair treatment for A .D .C . recipients who are in the JOBS program is an­ o ther dem and o f the picket to be held outside the w e lfa re o ffic e at T en th and E . B urnside. O th e r members o f the organizing coalition include the A F l -C IO , Grey Panthers, the O regon A n ti-H u n g e r P ro ject and Ecumenical Ministries. Joining them w ill be members fro m the G rassroots Leg islative C o a litio n formed two weeks ago by the Black U n ite d F ro n t, A lb in a M in is te ria l Alliance and the Citizens Party. A ccording to Janet H aw kins o f the Oregon Human Rights Coalition the dem onstrators “ recognize the need to p ro vid e q u a lity hum an service program s fo r lo w -incom e people.” The bills funding the medi­ cally needy and tw o-parent fam ily programs arc currently stalled in the Ways and Means Committee. One Inch Aluminum Blinds Mini Blinds 55% OFF with ih » ad Softlight Shades 40% OFF Woven Woods (Selected Patterns) SAVE 50% OFF ^Vertical Shades 40% OFFl L M . DIETZ COMPANY 1010 SE POWELL PORTLAND 97202 239-9014 M o n Thurs 8-6:30 I aoo m m j j Fri 9-8 OtrfMwo