, . . . .. .. . . . ____ Pag« 4 Section II Portland Observer, May 11.1983 Elderly, w idow s lead U.S. churchgoers formal education. • The rate o f church attendance increase* with age. with 31 percent o f person* 18 to 24 year* old attend­ ing in a typical week compared to half o f persons 63 and older • Midwesterner* had the highest rate o f attendance, westerners the lowest. Catholic*, blacks, person* over 65 and widow* are the best church­ goer*. according to a Princeton Religion Research Center poll. • W hite and black men attended with equal frequency, but white women attended less often than black women • W hite* in the South and outside the South had a similar attendance record in 1982, but blacks in the South attended more often than black* outside the South. • Person* with a college back­ ground — and especially those who completed college — go to church more often than persons with less • Catholics are better attender* than Protestants and both group* attend services more often than Jews. • One o f the highest church at­ tendance rates is recorded for per­ sons who are widowed. The analysis is based on personal Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church 5828 N.E 8th Ave Portland, OR 97211 M a tth e w A llen W a tle y . 0 0 Church Phone: 288 5429 Sunday School 9:00 am Morning H'orship 11:00 am Manse: 282 0067 II interview* with 10,813 adults, years and older, conducted in seven selected weeks in scientifically se­ lected localities across the nation. The question was asked: " D id you, yourself, happen to attend church or synagogue in the last seven days " Forty-one percent o f those inter­ viewed said they had attended church or synagogue that week. This is a decline from 49 percent in 1958. The decline in attendance by Catholics has been 23 percentage points, com­ pared to 3 points by Protestants. By YOU ARE WELCOME TO W ORSHIP AT 84 N.E. Killingsworth * 281 0499 "A Harm Spiro o f I eltowship Alw ays" The Honorable bishop U. K Peterson, D. D. ^ ^ — ‘‘TbeJI'OlinessJ^r™1^ ' ' " f >ai,or lumiay A n Evening o f H arp sich o rd M u alc — Fellowship Unlim ited o f St. Stephen's Episcopal Parish. 1432 S.W 13th Ave. presents Terry Nelson in an evening o f Baroque harpsichord music. M r. Nelson play* keyboard masterpieces o f Johann Sebastian Bach and Francois Couperin on Friday. M ay 20, at 8:00 p.m. Donation, $4, more info. 223-6424. T h e S alv atio n A rm y 'a second an n ual P o rtlan d area Rosa Sale is going on now through M ay 27. Boxed, long-stemmed red rose* will be sold by Salvation Arm y officer* and volunteers for just $12 per dozen. Proceed* will help benefit needy kids attending the organization’s summer camps. The group hopes to earn $5,000 through the sale — nearly doubl­ ing last year's intake. Roses sold will be available for pick-up by the buyers on Friday, June 3 at Salvation Army Headquarters, 1785 N .E . Sandy Blvd. in Portland. The flowers are being supplied through H ill Florist in Hillsboro. For info 234-0825. Bible Band/Jr Church 7 30 pm Wednesday C h » i Reheersel 7 pm C orner of 8th and S kid n.o re Sunday School 9 30am Sunday Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) t Tuesday Friday Broadcaet 10am Noon Day Prayer Sta.ion KLIQ 1790 AM DIAL 3 f0 * N W illiam s W illiam s P ortland . O ragon 2S4 9091 2 4 *- 1 N o rth F rem o n t 282 8147 f / . ' r . i / y ........... TiTSWWS™ ELK Er L A U N D R Y dl at reasonable rata« 3377 N E B roadw a y P ortland . O ra g o n 97232 16031 2 « ISSO OPEN 7 DATS A W IIK R »m lo 10 pm Corner of 9th b N .E. D e k u m 286-9772 O N I STOP SNACK SHOP Hoit c.fV AU9& U l 'H * 9 I _BO OV » P A IN T IN G • •10» « I ..... . Cea « • • « • « Talk to four of the best insurance agents at once. • -a • —♦ • m» • e e • • ■ > • • e B • 707 NE F R E M O N T r P ID A J B E A U TY SU PPLIES W hoW aai« and R«i»ii W e cerry producta that art w e n in Jet and Ebony Magazine ’ O p en9 « m 8 p m ay nt up-¡9 mb 1 • a » •• S ta te F arm Your Agent on Auto. Home, Life end Health M a tth e w K. Barnett 48 23 N . L o m b a rd 4 I I ASI B roadw ay H eirv w ev e rs ft D m ignara Beauty Salon has the solution • Tukioo artyrais • COAMING 1001 N E B R O A D W A Y 1834 N .E . 7th • at B ro ad w a y clean er s STEWART CLEANERS W O O D L A W N C LEA N ER S Osan a a m I» * w* »M ta n Osar* l * - r * a a a t iM u * P o rtla n d . O ragon 97211 • T r*ru n g U m o ri • p m C o m e w ith m a to N a w H o p a for an irraaiatibia w o rs h ip aap arian cal H Arrr all p n tp iti o f ail raers a r t wrtcomrd to worship IR V IN G P A R K C H R IS T IA N é H b R ¿ H 831 N.E. Fremont s M o v in g « Trader Dave 114 N K illin g aw o rth . Portiani (■(•M« usura«**«-* b um A Service * 2M 1 N I . M o n Frl * 4 S at 9 4 12701 N.E. 7th • 281-4372 C L O T H IN G People U nio n 256 6038 256-3863 A/« work W IT H you to aava you money* PHARMACV 4270 S E H a w th o rn e 2 » 1070 UNIQUE LIVING CONCEPTS C4466am «8C66 »or NO» t u « p o o « NoWWS C«l66em *HW«or «MB tFM**V«S uMWg P ortland O ragon *7232 (B03) 2S2 9413 f rry J M om oi (rïfir» Prnu AS M S B » n r B W c«m 1 U ltll 1 * N M o rria St P ortland O regon (7277 2B1 M 31 W OOOLAW N PHARM ACY Proscriptions W « accept A ll M edical C auls Pels A V eterinary Suppbe. W E C ARE 2W -1311 RESTAURANTS F R E N C H S RESTAURANT Fam ily A tm osphere Open 7 a m io 10 p m Break*»»» Lunch Dinner 2*5 3400 7131 N E U N IO N M a k e this d irec to ry w o rk fo r you. Cell 283 2486 T A STE TIC K LER AS W db F -vroe (The most m dry c leaning l O«fom»72l Featuring sam e day cleaning ^ W A S H IN G T O N ------- ---- |an d laundry service SQ U A R E 1419 N f Frem ont H tona«39 1622 S ub m arine S an d w ic h 11 » Mon -Fh 12 5Salurday 14th Er NE B ro a d w ay Phono Orders 2S2 3SB1 Reg «223 u i vueioOC 19ORQ Prudential B o o ker T . Lew is, Jr. D .D .S . M a k e this d irecto ry w o rk fo r you call 283 2486 BbR Family Shoe Store Peggy b Jim B u d w e ite r Glass 46C 838 N Killingsworth 283 2221_______ VARIETY m eed ty p e s e ttin g d o n e ? C a ll 283 2486 to d a y I V ac u u m Cleaner S ew in g M ac h in e Sales and aervica Euraka Electric Co 1804 N E U nio n P o rtlan d. OR J O H N REEO BOOKSTO RE •o««««« *' C m '*«'» « ms atoou’ ANtC« ii«r»«»n ? D ekum B uilding Siath Floo» * 1 * S W 3rd A va P ortland . O ragon 277 2902 T5 J . «•com • Ta»« Mmm 4623 N. Vancouver Kenneth C. Dixson A TTO R N EY AT LAW Reliable • By appointm ent or C«NI 3636 N W illiam s Ave 503 281 656b PHIL R EYN O LD S M E D IC A L C L IN IC Walter C Reynolds. M D Kalpana H Raidev M 0 Phyatcian» b Surgeons 16 N M o rria St. OFFICE Legat services o n • sliding tea scale 9^ Family Law - Bankruptcy ■ Real Estala . Criminal Law - Accidents Have a dazzling T.V. smile 1ST* 9 C Ankany Street Portland Oragon »7214 (S 0 I| 23S-4747 If unable to keep appointment, kindly give 24 hours notice D M D M PH F A M IL Y D E N T IS T R Y ConeulBtf(J»'5 ln«ur<»nte K (.« p l« d W eekend h Evening hour« 2274 Lloyd ''e n te r P o r tla n d , O r e g o n 97211 281-3010 — G R A c i COL l M E M O R IA L CENTER P b J • T IP P IN IN N TAVERN New owner "Heidelberg Glass 36C 288 9878 ’j a c k * o n !* d w l Redi d T V E» Record Co. COMMUNITY LAW *<■ have lop name txand »hoea N'ke. Adidas Tiger Puma « E 29th b A lb erta 2*1 S S I* Shorn b Apparel M a k e this d irec to ry w o rk fo r yo u . Cell 283 2486 D ro p th a t ha n d ic ap Learn now W in tom orrow Learn woods irona-clipahota Putting For all phase» of golt K w a ia M a a h a d d a featuring C o s m e t ic * D e n t r is t r y 34 N E K illin g s w o rth PHARMACY N E U N IO N B O E K U M 2 *1 0 1 1 9 1119 N.E Broad w a y •74 4 W 2 Young Christians W A N T THE JO B Affordable, experienced HUNGRY STUDENTS W 'covered moving van W e ne»i fo pie«»« you VER A S H A T B O U TIQ U E aw^ieu «M m « • w m, w * JWBanatkwea SOLE D E S IG N E R S OF P O R T L A N D 5600 NE Union (503)287 0693 MOOVING 34 N E K illin g aw o rth P ortland O rag o n *7711 2*1 » 1 0 John Jenklne Inaurane« Agency 41SN mkngeworth H id *7217 SHOES Call 774-1171 4831 S.E. Powell 11493 S E 12nd *63 7932 ■ «0 warn •*»» • A rw w m • »1 ELLIS C L E A N E R S Let u* renew the beauty! of your g arm ants. O u rl cleaning method* will <1o| it. Expert Tailohng. 281 3862 N . W illia m * A v > „ NE H O U K - M A R T IN IZ IN Q L « | N f.n v „ d o m For All Your ^ T o w in g Needa— M ake this directory w ork for you call 283 2486 9 > A P E X U P H O LS TE R Y Free eairmstaa Quant» W ork Antiqua» Restored Low P riceallt 2 * 2 -M O * 2417 N E Union T h r P a rt * 2 Sportahoes Out speciality Re1»tlmg and leaotamg bAv» M im bad Restaurant hrs 5 am 9 prr Lounge hrs: 10-2:30 a m Custom Hitch Installation Fabrication, Wiring. Welding, Towing Supplies tvuutu*« «a*rw *cM «„ « « w CamciwtM Ci (503)285-2546 281 »496 Styhng MISCELLANEOUS _ 5 H W H Y BE BA L H ai» Scarves A Accessor ies M vnrg WonNg 10 4 0 8 m v M d (wrung W on*» 7 B p m ' liimaa!* jim sahsaio * owtaie U nio n Ava P ortland O regon *7711 M R S C S W IQ S »‘aatof larty Sanmc• l i m • S«xx«v School • Hi * Tknalor kx your piece pla c a of the the Roc» ' LNa. haahti. auto. home, 1332 N S k id m o re FREE E S T IM A T E S M a k s this d irec to ry w o rk fo r you. Call 283 2486. 213 7 1* N E H an co ck P ortland O regon 282 3379 Portiasi Of »eoa 97217 Kr* A Bemari Urwct I A A . B * P ortland, OR 97232 HOME 289 9803 salon e barber «. pent « io no rw< btoar or coo* G bb I pb B bib A » « iif O utpatient alcohol treatm ent for individuals and families special program for women 1929 N ortheast B roadw ay REMODELING »e» Taiaphona 283^2219 O IA N S B EA U TY J7IS N M a tth e w K B a rn e tt 4823 N Lombard (603) R EM ODELERSOF E X IS T IN G N E IG H B O R H O O D S Stan Ntchoiaon 6S42 N.E Umon A vanua Portland, OR 97211 «S64 NE U nion 2S7 STM 3612 NE ISth •r » f m at»« cb ( » c * Your Agent an Auto. Horna. LNa and Health 1014 N K illin g aw o rth 500 N W ¿¿revenue Paint Shop lì e U rto Boor fM io io n a rp B aptist Churcb PRO JECT STOP Wrack RobuHdmg Unitxxfy Frame Strmigthaninu » « e w e Ei « e e e r •» Je» enei 6 r«4taJ ( l í e s e m State Farm Ph (503(785 9564 311 N E Sbavar St P o rtla n d . O rag o n 97212 2S7SB2S F R ID A Y 8 B E A U T Y S U F F I »• 88I* b 4 V M Insuranca Agent» A t Once E itebU thed m 1912 and still BEAUTY 11 00 Communion tach A ral Sunday * ^ S c h o o H > ^ o i F ^ —B providing q uality dry cleaning M a k e thia d irecto ry w o rk fo r you call 283 2488 6 00 P M Vaapar Sarvica 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churche* of Oregon: Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National, Oregon. Portland Ecum enical M inistries, A m erican Bible S o ciety. M . b M . Board Sines 1937 «A*«^**» Hours 1 0 6 M F 10 5 Sal > " Talk To Four Of T H e Best 1888 N. Lom bard P o rtlan d. OR 97217 21 « v e B» Ph 2J1 810B H Jackaon. M inister M t d M D 9 30 A M Church School 1 10 0 A M Congregational Worahap O R EG O N RUG 3900 N M leelaalppl A va P ortla n d . O rag o n 97277 Srsles Service Installation N .E . First b S ch u yler • 284-1964 f t M A T T R E S S CO ■Ss ■ a« 630 N.E. Union Ave THE M OUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH OpanBam 8pm M on Fn 1*33 N K illing aw orth P ortland. OR »7711 717 7773 A U T O M O T IV E CHUCK'S CAR STEREO Grades 1 m»u 8 H errteon. P rincip al OSBORNs CLEA N ER S RgT Tra MILLE B AK mm I m 6. Professional Services 3M B M eka thle directory w ork for you cell2S3 2488 Shocks f» front and work Carlot ‘HU y - n J Mr Jam « Phone 284 P o rtlen d. OR 97227 NORTHW EST A L IG N M E N T S BRAKE " ST. ANDREW CO M M UNITY SCHOOL « 1 9 N Í 9m Ava ■Home No. 284 2864; Church No. 281 0608 Elonza J . E d w ard s (P astor) Maar Design Cantar MSN 6 00pm VigS - Saturday 9 30>m O w tr -S u n d e v 13 00pm Folk Goapaf - Sunday For though I preach lh a Gospel I have nothing to glory of for ne IS am The Pastor Speaks 7 30 pm nmgWorahap t l IS am Saturday VPW W 6 30 pm M o rn in g Prayer 9 am Evangelistic Worharp pm Showers ol Bieaeinga AUTO age, the drop has been 17 point* among persons under JO, 12 among persons JO to 49, and one among person* 50 and over. The highly committed group* in­ clude a high proportion o f "dow n- scale groups," those with less income, less education and less prestigious employment. Yet, the highly com­ mitted express general happiness and satisfaction in fam ily life, rela­ tionship to others and manner o f living to a degree far above the average. Bethel A M E Church Missionary Society will hold its annual "Victory fo r C h rlat Tee"' on M ay 29, 1983, from 3 til 5:30 p.m. In addition to the food and fellowship, a special treat is planned. Miss W anda Thompson, P ortland's own soon to be recording gospel singer, w ill be featured in concert. Her first performance will begin at 3:30 p.m. and the second at 4:30 p.m. There is a $5.00 donation for the tea and concert. Tickets can be purchased at Stevens and Son, C .l. Joe's, Meier and Frank and Bethel A M E Church. For more in fo rm atio n call C al W illia m s, chairperson. 287-3483. THE ARK 01 SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Sunday ST. ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH M a k e th ia d ire c to ry w o rk fo r you. Call 283 2486 ■ d«8re»rw« h« B«« '«• » an«« • Ä»* » «erg *1 cNBB CAM 12B NE RueseM « St. Andrew Legal Clinic ■rving the C o m m u n ity 807 N .E. A lb e rta P o rtlan d, O regon 1503)281 1600 A P T . FOR R E N T N ice 1 bedroom apart m e n t, N .E . P o rtla n d , re n t 1 1 7 6 /m o n th , no d e p o s it, no cle an in g fee. Cell Williams. 284 3431 or 281 2104 R E A L E S T A T E : BY O W N E R . 500 p ro p e r­ ties rang ing in price from »9,960 »1,460,000. A s s o rtm e n t in c lu d e * h om e#, lan d , c o n d o ­ miniums, coast proper­ ty, houseboat* b com ­ mercial properties Cell Pat 246 7790 1 Reed Ron Sykes" S p o rt T a lk Bridget I. Downey to our eco n o m y? DOWNEY INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. See S ec tio n II Page 6 520 S .W 6th Ave. W h e t s h ap penin g For appomtmi .1 can 2*7 107* 228-83Z7 Portland. OR 97204 P ag e 7 GOD offers you a plan for your life. D ial 28»4074 A recording