■r» Frances $choen>Xe«spaper Roo« U n iv e rs ity o f Orepon L ib ra ry tupene, Oregon 07403 New: Church News- tectum n UAW A _____ ÿ Salem £ cene Petett's mistake? 4 Section II Page ÜJ IM PORTLAND OBSERVER USPS 959*680-855 Volume XIII, Number 28 April 27, 1983 26C Per Copy Two Sections C £ n r PuNah.nt Co.. / * • Reagan: $270 million for Central American war A ll o f the people o f Nicara­ gua will ' 'defend our territory o f our ancestors, the dignity o f the nation, and the undeniable right to be masters o f the des­ tiny o f our fatherland. ” — Rene Nunez, PSLN W ednesday evening President Ronald Reagan asked Congress for $250 m illio n in m ilita ry aid fo r El S alv ad o r and H o n d u ra s and $20 million to support Honduran troops raiding into Nicaragua. O n A p ril 8th the government o f Nicaragua again declared its desire to open b ila te ra l discussions w ith the U.S. and with Honduras to find a peaceful solution. Talks have one irrevocable requisite: “ the uncondi­ tion al rem oval o f genocidal forces introduced in to N icaragua by the U n ited States and the cessation o f border attacks from Honduran ter­ rito ry, attacks that are aided by the Honduran arm y ,“ according to N i­ caragua's government. Nicaragua form ally took its case to the United Nations on A p ril 4th with a communication warning that large-scale m ilita ry ac tio n w ith H o n d u ra s can result fro m the in ­ creasing incursion inside N ic a ra ­ guan territory by Honduran-based counter-revolutionaries. The government o f Nicaragua ex­ pressed concern that the U n ite d States is d ire c tin g , fin a n c in g and aiding the operations in violation of international and U.S. law. They reiterated their desire for bi­ lateral dialogue w ith the U .S . and with Honduras and contacted Pana­ ma, Mexico, Venezue'a and Cotom bia, asking their assistance to begin such dialogue. T hey also n o tified the U .N . that they are willing to ac­ cept a Security Council mandate to Secretary G en eral Javier Perez de C u ellar so he can w ork w ith those four nations to initiate the dialogue. Follow ing five days o f U .N . Se­ curity Council debate in early A p ril, 50 o f the 55 members re a ffirm e d that the dispute should be settled through d iplom acy. V ice-M in ister o f the Exterior Victor Hugo Tinoco had requested an emergency session to analyze the m ilita ry escalation and to inform the world community ab o ut the in filtr a tio n o f U . S . - f i ­ nanced “ c o n tra s .” " T h e U .S . in ­ tended to present the aggression we suffer as if it were a civil war, an in­ su rrectio n against a despotic re ­ g im e ," T in o co said la te r, “ but it failed ." Mercenary forces that have invad­ ed N ic a ra g u a , the S andanista government said, do so with the full support o f the H o n d u ra n arm y which is “ under the orders o f the C I A . ” Although the war the US is waging against Nicaragua is unde­ clared “ it is no less b lo o d y and destructive" and the US is “ making b ro ad use o f m ilita r y , p o litic a l, id e o lo g ica l and econom ic re ­ sources." Officials explain fair housing options by Charles Goodmacher As one o f the hig h ly touted achievements o f the G reat Society, Congress passed a law 15 years ago know n as T itle V I I I — T h e F air Housing Act o f 1968. T itle V I I I de­ clared, " It is the policy of the United States to provide, w ith in constitu­ tional lim itations, for fair housing throughout the United States." Yet the overwhelming message repeated last Friday at the First Annual Oregon Fair Housing C onference was that rather than being a fact o f life, fair housing remains a goal in the United States. T h e F a ir H o u sing C o n ference bro ug h t to gether n early 200 con­ cerned people to discuss the depth o f the problem; to learn about gov­ ernm en t agencies em pow ered to respond to co m p lain ts ; and to broaden the base o f discussion among various sectors o f society. P a rtic ip a n ts in the conference ranged from government and indus­ try representatives, civil rights and low-income advocates to individual citizens. Among the list o f speakers were: A d m in is tra tiv e Law Judge Hamilton; Richard Brinck, Portland area director o f Housing and Urban Developm ent ( H U D ) ; M a x C h ap - man, Oregon Association of Realtors; Lou Savage, Legal A id Services; Scott Jones, M etro p o litan Hum an Relations Commission; and Johnnie Bell, D ire cto r o f the Oregon C ivil Rights Division (C R D ). B ringing together a diversity o f interests was itself one o f the major goals o f the conference. Douglas F elderm an, P o rtlan d C o m m u n ity Housing Resource Board (C H R B ) program director, said the conference goals were to foster greater under­ standing o f and p a rtic ip a tio n in v o lu n ta ry a ffirm a tiv e ac tio n in housing. The several workshops included one e x p la in in g fa ir housing law enforcem ent by representatives o f responsible governm ent agencies. Wylie Thompson, Regional Director o f Fair Housing and Equal O p p o r­ tunity for H U D noted that " it really doesn't make a difference” whether a complaint is brought first to H U D or O regon C R D . I f a com plaint is brought to Oregon C R D , they w ill investigate the matter. H U D is likely to refer complaints to Oregon C R D but m ay investigate those matters "w h ic h have systemic p o te n tia l" said Thom pson. Thompson noted that there “ is an increase n o w " in systemic discrim ination yet did not have any figures a v a ila b le . Lou O sb orne, o f the H U D P o rtla n d office spoke briefly o f a case o f red­ lining by a financial leader in P o rt­ land. Salem C H R B noted that w hile more people are making initial con­ tacts w ith the agency many do not make a formal complaint for fear of re ta lia tio n by a la n d lo rd . Charles Leech o f O regon C R D responded that, unfortunately, “ there’s nothing we can do until the act has occurred ” A b o ut 40 people in a workshop on C o m m u n ity Advocacy in F air Housing heard Scott Jones note that " i n c o n fro n tin g the system they (advocates) realize that they have to work together." The housing issue, according to Jones, "n eed s to be politically elevated — it needs to be recognized (hat housing is a basic r ig h t." There is great need fo r " a serious change o f consciousness" among both professionals and the general p u b lic , noted Jones who applauded the granting o f credits to real estate professionals for confer­ ence participation as a very positive step forw ard. Jones also noted that the real estate industry itself often gets pressured by n eighborhood associations to practice discrimina­ tion. [Please turn to page 4 column J) President Reagan, speaking to a joint session o f Congress W ednes­ day evening, asked for $270 m illion in military aid to continue the war in El Salvador, bolster Honduras* m il­ ita ry capacity and aid H o n d u ra n troops invading Nicaragua. Reagan announced th at the government o f El Salvador is " d e ­ liv erin g on its promises o f d em o ­ cratic reform s and new elections*’ and denounced the guerrillas “ por­ trayed as freedom fighters." Nicaragua, he said, is a se lf-im ­ posed new dictatorship that is help­ ing Cuba and the Soviet U n io n to destabilize "o ur hemisphere." His statement, “ It is hypocrisy to say we seek their o verthrow w hile they seek to bring down the elected governm ent o f El S a lv a d o r ," brought an extended standing ova­ tion. Reagan announced that he w ill support negotiations in the area and will endorse any agreement nations that w ill remove all foreign troops from the area, will endorse renunci­ ation o f insurgency against neigh­ bors, and will endorse non-importa­ tion o f offensive weapons. “ The safety of our homeland is in jeopardy,” he said. The tone o f the address was stri­ dent w ith the th rea t o f invasion thinly veiled. He pledged not to send U .S . troops to Central America be­ cause they are not needed. I f Reagan receives the additional funds he seeks fro m Congress, it will bring to $1 billion the money he has spent on the El S alv ad o r w ar since his election. Senator C h ris to p h e r D o d d (D - C o n n .) responded fo r the D e m o ­ cratic Party. Where will the hostility the President is dragging the nation into lead, he asked, but to greater violence, bloodshed and h ostility and ev en tu a lly to a re g io n a l co n ­ flict. Reagan misunderstands the rea­ sons for the conflict, he said. Dodd called for: I ) an immediate cessation o f hostilities— “ It is time for the killing to sto p "; 2) a nego­ tiated political settlement (the guer­ rillas o f El Salvador have called for talks, as have the Pope and U .S. al­ lies in the region); 3) negotiations with Nicaragua (Nicaragua has o f­ fered to negotiate and in supporting followers o f the former dictator in a " n o t so secret w a r ,” the U .S . is "backing sure losers."). Dodd called on the U .S. to restore its role as a source o f hope. Let us " m a k e a peaceful re vo lu tio n and move w ith the tide o f history, not against it ." PRESIDENT R. REAGAN "W e can no longer ignore a fire that is burning in our front yard. " — Ronald Reagan Jesse Jackson speaks in Portland The Reverend Jesse Jackson w ill deliver the keynote address at the closing session o f the 1983 Seven­ teenth A n n u a l N a tio n a l M ig ra n t Education Conference in Portland, Oregon, M ay 3-6. The theme o f this year’ s conference, which is co-host­ ed by Oregon and Idaho to be held at the Portland Hilton, is, "M igran t E d u c atio n : A R ainbow o f E x c e l­ lence for Children.” M ik e G om ez, recipient o f the 1979 Golden Eagle Award for Most P rom ising Young A c to r, and co- star w ith Jack N icholson in " T h e B o rd e r" and w ith Ed O lm os in " Z o o t S u it," will deliver the open­ ing address on the evening of M ay 3. D r. Lawrence Davenport, Assistant Secretary for Elem entary and Sec­ o n d ary E d u c a tio n , U .S . D e p a rt­ ment o f E d u c atio n , w ill speak on the morning o f M ay 4. D r. Leonard O lguin, Associate Professor in the Department o f Teacher Education, C a lifo rn ia State U niversity, Long Beach, w ill address the participants on T h u rs d a y m o rn in g . M a y 5. A special address w ill be delivered by Sharon S ch o nh au t, Special Assis­ tant to Secretary o f Education T e r­ rell Bell, previous to Jackson’ s ad ­ dress on (he m o rn in g o f M a y 6. P u b lic seating w ill begin at 9:45 a.m . on M ay 6. The M igrant Education Program is a nation al one, a com ponent o f the Chapter I, E C IA Program, first fu n d ed by Congress as T it le I in 1965. The M igran t Education P ro ­ gram was a 1967 amendment to the (Please turn to page 9 column 7) South Africa role in Mozambique bared Charges by M ozam bique’s Presi­ dent Sam ora M ac h e l, th at South African troops have crossed his na­ tion's borders and that South Africa is supporting an armed rebellion by the N atio n al Resistance M ovem ent (M N R ) have received added credi­ bility with the death o f a top M N R commander in South Africa. O rlando Cristina was found dead in Pretoria, the victim of a shootign. H e was secretary-general o f the M N R . W h a t his mission in South Africa was is not known. The M N R has been active since M o za m b iq u e achieved ind ep en ­ dence fro m P o rtu g a l in 1975, spreading violence to at least a third o f the nation's territory. The M N R is reported to receive the bulk o f its support from South Africa. Mozambique, which has close ties to the socialist w orld, supports the African N ational Congress (A N C ), the m ain resistance m ovem ent to white rule in South Africa. Because it provides a seaport for landlocked nations such as Zim bab­ we, Mozambique is a vital contribu­ tor to those nations’ economic inde­ pendence. M N R attacks have in ­ cluded the transportation system in­ cluding a successful attack on oil storage tanks at B e ira, w hich se­ riously disrupted fuel deliveries to Z im b a b w e _ Zimbabwe. M achel told the recent 7th Sum ­ mit Conference o f the Movement o f N on-A ligned Nations that most o f the western press has remained si­ lent about Pretoria’s crimes and acts o f aggression. South Africa is carry­ ing out an undeclared war against M o zam b iq u e, fo r which it recruits mercenaries w ho are presented as " in te r n a l o p p o s itio n " in order to conceal the killings, sabotage, and other attacks on a sovereign state, he said. Daughtry: Critical tim es ahead 're fire d up and we won ’I take no more! Yell it u ntil Portland Bottling Company can hear us. We ‘re fire d up. won 'I take no more! Let *g say it until Portland Police can hear us. We 're fire d up, won't lake no more! Say it until Portland‘s political structure can hear us. We 're fire d up, won 7 lake no more! L e t‘s say it until Ronald Reagan can hear it. We 're fire d up, won 'I lake no more! L e t‘s say it until every KKK can hear us. We 're fire d up, won 'I take no more! Grassroot News, N .W . — So start­ ed the address o f the National Black U nited F ro n t’ s founder and ch air­ person. Rev. H e rb e rt D a u g h try . Daughtry is laying the fo undation fo r the n atio n al convention to be held in P o rtla n d in J u ly. " A s we move on into the years and as we see an intensification o f reactionary and racist forces the idea o f a N B U F type o f o rg a n iza tio n that is mass based w ill grow and become more effective." In his address. Daughtry reviewed the p itifu l status o f black children. “ A black child in America has a one in tw o chance o f being born in p overty. H e is tw ice as lik e ly as a w hite baby to die durin g the first year o f life. I f a black child survives his first year, the odds are against him growing up healthy, wealthy or wise. Black children are more likely to be sick and without regular health care. They are three times more likely to be unemployed. We could go on and on, but you know the record o f a nation with boastful affluence." Tha Black Unltad Front s Third Annual March Against Racist Vi­ olence will ba held on Saturday. April 30th. Tha march begins at Alberta Park. 10th and N .l. XII- llngaworth at noon and pro- caada to King Pork. N.E. 7th and W ygant. where a rally w ill ba held at 2:30 p.m. D a u g h try staled there are three facto rs w hich m ake these racist m anifestatio ns c ritic a l. " O n e , we have a m ovie star fo r a president. And we should have known that a movie star would become president (Please turn to page 5 column I )