Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 13, 1983, Page 7, Image 7

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    Portland Observer, April 13, 1983 Page 7
NAACP discusses job training
The Portland Branch N A A C P
w ill address the problem of Voca­
tional Training for black youth at
their regular branch meeting the
third Sunday. April 17, at 4:00 p.m.
at the Vancouver Avenue First Bap­
tist Church, 3138 North Vancouver
Avenue, according to Hazel G .
Hays. Branch President. The
Branch w ill also receive a report
from Representative Ed Leek o f
District 18 on H .B 2416, a bill on
deadly force introduced by Repre­
sentative Leek.
Vocational Village, as part of the
Portland School System, affords an
opportunity for students to learn
trades and skills and to prepare
them for membership in trade
unions. Thomas L. Vickers,
N A A C P Educational C hairm an,
who was with the Vocational Village
for a number o f years, has talked
with Superintendent M atthew
Prophet and they both agree that
black students are not taking advan­
tage o f the opportunities afforded
by Vocational Village. Vickers, in
charge o f the Educational portion
o f the meeting, will introduce Paul
Erickson, the Director of Vocation
al Village, who will discuss with the
Branch the opportunities for voca­
tional education, and explore rea­
sons why more black students are
not taking advantage o f the Voca
tional Village. Parents who are in-
tereted in learning about Vocational
Village are especially invited, as are
young people interested.
Budget strips
Park Bureau
Action Girls
have fun
My husband and I
did everything
together. We even
decided on our
funeral plans
together. When John died It
Saturday was a very rainy day but
at the home of H olli Trotm an, the
A ll Kind of Action Girls, who are
high school young ladies o f high
scholastic abilities sponsored and
programmed for by Zeta Sigma
Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa A l­
pha Sorority, had a fun afternoon.
At each meeting there is a special
experience planned for the group.
Mrs. Bobbie Nunn, a member of the
chapter and a retired educator from
P ortland Public Schools, gave a
dem onstration o f W ok C ooking.
The recipe was " S tir Fry Chicken
and Vegetable Dinner."
The fun came when the dinner
was tasted. You could hear the girls
saying “ U m l” and " A h ! " For a
while they forgot the rain storm.
The A lpha Kappa A lpha mem­
bers who are sponsors are Mrs. Bar­
bara Ward, Mrs. Marian Jacobs and
M rs. M attie lies— all members of
Zeta Sigma Omega. " A ll Kind of
Action Girls” will meet at Marchelle
Keener’s home in May.
was much easier for me. There were
so many things that had to be done
I know I carried out his wishes because
we discussed them ahead of time. We
even had money put aside In a special
plan available through our funeral
home. It was a great relief. I wish
more people knew about It.
Please send for our free booklets on
funeral planning.
Got a dream?
Assure it.
by Brenda Braxton
University o f Portland News Service
The upcoming Budget Committee
hearings threaten to cut Park Bu­
reau funds and impair community
programs and services, said C om ­
missioner Charles Jordan o f the
Park Bureau.
Budget Com mittee meetings on
the Park Bureau begin M onday,
April ISth at 1:30 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers. Commissioner
Jordan encourages the public to at­
tend and testify. “ I f they (the pub­
lic) feel cuts are not acceptable they
have a right to ask that the services
be restored,” he said.
Jordan is submitting a S12.4 mil­
lion budget, while M ayor Frank
Ivancie supports one of SI 1.8 m il­
lion. Mayor Ivancie and Commis­
sioner Jordan do not agree on Park
Bureau budget allocations. C om ­
missioner Jordan Stated, " W e will
go into the budget sessions at odds
. . . . I f I can't get my budget a p ­
proved for 1983-84 we cannot main­
tain our parks at an acceptable lev­
Cuts would delay the opening of
Portland’s eleven outdoor pools un­
til after July 1st. Operating hours
will also be reduced. Those pools
targeted for early closure include
Woodlawn, Penninsula, Dishman,
Grant, and Pier.
"O n e neighborhood (Sellwood)
has met with my office and they
want to fund their p oo l’ s early
opening," said Jordan. A pp ro xi­
mately $2400 per week will be need­
ed to operate the pool.
" I ’ m concerned about the basic
maintenance of certain park facili­
ties that will have to be delayed sim­
ply because we do not have the per­
sonnel to do it,” said Commissioner
Jordan. Proper upkeep o f rest­
rooms, cutting the lawns periodical­
ly, and spraying to eliminate harm­
ful insects will be affected.
There will be no supervised play­
grounds in the parks until after July
1st, summer Park Blocks concerts
will be cut, and community centers*
hours of operation will be reduced.
" I don't think that we can con­
tinue to reduce the amount o f pro­
gramming we are now providing in
our community schools and in our
community centers and still provide
adequate recreational opportunities
for our citizens,” said Jordan.
"Citizens will sec a visible decline
in our open space resources and the
standard o f maintenance w ill be
lowered considerably. I have a re­
sponsibility to in fo rm the public
what to expect, so they w ill not
wake up June 1st and find that ser­
vices are not being delivered,” said
Jordan emphasized that "w h at
will happen in the remainder of this
year and next year will only happen
if the M ayor’s budget is approved.
I f I get my way we w ill not have
such a negative impact on the park
systems," said Commissioner Jor­
On your term, not ours!
We all have dreams. Maybe it's to see the kids
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tirement vacation. Unfortunately, tomorrow's dreams
have a way o f getting postponed by today 's realities.
Well.now there's Dream Assurance, with The Benj.
Franklin's long term savings certificate that you de­
sign to meet y o u r needs.
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It 's so simple Name whatever term you want Any
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long term certificate will mature.
Name your account and choose whatever amount
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ing on the length o f term you choose, you’ll earn from
9.95% to 11% interest * Guaranteed!
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September 24. o f 1988, you know you're going to
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