Portland Observer, April 6, 1983 Page 5 Washington Hot Line by Congressman Ron Wyden Fifteen year» ago this week. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was struck down by an assassin's bullet. For fifteen years we have lived without his inspired leadership, his consoling voice and his unique abil­ ity to motivate citizens from all walks o f life. An assassin’ s bullet took from us the characteristics that helped mobilize and change our na­ tion. Yet, that bullet did not take away all of M artin Luther King, Jr. T o ­ day, as we make our way through the 1980s, we still have his dream, his pride, his vision o f the future, and his fidelity to principle. And we will need to hold on to these as we face the new challenges that con­ front us. America has changed, and peo­ ple’s minds have changed. Much of what was considered ’ ’ normal” by many Americans during the 1960s now seems beyond the realm of de­ cency. Americans no longer accept separate entrances at restaurants for blacks; they no longer accept "W h ite O n ly" drinking fountains, and they no longer accept blacks riding the back of the public bus. Nevertheless, we all realize that our quest for social and economic justice is far from over. We now face an Administration that— after promising to balance the federal budget in four years— has created the largest deficit in our nation's history; an Administration that has drastically cut the programs that helped bring the disadvantaged and oppressed of our nation closer to the mainstream of American life. President Reagan’ s proposed 1984 budget actually cuts S3.5 b il­ lion from 20 domestic programs, in­ cluding Aid to Families with Depen­ dent C hild ren , M edicaid, food stamps, child n u tritio n , handi­ capped education, child abuse and legal services. At the same time, he proposes to increase military spend­ ing by $39.1 billion, with total mili­ tary spending for 1984 of $245.3 bil­ lion. We need to fight a battle here, but not with the weapons the Presi­ dent's increased m ilitary spending w ill buy. We need to continue to fight the battle begun by Dr. King over 25 years ago— the battle for freedom, opportunity and justice for all Americans. There is a growing co alitio n in America taking up this battle. De­ cency and fairness are its common denominators. This is a coalition o f black and white, rich and poor, old and young, rural and urban Americans. They have stood up and realized that Dr. King’s dream of a better so­ ciety did not die when he was laid to rest; that not only do we have a need to carry on this legacy, we also have an obligation to carry it on. It is a battle that won't be won in days, weeks, or even months. But it is a battle that must be fought and can be won. Dr. King saw it in his dream, and we can see it in our life­ time if we hold on to his vision of a better America and a better world. From The Boardroom by County Commissioner Gladys McCoy To tax or not to tax in M u ltn o ­ mah County, that is the issue. I say, " N o new taxes in M ultnom ah County in 1983.” On March 17, 1983, Com m is­ sioner Caroline M iller proposed a one-half of one percent income tax on Multnomah County residents as an emergency to tide the County over for one year. There were a number of Blue Ribbon folks who turned out in support. How ever, by a vote o f three to two o f the Board, the ordinance was defeated. I was one o f the opposers and would like to share my reasons why I will not support any new taxes this year. First, my perception of the mean­ ing of Multnomah County's decisive support to Ballot Measure 3 ( I percent limitation) was (he citizens telling us in government to reduce government and live within our means. Had the measure passed statewide, M ultnom ah County would have been reduced by one third. Based on my perception, sup­ porting any additional tax would be to fly in the face of that mandate. Second, some o f us have been meeting for several months in what has been called F L G G , the Future of Local Governments Group, made up of elected officials from the City, County, Metro and Gresham. The group signed a resolution agreeing to work together to solve the prob­ lems of sewers, economic develop­ ment and the urban subsidy. Further, the approved solution(s) would be put to a vote of the people. At that time, four new positions were approved, a requirement that elected officials* salaries would be approved by popular vote; a limit to the term of office to be served; elim­ ination of a county lobbyist; and, one filing for another office at mid­ term would mean automatic resig­ nation. That is not the way to run a County government. The FLGG group will identify the issues, provide a process for public input, provide an educational cam­ paign and allow a vote o f the peo­ ple. That process w ill be coordin­ ated with the Charter Review Com­ mission which w ill surely recom­ mend changes in local government. Those changes are likely to reduce the size o f County government. Third, it is my considered opinion the Legislature will require some ad­ ditional revenue, to date, it is un­ clear what form it will take. While any new Stale revenue will not have an impact on County services, I do not with to impose additional tax on the citizens of Multnomah County. O f course, the thrust of the income tax was to allow people the oppor­ tunity to vote, but that would cost upward of $130,000. I would prefer to use those dollars for services to people rather than risk an election that I perceive would fail. I am unwilling to support any new tax. I could be in error in my percep­ tions; if (hat is the case, 1 would surely respond objectively to a groundswell from M ultnom ah County citizens saying, " I want to pay more in order to maintain or in­ crease the level of County services." Am I wrong in my perceptions? You’re appoi a "Citizen Consultant" on electric power rates. We are the Bonneville Power Administration a nd we re listening to you We w ant to hear the comm ents a nd suggestions of all North west citizens on our proposed new electric power rates We d like to hear from you either orally a t a public hearing, or in writing One hundred forty gallons per minute of radiotoxic water has been draining into a sand trench at Han­ ford. Washington for the last four years— or the last ten years— de­ pending on which H anford U N C Nuclear Industires spokesperson you believe. That leak was repaired last Febru­ ary—or will be this coming April or M ay— again, depending on which Hanford official you choose to be­ lieve. The lethal water "m ay be going into the ground, but we are not sure," one spokesperson said. Another said the repair work they did last February allowed them to confirm none o f the water had leaked into the ground. One of the officials said, "N o un­ controllable radioactive water reaches the nearby Colum bia River.” I wonder what Hanford officials believe "uncontrollable radioactive water” is? I also wonder how such a leak could go on for four years while Hanford officials were doing no more than "keeping an eye on it,” according to U N C Nuclear In ­ dustries spokesperson Karen Scott. UNC Nuclear Industries contracts to run the N-Reactor at H anford. The N-Reactor can produce either electricity or weapons-grade pluton­ ium, the most lethal element known to human beings and one (hat takes hundreds of centuries before it is no longer deadly. Spent fuel rods from the N-Reac- tor are now stored in a storage basin composed of a number of huge con­ crete tanks. The N-Reactor’s stor­ age tank is the one that leaked some­ where between 250 to 300 million gallons of radiotoxic water over the past four years. This is the same N-Reactor that is now being readied for renewed plu­ tonium production at Hanford. The renewed plutonium production re­ sults from the defense posture of the current federal adm inistration which calls for a large build-up of nuclear weapons. W A N N A S TA R T S O M E T H IN ? Then try the Union Avenue . . . ® BATTERY X-CHANGE • FREE Installation • FREE Battery T a il • FREE Electrical check 3007 N.E. Union Avo. FROM *19.95 Eichengs 249-0101 We will consider all comments we receive before the close of out hearings The Bonneville Power Administration sells electric power a t wholesale rates in Washington. Oregon. Idaho. Western M ontana a nd parts of California. Nevada. Utah and Wyoming Hearing Schedule Registration 7 p m hearing Z 30 p m Portland. O regon M onday April 11 BPA Auditorium 1002 ME Holladay Street We don t set the final rates that you. the con­ sumer pay for electricity But the rates we charge your local utility for wholesale power a nd transmission services are reflected in the rates you pay The law requires that all our costs be recovered by our rates Because our current rates don t meet our expenses we have determ ined that we need to increase our rates effective November 1 We d like to hear from you before our findl rates are decided Eugene. O regon - Tuesday April 12 Eugene Hilton Heilm an Room - 66 E Sixth Avenue lo c o m a Washington W ednesday Apr! 13 Bicentennial Pavilion. Rotunda 1313 M arket St Lynnwood Washington Landmark Best Western Thursday April 14 4200 200th SW Burley. Id a h o M onday April 18 Burley inn 800 N O verland Avenue Missoula. M o n ta n a Tuesday April 19 Village Red Lion Blackfoot Room 100 Madison Our rates ultimately affect you As a citizen, you ca n play an active part in the process that determines our final rates We encourage you to give us any constructive comm ents or suggestions you may have on this important energy issue Spokane. Washington W ednesday April 20 R a m a d a Inn International Airport Richland. Washington Thursday April 21 fed eral Building Auditorium 825 Jadwin We are the Bonneville Power Administration, a nd we d like you to consult with us We re listening Please submit any oral or written comments you m ay have a t our public hearing to be held nearest you (soe schedule) Remember What you say counts If you can't attend a hearing and w ant us to provide you with information so you can send written comm ents to us. call our Public Involvement Office on our toll-free lines In Oregon call 1 «00452 «429 m other Northwest states call 1 -800-547-604« Street Beat by Lanita Duke and Richard Brown Hanford radioactive leak revealed bv Rutb McFarland Please send your written comm ents on our proposed electric power rates to our Public Involvement Office P O Box 12999. Portland Oregon 97212 Bonneville Power Mmmmration I he Legislature is currently debating whether to place restrictions on Bingo. I he Street Beat team wondered what the public felt about this issue, and asked, ‘Should they abolish or restrict organizations who use Bingo as a means ■ for raising funds?” And H anford is one o f the two sites considered the most likely to be tabbed as permanent nuclear waste disposal sites in the United Stales. The whole nuclear business at H anford sends chills down my spine. T hai's why I ’ m a cosponsor o f Senate Bill 720 which will establish a committee of Oregon legislators and private citizens to study the impact of renewed plutonium production at Hanford. I intend to use the senate hearings on that bill to begin a public review o f the safety standards applied at Hanford and the health and envi­ ronmental dangers imminent in that renewed production. Before I completed my doctorate in genetics at the University of Ore­ gon, I took graduate work at the University of Washington on the ef­ fects of radioactivity on biological systems. Part of that study involved direct research at Hanford. Raymond Prlca Bus Driver I don't think Bingo should be played in churches. Il doesn't look right in churches. The church is a place of worship. I can understand the church want ing to raise money but the cor­ ruption by a few casts a dark light on all the churches. C.O. Lugviel Retired They can have Bingo wide open as far as I'm concerned. I think we need more things like that in Portland. I love it. Adrienne Mitchell Unemployed It should have certain restric­ tions on it as long as it is reason­ able. The more I come to know about lethal radioactivity the more con­ cerned I become for the survival of human civilization as we know it today. Everything in my political back­ ground convinces me there’s some­ thing wrong with the way Hanford responded to public questioning about the leak— and there’ s some­ thing wrong with the fact that infor­ mation about the leak had to be ob­ tained by resorting to the Freedom of Information Act. Everything in my scientific back­ ground alerts me to the dangers of plutonium production or nuclear waste storage so near the Columbia River. The Columbia is the greatest life- giving body o f water west o f the Rocky Mountains. It must not be­ come a potential ambassador o f death. Debra Harris Bus Driver Rodney Smith Salesman They should have certain re­ strictions on the game. The game is a good way to help churches and nonprofit groups generate money. People w ill always want to gamble but I think they should abolish it. I don’t like Bingo. I never win. Don Abelein Unemployed Yes, I think they should out­ law Bingo. It is too hard to con­ trol. It doesn't make sense for nonprofit groups to raise money and no one else.