Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 30, 1983, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6 Portland Obaarvar, March » , 1983
Moving Sal
BY Kathryn Ha/I Boglt
Mrs. Jones, the widow of the late
Roman Jones, is the mother o f five
adult children: Joeyl and Margaret,
her daughter, are each employed at
Penn State University—one as Uni­
versity Center Coordinator and the
other as an academic advisor. Her
three sons, Roman J r., Nick and
Steve, played basketball at Univer­
sity o f Oregon and went on to play
professional basketball before gra­
vitating to the business world.
Jones herself bears the tag of "in ­
fluen tial ach iever." Her sponsor
was the Pacific Power and Light
Com pany (through its Employee
C om m unity H elp O rganization)
where she has been employed since
Best known, perhaps, because of
Elk Cleaners Er Laundry
1014 N. Killingsworth
3ŸÎ a
D o ro th y A c k e rm a n M c C le l­
land. 1983 Oregon M e rit M other,
and Geneva Jones.
Portland, OR 97217
A p ril » , • er •
i 15PM
C ivic Auditorium
A p rii 1, 1963
8 15PM
Ovic Auditorium
r . o m M M V a rk
C ity
'n * ,n g la o d a n c r
’»•story ahe* ’<ve O c * o e s *t in»
Hool C t iM
'Tterroe* » Ol thè
C < > » •••< »c C lu b a dBZZ* end o - g r u i o « ft& e
" ■ M e s a " »ine» C M n a s
" C w f c i e " C o r* “ B w e le r " B'Own ano Quesi ste»
S r » n 4 a S w fa iin «
h se 4ZZ L * e PW P'rse«
. a ’-on H a'1 jazz Band ine Copasei*cs a>e
i m tU G tM M e » c ” 30 Hun C<N»f«» »0» the
i\s»»0»m»ng Aztj T<kets through Eve»g»eer
I vents Fetxwa»v then at u 0» O and h uii Ce"te»
Ho* O hc »•
ty'Cs i*ve »nd
txeafîx» M 0 I meerung she
I'ag a o e s and ceMD»ai>ons o'
out of
every song She s the greatest •nierp»e,e» o'
Dai a d s a n d tn< g r e a t e s t w e m e n s in g e r e f
Jeaa In o u r M m e ." H aO * (reason
After thtrty yea»» 0» international lOu'S awards
-n d aOu»” '. V * s ho"«*' , r a r eve- H e a t W a v e
twlf C e l T je M e r spent 7 w*e«s on the 0 . «xja'd
C h a rts ’* « »an (1982)
C e le b r a te a le g e n d In h e r o w n tim e w ith a n
• ih w h e r a n t w e ic e m e fr o m th e |e a a c a p ito l
o f th e N o r th w e s t!
P E N IN G thr Carmen
Historic American
Tap Dance Review
Governor V icto r A tiyeh congretuletee Geneve Jones, runner-up
In 1963 Oregon M o th e r of the Yeer «election, w h ile Gladys M cC oy
HE HAS IT all— beauty, brains
for me to stick to a low carbohy­
and personality— a winning
her regular appearances presenting
drate diet,” she says.
combination for whatever she a t­ It's early to bed most nights for
foods and teaching energy conserva­
tempts. Michelle Prophet: college
tion on K A T U -T V , and as a nutri­
this young beauty for it’s early (7:00
student, part-time fashion model,
tional consultant, our friend Geneva
a.m .) to rise for rehearsal call for
full-time daughter to Matthew and
Jones is also a past president o f
models before the store is opened.
Freddye Prophet, and babysitter to
Portland W om en's Advertising
For spring Michelle Prophet likes
three Prophet sons, 23, 23, and 28
Club. She is on the national board
the bright colors and black; her
years old.
of directors for Electrical Women’s
daily make-up is o f the hypo-aller-
M ichelle spends her week days
Round Table, and is a member of
gcnic type; she uses eye make-up to
bending over her accounting books
The Links, Inc.
frame her lovely eyes, and in be­
at Oregon State University with full
Mrs. Jones also is chairman of the
tween high style appointments she
intention of being graduated in early
Oregon State Board of Agriculture,
wears designer jeans.
1985. She expects to be a C PA
Chairman of the Multnomah Coun­
Leisure, if any, Michelle spends
someday. She also expects to attend
ty Cancer Crusade and a member of
playing the piano (she's been play­
summer school on the campus to
the Willamette View Manor Board
ing jazz and the classics from age
pick up on one or two different sub­
o f Directors. She's a fund raiser
five) or listening to good jazz. She
jects that interest her. Meanwhile,
too. She's been a United Way
likes card games with friends and
the world of fashion finds Michelle
Loaned Executive, and has led cam­
dreams of a trip to Europe when she
an enchanting model and the offers
paign teams for Y M C A , O M SI and
is graduated.
come rolling in (is it any wonder
Emanuel Hospital Children's Wing.
when you look at her?) from Meier
Living in Gladstone, Jones sings
and Frank, from Nordstrom, from
regularly in the sanctuary choir of
UR O W N Geneva Jones
Pendleton, Jantzen and Nike to do
Oak Grove United Methodist
placed as first runner-up for
in-store or runway shows for them.
the 198J Oregon Mother of the Year In her speech at the Oregon Merit
Nearly every weekend finds her on
in the selection conducted by the
the road to Portland pr the vicinity.
Mother luncheon in Salem on Wed­
Oregon Association o f American
With a background of ballet and
nesday, March 23, Mrs. Jones gave
M others, Inc. She received her
modern dance, Michelle has de­
equal credit to her husband's en­
and congratulations from
veloped her own style and poise on
couragement to his children in their
Oregon Victor Atiyeh. Winner was
the runway. A svelte 126 pounds for
efforts at achieving the goals they
Maxine Hays of Junction City.
set for themselves.
her 3-9 height, Michelle attends an
Dorothy Ackerman McClelland,
another I983 Oregon Merit Mother,
had as her sponsor group the Port­
land Urban Indian Council for
which she serves as president. Mrs.
McClelland was cited for her work
with the Church Women United of
Oregon, the Y M C A , the Indian
Baptist Mission the National Native
American Political Caucus and sev­
eral other civic groups.
M ultnom ah County Com m is­
sioner Gladys McCoy is current pre­
sident o f Oregon Association of
American Mothers, Inc.
Rash Roofing Co.
Roofing of all kinds. Guarantee
90 days thru 1 year.
4011 N.E. Union
287 8474
' • • • /feenefgA’ e m
C TICKETS: 224-3351
»$5 75. $7 75, $9 75. $1175
. 5« c ty use» W
• Charge By Phone!
• Huit C e n te r A U of O
• • • • • • • • • • • • • « • • • A
C h a rg e by P hone er D ire c t Bate at
121 8N .W . 2 1 a t H P 1 0 a m 4 :3 0 p m
* * * e e * e e > * e e * e e e e e
The Rustler presents
1. Rustler Breakfast
Two Ranch eggs, any style, served with four strips of
bacon or four sausage links, crispy hash browns, buttered toast and jelly
2. Ham and Eggs
Smoked ham, two Ranch eggs, any style, crispy hash
browns, buttered toast and je lly ...........................................................................
3. Steak and Eggs
Two Ranch eggs, any style, served with a rib-eye steak,
4. One Egg, Any Style
Served with three strips ot bacon or three
sausage links, crispy hash browns, buttered toast and jelly
5. Dan's Special Three large hot cake»
served w ith w hipped butter and »vruo plus tw o ranch
eggs served any s ty le ...........................................
6. Cheese
7. Ham and Cheese .....................................
8. Denver (ham, green pepper & onion).................
Betty Cabin» Proprietor
All omelettes are made with three Ranch eggs, and served with crispy hash browns buttered
toast and jelly
No substitutions
Featuring w lga by N A O M I S IM 8 . A N D R E D O U G L A S BILLIE » N A T A L IE COLE
I 1
From the Griddle
9. Real French Toast Made with two thick slices of golden
egg bread,
served with whipped butter and syrup, sprinkled with powdered sugar
, 1 f-T
10. A “Stack”
Continental breakfast
Hot Danish pastry served with whipped butter.
$1 80
Three large hot cakes, served with
whipped butter and syrup .................................................................................
orange juice and co ffee.............................. . ..........................................................
Reg 31"
Reg 32"
$249B .-$15°°
707 N.E. Fremont 281-6325
Cteeed 8m. 4 Men. OPIN T m *. Mm le t 11:30 IM to 9:00 PM
8:18 pm
rB .vinonaan avants n *, is»?
t?.?» »so.?» »san as«.?»
(Include» 28C city user feel
• '216 NW 21st Avenue
• Portland Oregon 97209
• Eugene T ic k e t. —
crispy hash browns, buttered toast and jolly .................................................
Governor names
Willis White
Willis T. White o f Portland has
been named by Gov. Victor Atiyeh
to the state Commission on Black
White succeeds Zoe A. Wilson of
Salem, whose resignation became
effective Dec. 29, 1982. W hite's
term will expire Dec. 28, 1985.
White is the Public Works Main­
tenance Director for the C ity of
Portland. His career includes public-
works management positions in sev­
eral other cities, and he has written
two journal articles on topics relat­
ing to waste disposal.
W hile is active in a number of
professional organizations, in­
cluding the Executive Council of
W'ater Resources, American Society
of Public Administration, American
Public Works Association and the
HVational Business League. He re­
ceived a bachelor of science degree
in technical aeronautics from Ten­
nessee State University in Nashville.
want» IO play withoui making
any kind o f commercial
to m p ro m iie i A JJ-year-old
muucian, young in the mu»ic
business, plays today's music but
who is firm ly entrenched in the
philosophy o f purity o f jazz
believed in by his early heroes.
aerobic exercise class regularly but
she keeps to no special diet— “ I just
slay away from breads and ice
cream. Fortunately, I'm not overly
fond of sweets and it is fairly easy
McRae concert will be
¡Portland Oregon'» own jazz
¡drummer, Ron Sieen, and hit
(trio . He play» the kind o f jazz he
Daz/iing unpredclawe ana
astonishing tap dance to five iazz
danced by the O’lginals legendary
dancers who made tap dance history
m the 30 s and 40 s after titty years
or more they ie still the best m the
Mon -Fn 6 am to 11 am « Sat -Sun 7 am to noon
425 Northeast Oregon Street
(Between Umon and Grand)