Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 30, 1983, Page 3, Image 3

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    Portland Observer, March 30, 1983 Page 3
Bell joins education council
E U G E N E — Jewell H . Bell, 51, a
former education specialist with the
Massachusetts Bureau o f Equal
Educational Opportunity, has been
named director o f the Council for
M inority Education at the U niver­
sity of Oregon.
She will administer the council’s
programs for minority students in­
cluding the orientation program, tu­
torial services, career and academic
counseling, and studen. advocacy.
As the director, she w ill also plan
minority student recruitment efforts
and serve as executive officer for the
The council is composed of eight
faculty members, four community
members and four students. The
council office has a staff of four, in­
cluding the director.
Ms. Bell currently serves on the
board o f directors o f the Campus
Interfaith M inistry and o f the E u ­
gene Symphony Association. She al­
so serves on the Equal Educational
Opportunity Review Committee for
the Oregon Department o f Educa­
She and her husband, D errick,
U O School of Law dean, have three
Just In Timefor Easter
Ladies all Frank More
Designer Shoes
Cities VatuwuptolIJS
- 30%
N ow only
While they last I
Hand Bags & Wallets
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This includes EEL Designs Tool
Easter la the saason for rsnswal and Ufa:
Charlas, 12, Michasl. 8. Sarah, 4 and Allagra
Graan, 9, coax along two beautiful plants.
(Photo: Richard Brown)
Unemployed explain problems
Out of work Portlanders testified
to common losses and injustices
they've suffered in the current de­
pression at an Unemployed
Speakout last Tuesday. They also
spoke o f possible unity so the un­
employed can help thenselves. The
March 22nd event, sponsored by the
newly-formed Portland Committee
for Unemployed Action (P C U A ),
attracted 35 at the King Community
The committee is among a
growing number o f local un­
employed groups which are forming
around the country.
Rosie Goldsm ith o f P C U A
explained the group's origin, picket­
ing against the Hyster plant closure.
She said P CU A viewed the closure
as corporate irresponsibility, play­
ing communities against each other
for concessions, then closing down
Ms. Goldsmith said PCUA hopes
to bring unemployed and employed
people together to demand jobs, ba­
sic needs such as health insurance,
and to prevent foreclosures, evic­
tions, and utility shutoffs. Unem­
ployed groups in Pittsburgh and
Philadelphia have won delays on
foreclosures, and prevented plant
Ms. Goldsm ith complimented
those giving testimony for their
“ courage to speak out and deter­
m ination to make their voices
heard.” Common themes of unfair
management, fam ily difficulties,
and demands to accept less pay and
benefits or lose jobs came up in the
A man fired from an auto dealer­
ship said he was doing the job of the
boss’ brother as well as his own. He
said jo b tensions led to frequent
fights with his g irlfrien d . He be­
lieves that "T he employers have us
by the b-— ___They know there's a
vast ocean of unemployed out there
to replace us at any time."
A M r. Rich attacked government
rules that require accepting jobs
near the minimum wage, or losing
unemployment checks when that
wage will hardly support a teenager,
much less a fam ily. He said that
blacks are still last hired, first fired,
and even many with college degrees
can get only janitorial jobs. Joking­
ly, he said with several TV cameras
and radio microphones present, he
hoped "Hollywood producer will
spot me, and I ’ ll be gainfully em­
ployed again.”
A woman laid o ff from a proof­
reader job said she had to endure
harassment from her boss because
she had a family to support. Despite
compliments from customers on her
work, and four raises, she said she
was laid o ff to make way for a wom­
an who held the job before her.
She and a female city employee
said management rejected offers
from employees to work shorter
hours to prevent layoffs. The city
employee said management let it be
known it felt accepting suggestions
would set a bad precedent of labor
telling management what to do.
Jamie Partridge, a laid o ff gro­
cery clerk, said he worked several
years at low paying jobs to qualify
for a $IO -an-hour union grocery
clerk job. Within a few months he
was laid o ff, and now much of the
same job is being done by S3.6O-an-
hour courtesy clerks. He said the
“ recovery" means people are hired
back at lower wages, and low wages
will cause another crisis in a few
M arceline Canterbury said she
spent nine months’ unemployment
planning a support group. U n ­
employed U nited. She said she
hopes the group (operated through
the Southeast U plift neighborhood
group) will help jobless people share
skills and in fo rm a tio n , such as
babysitting, job leads, and free en­
PCUA brought a speaker from a
New York unemployed group, Ron­
nie Laland. He said the jobless crisis
will continue as jobs are exported to
low wage havens in the Far East and
elsewhere, or replaced by high-tech
machinery. People find themselves
in breadlines "not knowing what to
do. . .feeling dehumanised by hav­
ing to look for jobs that don't ex­
ist.” He said that as individuals peo­
ple are powerless, but together they
can win changes, a consciousness he
finds especially strong in the black
P C U A sponsored a picket o f
about 25 at the Northeast U nem ­
ployment O ffice March 23rd.
P CU A spokesperson Sandy Willow
said the picket called for ending the
"lu d icro u s requirement for jo b
searches for jobs that aren’t there.”
She said the unemployment system
encourages people to think un­
employment is temporary, when it’s
permanent for many black youths as
well as an increasing number in
other groups.
Ms. Willow said P CU A wants to
work with other groups on welfare
issues, and on a People's Court of
the Hyster closure later this spring.
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CRABLEGS* M ush R cohs
Construction contractor Paul
E. Emerick, president of Emerick
Construction Company of Port­
land. was Installed aa chairman
of the Highway Divlalon of the
Associated General Contractors
of America (AQCI March IB dur
Ing the group's convention In At­
AGC represents 8.500 general
contractors In the construction
Industry and approximately
24.600 other firms In related
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