Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 30, 1983, Page 14, Image 14

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Page 14 Portland Observer, March » , 1983
Thia Seek <r>ouM ba In ttw hom e oT every Mack and
o» Orepon
T h e baok ia dedicateci io the m em oria« o l all the
i w ho participated in the Roaa Festival
«Ma famdy m dia a la »
TM e b e a k can be your« «or only
M orris Scholarship Inc
P.O. B aa 11JS7
R ortiand O R S 7 W
Jack n" Jill m em bers served as honorary pages at the Stats Capi­
tol. Loft: W ith Senator Bill M cC oy are Valeria W hite, Janine Macox,
Criati M a rtin . S. M cC o y, Jolanda Stevenson. Charles W hite. Right:
Wine in the Wilderness opens
The Obie Award-winning play, Wine in the Wilderness, by Alice Childress,
will open April 8 and run through M ay 15 at the Wilson Center for the Per­
forming Arts The production is being directed by Elona Hendrix. Director of
Black Art» Unlimited, who has been involved in Portland theatre for over 10
years. Hendrix was most recently the "L ad y in Orange” in For Colored girls
who have considered Suicide when the Rainbow is E n uf in 1980 with the Port­
land Black Repertory Theatre and has since started her own production com­
pany. This is their first dramatic piece.
This contemporary black drama stars Anthony Armstrong, Micheál Grant,
Brenda Phillips, Elona Hendrix, Henry Melson and Randy Graves. Anthony
Armstrong plays the leading man as Bill Jameson, a painter with personal
idealistic images of black womanhood. Anthony Armstrong most recently gave
a compelling performance as " E l R ahim " in the Storefront Theatre's Short
Eyes. Micheál Grant's most recent performance was Home, a spellbinding pro­
duction which required heldover dates. Micheál is also director o f Passin
A rt Theatre C om pany and has been involved w ith the Black Repertory
Theatre G roup. Brenda Phillips most recently starred in Red Beans and
Rice, and her versatility as an actress is brought to light as Tom my Fields,
the victim per se in this production. These actors portray the leads and are
supported by H end rix, who starred in the west coast production o f H a ir
along with being a member o f Portland Black Repertory, and Henry M el­
son and Randy Graves also from the Sojourner Truth Theatre and Portland
Black Repertory Theatre.
This play is strong and dramatic with a comic undercurrent which defies
categorization. It speaks directly to the Y W C A ’s primary goal “ to eliminate
racism and sexism.” Performances are scheduled for Friday and Saturday
evenings. 8:00 p .m ., at the W ilson Center, and Sundays at 7:00 p.m . The
Wilson Center is located at 1111 SW 10th at the Downtown Y W C A . Tickets
are $5 for adults; students and seniors $4. For further information call the
Wilson Center office at 223-6281, ext. 217.
W ith Rap. Barbara Roberta are Lori Steen. K im berly W illiam s Rob­
erts. A lycyn B ritto n . Sydnl M o o rs . M ic h e lle J o nas. Laura D icker-
(Photos: Richard Brown)
City Council supports
South Africa divestment
" H o w can 'prudent* investment
policy a llo w us to invest in the
mechanisms o f oppression? H o w
can we sit by while our dollars con­
trib u te to the su b o rd in a tio n o f a
w hole p e o p le ? " C o m m issio ner
Charles Jordan asked as he voted to
support divestm ent o f p ublic e m ­
ployee retirement trust funds from
companies who do business in South
" T h e choice we are considering
here today does not ask you to
choose between a safe investm ent
and an emotional reaction to racial
oppression in a country thousands
o f miles away. The choice we make
is whether we believe in the princi­
pals that guide our lives and whether
we believe that we can actually in ­
vest in oppression w ithout tarnish­
ing those principles."
M a y o r F ra n k Iv a n c ie cast the
o nly no vo te, e x p la in in g th at he
does not believe issues o f in te rn al
policy o f other nations are a suitable
issue fo r the C ity C o u n c il to a d ­
The state retirement fund (PERS)
currently has about $200 million in­
vested in companies that do business
in South A frica. The C ity resolution
requests the S tate to divest those
funds as does a M ultnom ah County
resolution adopted earlier. There is
currently a b ill before (he Legisla­
ture that would require divestment.
Speakers on behalf o f the resolu­
tion included Bobbye G a ry , repre­
senting the N A A C P , the Southeast
Grey Panthers, and the Conference
o f Negro Women. Bob Nelson, rep­
resenting the Northeast Coalition o f
Neighborhood O rganizations, said
perhaps " ta lk in g about South A f ­
rica could be an encouraging sign
th at we are g etting ready to talk
about racism at hom e."
Rabbi E m anu el Rose said busi­
ness is am oral and at times disloyal
to country and principals; withhold­
ing econom ic assistance creates
A lso su pporting divestm ent are
O regon A m e ric a n F ed era tio n o f
State, C o u n ty and M u n icip al E m ­
ployees; M etropolitan Human Rela­
C o m m is sio n ;
A m eric an
Friends Service Com m ittee; Japan­
ese American Citizens League; Ecu­
menical M inistries o f O regon; and
the Oregon Citizens Party.
Legal clinic extends hours
B ren da P h illip s , A n th o n y A rm s tro n g , and M ic h a e l Q ra n t in a
scene from "W ine in the W ilderness."
In o rd er to increase the a v a ila ­
bility o f low-cost legal services, St.
Andrew Legal C lin ic is now spon­
soring a “ night clinic," on alternate
W ednesday evenings, fro m 6:3 0-
8:30 p .m ., at its office in Northeast
P o rtla n d . The night c lin ic , which
began F eb ru a ry 2, o ffe rs people
with legal questions or problems the
opportunity to consult w ith one of
several vo lu n tee r atto rn ey s fro m
th ro ug ho u t P o rtla n d . A $10 con­
sultation fee w ill be utilized by the
lack Caucus defers to Demos
{Continued fro m page I column J)
p o in ted out th at the C B C budget
would have increased aid to elemen­
tary and secondary schools 47 per­
cent m ore than the Jones budget.
" T h e Jones budget fails to under­
stand the educational requirements
o f this age; students are our greatest
The C B C budget Involves $848.5
billion, $11.3 billion more than the
Reagan budget. It is based on a tax
reform package that would raise $27
billion in extra revenue for 1984: $6
billion through oil and gas tax modi­
fications; $5 billion through estate,
luxury and capital gains taxes; $5
b illio n th ro ug h co rp o rate tax; $3
billion through other tax m odifica­
T he C B C budget includes $8 .9
billion for the Comm unity Renewal
Em p loym ent Act and $.3 6 b illio n
for the A D C W ork Incentive pro-
H and c ra fte d , w all
m o u n t, colid m aple,
oak or w a ln u t. Easter
special: 7 ' for 87, 14 *
89 Post. paid.
W ood Classics
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The Pacific Ocean encloses an area larger than all of
the land surfaces of the earth put together.
In 1938, black boxer Henry A rm strong held the
feather-weight, welterweight and light-weight cham­
pionship titles, all at the same time.
W e do n o t d o business w ith S o u th A fric e.
American State
Head Ottica
2737 N. E. Union
Portland. Oregon 97212
Weight Control Center
Now Open in N.E. Portland
A N A L T E R N A T IV E to Fad D iets and High Cost Program s
The New Outlook Weight Control Center is exclusivey for
women, located at
Introducing Ms, Lori Fi«h
Ms Lon F«h hst s background m weight
con trol counselling snd has modalad lor
Burton Fashions on the W endy Gordon
4903 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
W hile significantly increasing em­
ployment and social programs, the
C B C budget decreases the budget
deficit to $168.5 b illio n . $20.3 b il­
lion less than the Reagan budget.
_ ,
Show m Portland _________
W e like people end w ent to help women keep their bodies healthy and beautiful. Our
approach is to provide sound weight control plans with regar to proper nutrition and recipes the
entire family can use."
"W e don't believe in the word diet; instead w e help women confront basic attitudes sbout
food and change their eating habits. That way they keep the weight off I"
Opposing the agreement to defer
to the Democrats was Rep. Ron Del-
turns ( D - C a lif o r n ia ) w ho was a l­
lotted only 10 minutes to explain his
military cuts.
Some women can afford to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars for similar programs
but w e want to provide these same quality services to all women who w ant it. Our cost is only
A m on g the C B C members who
spoke fo r the Jones budget were
F a u n tro y
(W a s h in g to n ,
For in fo rm atio n c a ll. . . .
New Outlook i
The CBC budget takes $65 billion
from the defense budget, most o f it
fro m weapons p ro cu rem en t, and
adds $51.1 b illio n to social p ro ­
The budget gives $17.9 billion to
the housing assistance program
which was nearly elim inated by the
Reagan budget; $ 1 4 .4 b illio n to
food stamps; $4.1 billion for energy
D C ) , W illia m H . G ray I I I (Penn­
s y lv a n ia ), E d olp hu s Tow ns (N ew
Y o rk ), M ervy n D y m a lly ( C a lifo r ­
The one-hour "discussion" o f the
CB C budget— which involved main­
ly black representatives and a few
" l ib e r a l " R epublicans decrying
th eir own f a te — was fo llo w e d by
five hours o f debate over the Jones
budget and a vote for passage.
* Designed for Seniors and handicapped
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In 1836 a m achine was invented th a t m o w ed ,
threshed, tied straw into sheaves and poured grain into
s a c k s -b u t it wasn't until the 1930s that such a com­
bine was actually marketed.
clinic to im p ro ve and expand ser­
St. Andrew Legal Clinic has been
serving P o r tla n d ’ s leg ally needy
since August o f 1979. In that time,
the clinic has offered affordable le­
gal services to more than 2,000 c li­
ents. G ro w in g num bers o f people
unable to pay p rev ailin g atto rn ey
fees and seeking (he c lin ic 's help
have prom pted clinic s ta ff to ally
several Portland attorneys in the es­
tablishment o f the night clinic.
Certified attorneys volunteer their
service ap p ro xim ately one evening
every tw o m onths. S ta ff atto rn ey
Betty Shadoan manages the p ro ­
gram and also meets with clients.
The budget establishes a new N a­
tio n a l D evelo p m en t Bank Loan
Program with $5 billion.
gram (b o th e lim in a te d fro m the
Reagan budget); $1 .38 b illio n for
tra in in g o f unem p lo yed; and $10
b illio n fo r T ra in in g and E m p lo y ­
ment (more than double the Reagan
Rent Subsized
Hi Rise Living
for the first visit Et
per week thereafter.
1st visit: Consultation "W h at fooda you Ilka and don't Ilka" • Health and Family
History • W eight lose goals • Choosing a Diet Plan • Recipes Ct M enu Ideas
for tha fam m lly • W eighed ft Measured
W e also provide training in choosing dress styles to enhance her figure.
Losing weight is not always easy W a are not saying you will lose weight overnight, but the
New Outlook method does work)
CALL US NOW: 284-5757
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Lalonie Palmone
Lori Fish
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